Feral’s Rainbow Forest Family

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is Phoebe’s day off- I forgot she was going to be traveling with some friends and her purrince too. Today they will be at the beach.: http://meezertails.blogspot.com/

Lucy and I decided to do a book review today because tomorrow we are lucky to have Cat Scout Felix doing a guest post. Lucy and I loved Feral’s Rainbow Forest Family by Pamela June Kimmell . It is a sweet children’s book about a cat whose name is Feral-well he hears someone call him that so he figures it is his name. He organizes a colony of feral cats so they can feel safe and loved.

I felt sad for Feral and all the cats and I hope that is how everyone feels that reads this. It is important to teach children respect for all living creatures. I also like how the book such cooperation in the community of cats and that everyone is needed and equally important. This is a great book for kids and adults. I am especially impressed that Pam did the illustrations too!

kittens 010

Right now you can get this book and help Bootsie at the same time, the author, Sammy’s Mom ( https://onespoiledcat.wordpress.com/ ) has donated a copy to Bootsie’s auction:http://earsforbootsie.blogspot.com/ . 

Phoebe did make something  for her Grammie on canva.com before she left for her vacation:I LOVE MY GRAMMIE!

And the winner of the catnip mat and toys 015 is :https://doggiecaperz.wordpress.com/ -Congratulations! I hope Ladybird will share with the kitties 🙂



  1. We’re happy you liked the book about little Feral and also glad that people are pawticipating in Bootsie’s auction so well ! We checked yesterday and they’re getting close to the amount of money needed for his surgery. Thank you!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. That is great news about the auction- I just hope he has a place to stay. He is going to be a great companion for someone.

  2. What a lovely book. And it’s written by Sammy’s mum? Then it’s a MUST-read, for sure!

    As you know, Nissy and his littermates were feral. My sister, Tobias, was too. The rest of us were abandoned but now we all have a home which is pretty good, I should think.


    1. It sure was written by Sammy’s Mum and I agree it is a must-read. I know Nissy’s story, it is my favorite in the Rescued book. I just wish his story didn’t end so soon- I miss him.

  3. That does sound like a very cute book and we are so glad to hear about someone writing about feral cats. It is important that people learn the correct facts about feral cats. They are wonderful animals.

  4. meowloz guys~~~~ thanx for de ree view bout de book… Sammy….. rited !! 🙂
    we love hiz book The Mystery of David’s Bridge…N haz been tryin ta tell him for YEERZ…ta rite a sequeelz ~~~ N conga ratz two doggiecapers on winnin de prize package ♥♥♥

    1. I have been suggesting a sequel to the Bridge book too- we must keep bugging Sammy’s Mom.

  5. That sounds like a sweet book.We agree, it is important to teach children the value of all life and also how they can help animals in need!

    Congrats to Ladybird. We know she will love her new mat 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. I hope that Pheobe is enjoying herself! You are so right about children learning to respect animals. It’s great that there are books like this one to help teach children the easy way. It is really generous of Sammy’s mom to donate that book!

  7. We hope Phoebe is havin’ a good time. And dat’s pawsum ’bout da book. Awnty Pam is a wunnewful writer and awrtist. We fink whoever wins it will be fwilled. Concats to da winner of da mat. Weez know it will be well luvved as we weally luv ours. Hope yous have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. This sounds like a wonderful book. I love the thought of bringing awareness to feral kitties, and teaching children at the same time. Phoebe’s graphic for her grammie is so cute.

    We did our post today about the bikini. 🙂

  9. Congratulations to our good friend, LadyBird. We love Phoebe’s card for her grammie. Thanks for telling us a bit more about Pam’a book. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. She wrote 2 children’s books- I will be reviewing the other one next week. I love the David’s Bridge mystery too.

  10. The book sounds great – mom just put a bid in for the book! Oh! Thanks for letting me win the goodies. The cat nip and toys are all for my felines – but the blanket is all mine!!

    1. I made sure not to put catnip in the mat that way the cats won’t steal it on you. 🙂

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