Cat Scout Felix Friday

Happy Friday everyone! We are very lucky to have Cat Scout Felix as our special guest today.

33-Felix   Greetings everybody!  Today I thought I’d share some information about cat-related museums overseas.  Worth a journey, I think!

The Kuching Cat Museum in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia houses a collection of over 4000 objects devoted to every aspect of cat history, lore and art.  Its collections were transferred to the City from a private collection, and were first exhibited in Kuala Lumpur in 1987.

       Kuching cat museum                 Cat Museum building

This museum is the world’s largest museum devoted to cats.

From the Beckoning Cats (“Maneki Neko” to Hello Kitty, there is something here for every cat lover!

Beckoning Cat

Next is the Katten Kabinet in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  It is an art museum featuring mixed media works depicting cats.  Some very famous artists are represented, including Picasso, Rembrandt and others. The museum is housed in a 17th century townhouse in the banking district.  Its founder and his 5 cats are still in residence.  The cats wander throughout the exhibit areas, and seem very cozy!

    Kattenkabinetposter          Mona Lisa Cat

The Museum was founded in 1990 by Bob Meijer in memory of his departed cat, J.P. Morgan!  Definitely worth a visit when you’re in Northern Europe.kattenkabinetinteriorNext time Maggie will tell you about some American cat museums!


  1. I was going to say, I am pretty sure there are American cat museums too! I can’t wait for Maggie’s report!

  2. Super duper interesting! Thanks Scout Felix…………..we love hearing about interesting cat-related spots to visit!

    Love, Sammy

  3. ~~~~~~ waves….good day two ewe cat scout felix…nice two meet ewe N manee thanx for sharin thiz . 🙂 ..we think cat mewseumz shuld bee like in everee city….everee wear…it waz fun lurning bout theeze… we loves de katten kabinet print !! heerz two an icefish inanga kinda week oh end everee one ~~ ♥♥♥

    1. I agree that every ity needs a cat museum–and a cat cafe to adopt kitties to 🙂

  4. Yay for a Cat scout Felix…it is always fun to have company
    Sammy, Raz, Gracie, Allie and Anya are on the way to my house…
    I guess this will truly be a “cat house’ when they arrive
    Hugs madi

    1. I wish I could visit them too- I really wish I could meet you Flynn-that would be better than a museum 🙂

    1. Me too- I can’t wait for Maggie to tell us where the ones in the US are 🙂

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