Selfie Sunday – Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Sunday everyone! And welcome to our Thanksgiving edition of Selfie Sunday. I gave in and wore the feather and the pilgrim hat, but I wouldn’t do the turkey hat( at the end of this post, you will see what happened to that). 014

My Purrince wrote me another poem and a I got to see Grammie three days in a row. I love her so very much.

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We best be getting some turkey for Thanksgiving after all these photo shoots. Mom has a 23 pound turkey for 4 people so I think there will be enough for us. She told me to tell everyone that it was 59 cents a pound and the store took the $7 off coupon from another store so it was very cheap.

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  1. Ah, I just wanted to say that I think you deserve some real turkey if she makes you posting a Thanksgiving Sunday Selfie! Good for you! So, why didn’t our Mom buy a 23 pound turkey???!!!???

    She says we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here, but we think she’s just lazy and cheap. As far as we know, it’s not illegal to buy a turkey in Finland – and we don’t care if she’s celebrating something or just buying a turkey.

    1. I think your Mom could buy a small turkey to celebrate your being back online and having your home back together.

  2. Hey! You all look pawsome in those Thanksgiving hats! Even the turkey hat looks cool on be-knighting that metal head, MOL!!

    Great price on your turkey. We are eating some turkey appawrently too, but its not the whole burd…

    And the frozen one meowmy got from her pawlace of work as a gift (they always give them out each year…), she donated that to the neighbors. They have 8 kids and then htere are other relatives coming too. So of course they were glad to get that. Its the third one we gave away, OMC!!

    1. Who said we like to dress up? These photos took her forever and in some she had to edit her arm out that was holding us down. At least she got photos though.

  3. Oh boy! With that giant turkey you all should DEFINITELY get to enjoy turkey on Thanksgiving………..Love the hats – what a great (and mostly cooperative) crew you are to “allow” photos of you in those cute hats………….!

    Happy Sunday

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ They will all get turkey. Penny sends kisses back and we all send our love XO

  4. LOL about the turkey hat! You all look so adorable!! Turkey is definitely deserved!

    Pierrot is happy because he got to see Snowball. πŸ™‚

    The lady is very impressed with the price of your mom’s turkey!

    1. I was quite proud of my turkey bargain too πŸ™‚ Snowball was happy to see Pierrot’s selfie today too.

  5. The Blog Hop is now open! We love all of you in your hats, especially the feathered head dress. Sounds to us as if you should have plenty of turkey for all of you. Have the purrrfect Thanksgiving. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Your human got such a deal on that turkey! I wish my human was cooking one for Thanksgiving, but she is going out somewhere this year with a friend, since her boyfriend is out of town playing a show.

    I tried adding your blog back to feedly, but it couldn’t find it! πŸ™

    1. Thank you for trying to add my blog, I don;t understand why it keeps having so much trouble. I hope she brings you a kitty bag home filled with turkey. πŸ™‚

  7. You all look cute in your Thanksgiving hats. It looks like stupid Feedly isn’t letting me know when you post again. I will have to start getting notifications by email again.

    1. Unfortunately, the email part isn’t working either- I don’t know why these problems keep happening. I did contact mailpoet and they are working on the email part.

  8. Good job with the feather hat. I have the turkey hat myself. If I wear it, Mom ties its legs under my chin to make it stay on.

  9. Mew mew mew Purrincess Phoebe yur so beeuteefull inn yur Fanksgivin outifit. Wee laffed about thee turkey endin up on thee Knight; that iss berry funny! An wee DO hope youss’ all get sum taste turkey tonite…
    ***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
    Yur poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. No turkey tonight, he is still frozen solid. Mom just put him in the fridge too defrost so she can cook him on Thursday. Glad you liked the turkey on our knight, he wears a Santa hat at Christmas. Love, Phoebes XO and paw kisses too.

      1. I have mailpoet support working on the email part and I don;t know how to fix feedly πŸ™ Thanks for letting me know.

    1. Thank you. I wish you lived near us because you would definitely be invited. XO Happy Gotcha Day too!

  10. I’m wondering… I’m wondering if after Thanksgiving, those feathers could be recycled into some kind of feather wand toy. What do you think? Add a little nip and it would be PURRfect, for sure!


  11. Hi Guys,
    After your Mommy made yous wear thise hats…mes hopes yous gets the Giblets from the turkey! Yous deserves the Turkey Liver!
    But mes must says yous looks awfully cute!
    Loves yous all and extra Nellie Kisses for being such great sports!
    Nellie Bellie (at Mommy’s Blog)

    1. What are giblets? liver? We never get those- phoooey! Maybe this year- we deserve it. Thank you for visiting us sweet Nellie. XO

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