Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Today is a special day, Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. Deborah Barnes ( The Chronicles of Zee a & Zoey)  founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day in 2015, in tribute to her beloved Mr. Jazz who went to The Rainbow Bridge in 2013. It is a day to honor all our furbabies that are no longer with us. They truly do leave pawprints on our hearts.

I find this post hard to write every year, but especially so this year. When I wrote my Rainbow Bridge post last year I knew Noel would be added to the list for this year, but I had no idea we were going to lose 3 more of our beloved kitties in addition to her. Noel left us in September 2019 followed by KaTwo in November. And then this awful year started with the loss of Prancie and Millie in January. I miss all of them in different ways, but I miss Prancie most of all. We both do, there isn’t a day that goes by that she is not mentioned.)

Since I started blogging in 2014, I have had 10 kitties go the The Rainbow Bridge:


Also always in my heart are Barney

And my first kitty that got me started loving cats, KaChoo (1994-2010)-

And now is time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. _________________________ is a privilege.
2. I was so embarrassed when ________________________.
3. I can’t help but smile when _________.
4. _________ has gotten out of hand.
My answers:
1. Sharing one’s life with a pet is privilege. I am truly blessed to share with so many.
2. I was so embarrassed a couple of months ago when I walked in to the men’s bathroom at Walmart. Luckily there were no men in there at the time.
3. I can’t help but smile when I see my two great-nieces.
4. This country has gotten out of hand with all the protests. There is no need to be destroying things and hurting people.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

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  1. Aw, we are sorry you had so many kitties run off all at once like that! The are a very fine group and we bet they were all the bestest kitties. Looks like efurryone will have a giant reception committee at the Bridge when it is Their Time, even the Humans. My Human says she only wants to go to the Heaven that has all the kitties!

  2. The last 12 months have been very hard for you with so many losses. We never forget those we have loved so well. (((hugs))) sent for you.

  3. You absolutely have had more than your share of loss this past year – so many new Angels. We miss all of them but know you miss them every minute of every day. Thanks for co-hosting FILL-INS…..we look forward to it every single week!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Breaks my heart with all the recent losses of your beautiful kitties. This post is a lovely tribute to them. Your kitties are your life… any kitty that lives with you and your husband is a kitty that is loved and respected till the very end. Ellen, thanks for all you do in rescuing cats that need homes and are loved forever.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. Sharing your home with a cat/cats is a privilege.
    2. I was so embarrassed when I let out a huge loud sigh when the priest finished our wedding vows. Everybody in the church laughed. It was so typical of something I would do.
    3. I can’t help but smile when I watch the Tinykittens 24 hour live stream on YouTube.
    4. Hurricane season has gotten out of hand this year.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and thank you for these great fill-in answers. That is funny about the sigh after your vows. I need to check out the kittens live stream. I hope you stay safe from the hurricanes. XO

  5. Your bridge has been crossed many times, but only because your heart is so full to begin with … it may feel sad in many ways, yet it all started with the love you gave to each of them and now goes on with the love and memories that remain with you. Blessings to you for all you give …

  6. Meowser Ms. Ellen you are purrfectly correct about those awful protests, which only create more problems. No matter what some ‘news people and/or politicians’ claim, there is nothing peaceful about destruction. Sitting down, controlling emotions and talking can make positive changes – screaming, hitting and burning only makes issues worse.
    Thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  7. 1. ______having cats____ is a privilege.
    2. I was so embarrassed when __I walked into the target men’s room LOL yours made me laugh _.
    3. I can’t help but smile when __I read your blog except for the first part of todays gave me the sads_.
    — it’s hard to think of those we lost. Esp when so recent. I feel your pain.
    4. My weight__ has gotten out of hand. (but I do agree with your answer)

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I am glad I am not the only one who has walked into a men’s room 🙂 Sending you hugs as you remember your sweet angels. XO

  8. It’s so hard to lose our babies. They embed themselves in our hearts and remain there forever.

    I love all your fill-ins. Especially #4. I’m so sick of all the hate.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  9. Sending hugs as you remember your angels…and I just love your answer about your Great ones and I have always smiled when I see that word written what a wonder reference to them. As they grow and come to understand this term of endearment, they will know just how much they are loved and cherished.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Awww, those sweet angels are so missed. I miss my Angel Amanda every day – 3/31/01 to 1/30/2020. Don’t feel alone by walking in the men’s room by mistake. Luckily there were no men when I walked in – Whew! Yep, you’re spot on with #4. xo

  11. Your numerous losses have been so unfair. Twice a decade is more than enough for me. We mention Tilly (September of 2019) and Luna (August 2, 2014) often. They also show up in our dreams, which can be fun, if bittersweet. Be well, my dear. I hope you and yours stay safe, sane, sheltered, and supplied in these crazy times.

  12. We remember all of your Angels and have felt your sadness at each one being called home to the Bridge. It has been doubly hard when you have had more than one in a short time and we send all our purrs and prayers of support. We know that we will all be reunited one day and play and give chin rubs on the green grass under the warm sun.
    Timmy, Dad, Toby, Rumpy Bumpy, Miss Fitz and Einstein

  13. It has been a tough couple of years for your family. But so many beautiful memories. We love joining today as we all fondly remember our Angels.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. You’ve shared your life with some beautiful angels. (I answered the exact same thing for #4!)

  15. Thinking of you all and the tidal wave of grief you’ve been through. Praying for your broken hearts and that the memories soon will bring more smiles than tears.

  16. Thanks for sharing your purrsonal Angels and sharing them with us! Wes knows how impawtant kitties is to us. When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.
    Purrs and paw pats
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  17. Wow! That is a lot of kitties to lose ~ am sure it is never easy ~ what love you gave and what love you received though ~ Lots of hugs to you ~ Xxxxxxxxxx..

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. We feel very honoured to have known so many of your kitties, Ellen. We know it wasn’t easy for you this year, so here’s a big hug from Granny and Soft Pawkisses from me🐾😽💞

    Ps thanks for the shout out, Ellen, the puzzle is in 😉

  19. So many kitties over the bridge. We’re so sorry Ellen but thank you for sharing them with us

  20. I’m so very sorry, Ellen. This has been a terribly difficult year for so many and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing the memories and may all your angels be at peace. Purrs from Deb and Mr. Jazz from Purr Prints of the Heart.

  21. Charlee: “So many kitty friends over the Rainbow Bridge!”
    Chaplin: “I hope they have stopped by Tucker’s Everlasting Rainbow Bridge Buffet to get their special treats!”
    Lulu: “But Tucker was a dog. Are you sure he would have cat treats at his buffet?”
    Charlee: “From what Dennis told us about Tucker, I’m sure he has every kind of food there.”
    Chaplin: “Tucker sounds like he was my kind of dog!”

  22. We feel your pain. So many this year. So many wonderful memories and so many greeters OTB. We send you much love, and purrs
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  23. Pleese accept our deepest sympaffiess losin Noel an KaTwo an Prancie an Millie….
    An all yore other lovelee catss Miss Ellen. Yore furry brave you know. Openin yore home an heart to so many catss. Wee admire you alot!
    **purrss** an <3 BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew too!
    Pee S: Pleese furgive us fore not beein here all week…there has bin sum sad thingss goin on here an LadyMew gotted overwhelmed an then it was 'angel' Unkell Siddhartha's 2nd Annie-versary (August 28th of all dayss….) LadyMew iss a bit of a wreck 😉

    1. Thank you. No need to apologize. I hope everything is OK. I know your mum gets sad this time of year. XO

  24. You have had a hard few years with losing cats my friend. Even in losing their bodies we learn how to continue to love their spirit. They have taught us so very much. Not with a word but with their movements.


  25. Your angels were all beautiful and so blessed to have you. They’re certainly all watching over you now.

    And fantastic fill-ins! Your answer to #2 made me laugh. I’ve done that a time or two, unfortunately. Luckily, the urinals always give away my mistake rather quickly. I’ve also been lucky in that no men have ever been in the bathroom when I’ve accidentally barged in. Purrs!

  26. Ellen, you have SO much love in your heart to give! I cannot imagine losing so many cats during that time – but then again, you have been blessed (and have blessed) so many of your precious pets’ lives! Thanks for sharing your moving post with us at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy. I am honored that you are one of my Featured Friends this week. xoxo

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