1. Idiot-proof? That must be why it’s OUR Human’s favourite photo-editing app too (MOL).
    But – it has certainly produced a spectacular piece of art.

  2. Nice art. Lunapic is my go to as well. I like it because you can adjust the strength of the layers and add as many as you want to.
    Thanks for the puzzle.

  3. Love it!!! Great photo – love the pastels…….Lunapic is wonderful and we have so many great options – it’s the only editing program we use……..

    Happy Caturday!
    Hugs, Teddy and Mom P

  4. Lunapic is my stress breaker. I can make a mess of something and if I don’t like it, I can just delete it. lol PicMonkey is my other go-to but it is not free. Your pic of Angel KaChoo is very pretty.

  5. Very nice! More and more of the editing programs are charging money to use many of their features, so I’ve stopped using them very much. I can’t remember if I ever used LunaPic though.

  6. You are no idiot. ~nods~ Have you ever heard of KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid)? Heh… I like that. Anyway, it means you’re smart, as I noted. Be well!

  7. You just don’t have enough time to figure out all the other ones, MOL! I feel like a dumbo too sometimes when I try new things…

    NIce art, nonetheless!! Will try the puzzle later…I got ll behind as we lost our cable in a thunderstorm and then that means no internet ether. And yesterday, I could not comment here at all, it said had invalid security, Bwahaha!!

  8. That’s great art! You are not an idiot at all. There’s so many complicated programs and things out there. I have up trying to figure it out lol Happy Caturday!!

  9. MOL MOL MOL LunaPic… ( sorry,that is the only idiot-proof editing program I know how to use). that was funny. Purrsonally I think LunaPic is a challenge in the beginning so I say wall done.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. OOoOOoOOoooooOoooo! Such beautiful art of a beautiful angel! Wes shall has to see if wes can gets out and do the puzzle.
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

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