The Catburry Bunny Auditions-Part 2

Hi everyone!! I haven’t seen my Grammie in days, I miss her. I love her so very much. I did talk to her on the telephone though and she is coming to see me tomorrow-yippee!

And the winner of the Easter mat and crocheted eggs is Messymimi-congratulations!!! She has a cat that looks like Brody, be sure to go over and see for yourself.

We also want to wish Marg of Marg’s Animals a very Happy Birthday!!!!!

And now for the rest of the Catburry Bunny Auditions:

Jinx Snowball Penny Milliethe cat Tallulah Noel

One of the kitties refused to pose and one posed two weeks in a row. Do you know who they are?

We are joining The Cat on my Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.


  1. Well, it looks to me like Brody managed to avoid the bunny ears… I don’t remember who got the two weeks in a row!

  2. Millie!!! So cute! I will need to think about your question when I am more awake… πŸ˜€ Summer says Brody and it’s hard to not that would not be right!

  3. I think Brody is the winner – I remember him from Part One of the auditions and he rocked the ears!!! Don’t know who’s been in the auditions twice OR who refused to cooperate though…..

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Yay for seeing Grammie, I bet she’ll have some treats for you! Aww, Millie seems to have nailed it, though not entirely certain about the others? You’ll have to tell us who did and didn’t as we just can’t guess!
    Purrs, ERin

    1. Polar Bear was the one who wouldn’t cooperate, Millie says thank you πŸ™‚

  5. All those kitties would make great Cadbury bunnies. Mine wouldn’t go for the ears though. This definitely made me laugh out loud. Have a great week!

  6. I’m glad you get to see Grammie tomorrow. I know how much you love her.
    Way to go Mimi.
    I’ll go sing happy birthday to Marg.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  7. Oh my goodness, you all make the cutest bunnies ever! I don’t remember seeing Polar Bear with ears on either time. Is he the kitty who missed out on the chance to be a bunny?

  8. Thank you so much for the prize!

    They all look like they’d make great Catburry bunnies!

    1. You’re welcome, I will mail it tomorrow. Glad you like our Catburry bunnies. πŸ™‚

  9. Millie an Tallulah win pawss down Phoebe!!!!
    An HURRAH fur MessyMimi winnin thee giveaway! That iss wunderfull…..
    An pleeze give GRAMMIE all mee LUV OK???
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Millie and Tallulah thank you my sweet purrince. I will tell Grammie you send your love. XO and paw kisses and head rubs

  10. Wow, you got em all but Polar Bear, MOL!!! Did he go and hide??? He must be a smarty pants:) Now who was doubled??? No clue.

    We think all those bunnies would make a fun cover picture for Cadbury Bunny ads! MOL!

    1. Millie was the one who posed twice. Polar Bear had them on, but wiggled away on me and because of his chronic sniffles from herpes, I don’t like to stress him because he will have trouble breathing.

  11. Penny looks exceptional in her ears. She is definitely the Catburry bunny!! BobbieSue likes Millie in his ears as well!

  12. A bunny family, that’s so cute πŸ˜€ I thought Millie was a bunny, but then I saw that it was Millie the cat…MOL πŸ˜€ Well done, all of you πŸ™‚ <3 Pawkisses to you all πŸ™‚ <3

  13. Polar Bear wouldn’t participate and Millie’s on there twice πŸ˜‰ I haven’t participated in the Sunday Selfies for awhile … but I wanted to see part 2 of the auditions since I loved the first one so much πŸ™‚ I wasn’t disappointed … I love these … though is it my imagination or does this group look less amused than the last? Millie’s the winner of both parts!

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