Phoebe is Back

Hi everyone, Phoebe here. Sorry I haven’t been able to write, I miss Lucy. As Mom was carrying her out, we touched noses. That means she chose me to be the Queen of the house. I was really the only kitty she liked, she liked KaChoo too before she left for the bridge and now they are together.


Sunday was Grandparent’s Day and I wanted to make a big deal out of it because I love my Grammie so very much, but I didn’t get to. I was going to make her a coaster with air dry clay and my paw prints, but Mom took the clay with her so the vet techs could get Lucy’s paw prints.

Penny has chosen the winner of the socks 010Jan’s Funny Farm

Congratulations!! And Penny also is adding in one of the dog toys Mom made and some crocheted catnip toys for the kitties so everyone will be happy.

We have had Cat Scout Charles visiting us, he is very sweet and lots of fun. He even posed for our next giveaway which starts today. As you know ,Talk Like a Pirate Day is Saturday so we are giving away a pirate themed catnip mat:006We will announce the winner on Saturday.

Flat Scout Charles even got to go to Emily Dickinson’s House:


One more thing….has anyone seen my bikini? It was traveling and I haven’t seen anyone post about wearing it in a while.


    1. Thank you. The bikini was traveling and we lost track of who it went to -it is getting too cold for a bikini now.

  1. Jan will have a lot of funny at her farm with those socks, MOL!

    Phoebe will you let us tell you and intriguing tale, then you can also tell your Mom, we think she will find some comfort from it:)

    Meowmy’s friend is a home health care worker. One of her clients needs some kind of treatment that lasts about an hour and he has to sit quite still during that time. He always tells her to go and get her…I need her to help me relax and she needs the cuddles…so Jo goes and gets the kitty, a big tabby gal…and her name is LUCY! OMC! Meowmy had a lump in her throat when she heard that, but she thought you would love to hear how another Lucy is helping someone…a therapy kitty of sorts!

  2. Congratulations on your promotion to QUEEN OF THE HO– USE Phoebe! Lucy knew you were the best one to be in charge I’m sure. I know you miss her – we all do……..we love the pirate themed mat – very clever!! Concats to Miss Jan on winning the socks…………….

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. Hi Phoebe, it’s wonderful to see you again. I know you and your family are sad and missing dear Lucy. The pirate themed mat sure is neat!

  4. Phoebe I am so glad to see you and to know you touched noses with Lucy makes mommy tear up. I sure wish there was a flat me (mommy is useless…just useless) to come and see Emily Dickinson’s house for her!

    1. Grammie was there and saw it too, I wish there was a photo, but Mom and Grammie will always remember. A Flat Katie would be fun, Spooky would be cuddling with her for sure. XO

  5. It’s great to hear from you, Queen Phoebe! When my sweet Rosie grew her angel wings, she left her little sister Thimble as the reigning royalty. Rosie and Thimble never got along (Rosie didn’t like any other cats, at all), but Thimble managed to take lessons from her anyway, and I know she is doing Rosie proud. And I know you’ll do the same for Lucy, Phoebe!

    And Phoebe, you tell your mom that, although I know it doesn’t seem like it now, over time the hole in your hearts left by Lucy’s passing will start to fill back up with your fond memories of her. Lucy will always be with you.

    Purrs and prayers to you and yours.

  6. Gweat fotos Phoebe. ConCats to da winner. Those socks awe sure to be a hit. Dat scout Charles is such a wunnewful mancat isn’t he?. Luv, luv, luv yous nip mats. We enjoy latin’ on ours at least once a day. Have a wunnewful day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. phoebe….we noe lucy will be buzzed mega proud oh de werk ewe due… ta carry on her traditionz !!! β™₯β™₯β™₯ conga ratz two jan & de crew on winnin thiz weekz prize….way awesum kewl; we noe de catz iz gonna love de toyz like we love R’s…….de dawgs will like that pull toy two we bet !!! πŸ™‚ …sorree we canna help with de hole bee kee nee thing tho….we dont wear pantz ~

    heerz two an Australian ghostshark kinda week oh end β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. I do wonder where that bikini went? Have a great weekend too! Anything will be better than last week.XO

  8. This is Scout Charles’ mom writing. Charles is certainly having a great adventure at the Pilch Home. They sure are fun hosts. I think I’d like to become a flat me and visit the Pilchs too.

  9. Oh Phoebe you are beautiful. The Rainbow ridge must have a population of the nicest and kindest cats. Makes one fell that she won’t be alone when she leaves this world.
    Your bikini? Why would you ask us? Nnnnooo, I haven’t seen it. Sorry.

    Quick Kali, get it off!…I told you they’d ask about the bikini….shhh Now’s not the time to argue….I know you like it. shhh

    1. I agree the Rainbow Bridge must have a lot of kind kitties-Lucy wasn’t actually kind to the other kitties, but I loved her grumpiness and she did love to be with me. Phoebe says she is going to hunt you down for that bikini πŸ™‚ Actually, she has another ready for next year.

  10. It’s nice to meet you, Phoebe! Who has your bikini? I didn’t even know cats wore bikinis! Once LadyBird gets better and feels like herself again she may let me blog on her site so we may be seeing each other!! Purrs, Toby for LadyBird who is still indisposed.

    1. Toby,nice to meet you too. I am glad LadyBird is healing, I hope you get turns to blog more often. If you look on the side bar of the blog, you will see me in my bikini πŸ™‚

  11. So nice that Lucy chose you to be Queen of the house Phoebe.
    You will do well πŸ™‚
    Sounds like your household has been busy.
    We send you all purrs as we know you still miss Lucy.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  12. Whoa! That pirate mat look so cool!!!! You know Phoebe, Lucy will always be with you in your heart.
    Thank you for attending my Blogoversary pawty even though you were in mourning and the nice words.

  13. Mee sweet buttercup Phoebe as Lady Lucy touched your nose shee has also made you an o-fish-all Purrincess!!!
    So frum now on you will bee known as Purrincess Phoebe!!!
    ***play bowsss*** mee iss just yur humbull Purrince….
    Conkatss to Lady jan fur winnin thee prize!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ an **paw kissess** an ***belly rubss***
    Yur funny Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. My sweet Purrince, I am a Queen now- Queen Purrincess and you can be my King Purrince- we are very royal indeed. Head rubs and paw kisses and nose kisses too. I hope you are being for your Mum. XO

      1. Wee sure are ree-gal an royalle aren’t wee Queen Purrincess sweet Phoebe…..mew mew mew…
        you will all ways bee mee sweet buttercup BEEKEENI gurl πŸ˜‰
        Did you find out where inn thee werld iss yur BEEKEENI?
        ***paw kissesss*** yur Kinglee Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. No bikini sightings. The Canadian cats mentioned it, but I think they were kidding. I have a new one for next summer already. It is your favorite blue- and has polka dots too πŸ™‚ XO paw kisses and nose kisses too.

  14. So sorry we are late in leaving our condolences on you loss of sweet Lucy. Sending you soft purrs and luvs from all of us. Concats to you Phoebe on becoming Queen of the house.
    Marty, Mom and the Gang

  15. That nose touch between you and Lucy was such a special moment…we are glad she chose you as new Queen of the House, Phoebe…we know you will do her proud.

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