Friendly Fill-Ins Week 413


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I find _____________________ offensive.
2. __________________ is a good way to make some extra cash.
3. _________ makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog _________.
My answers:
1. I find some commercials offensive. Like the one for body deodorant where they say it is for their pits and bits.
2. Doing online surveys is a good way to make some extra cash. I started doing some on Thrifty Pig and made $15 last week .
3. Nothing makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. I know my limitations at this point in my life- and I am fine with that.
4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog Sassy.

Today is W Day on The A-Z Blogging Challenge. As you know the theme is Christmas. W is for wreaths.

I made this rag wreath.
This one reminds me of my Angel Millie.

We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from April 2020, Angel Emmy enjoyed youtube videos on tv.

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  1. Mee-yow Emmy sure was a cutie pie Aunty Ellen!! You did grate Fill-Innss Aunty. Alltho BellaSita had a Stew-pid Seezure early this monring btt shee wantss to due Fill-Innss two….heer goess:

    1. I find SAME TV ad & the Tampon ads offensive.
    2. Selling items in good condition is a good way to make some extra cash.
    3. My friend in Australia makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
    4. I could see myself naming a cat NOVAHEART.

    BellaSita did purrty guud rite Aunty???
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. I am sorry she had a seizure this morning. That is nice of her to still do the fill-ins, I always enjoy her answers. That is a cool name for a kitty. Your mum is very good at naming cats. XO

  2. WOW, never knew about making money that way. MERCI, but mama did make money long ago by hitting second hand stores for old handmade boucle knit dresses and remaking them with a friend and called the business Tarnished Angel (from a back street bar…old country and western song). Also garage sales were pretty lucrative. Love Emmy’s and Millie’s wreaths.

    1. That was a unique way to make some cash. I bet they were beautiful dresses. XO

  3. As always, good job filling in the blanks – AND we think those wreaths are beautiful! There are a number of things people find offensive these days but almost all of them are things we can’t do a thing about! LOL Thanks for hosting fill-ins…..always fun.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  4. The Christmas wreath with the white kitty in it is just terrific. That made a smile on my face this morning. And I’m like you about that disgusting deodorant commercial, I hit the mute button, but it doesn’t get rid of the ad.

  5. That is a beautiful Christmas wreath and an adorable pic of Angel Emmy.
    I find TV commercials relating to feminine products offensive
    Selling items we don’t use anymore is a good way to make some extra cash
    I feel my past experiences help me feel I can accomplish anything
    If I had to name a cat, I would name her Muffin

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thanks for these great answers. Muffin is a cute name. XO

  6. Supurr fill-ins and we totally agree about commercials, some are just nasty as fluff! Angel Emmy would have loved the BBHQ Bird TV on YouTube, she was such a cutie! Happy weekend to mew all and thank mew for hosting!

  7. Angel Emmy, you are missed♥
    I am with you on #1! So tired of ads that are in my face that I can’t unsee or unhear!!!
    Wreaths are perfect for W for your challenge. I love your Christmas wreaths.
    My Fill-Ins, Ellen…
    1. I find quite a bit of the content on Instagram offensive. I enjoy IG and try to stick with cat and horse content but stuff pops up that you can’t unsee.
    2. Selling things we don’t use or need anymore on our neighborhood website is a good way to make some extra cash. Houses in our neighborhood have sold on our classifieds!
    3. There isn’t anything that makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. I feel like it’s up to me to make something work.
    4. I could see myself naming a cat Sailor. I actually did name a cat that visited us regularly on The Tiny Ten in Missouri. I wish I would have stolen her when we left the Tiny Ten to come to Florida. But she was well fed and appeared to be in good health. She was a rural cat and she always came by at wine time and curled up on the couch in our four seasons porch for a snack and a snooze. She is on my IG, Ellen. Yes, you follow me on IG 🙂

    1. Thank you. And thanks for these great answers. Yes, I am following you on IG, but I rarely go on there. I will go look up Sailor. XO

  8. Oona: “Get the mouse, Emmy! GET THE MOUSE!!!”
    Charlee: “We have been seeing the stupidest deodorant commercial on YouTube lately. It’s a lady centaur putting on deodorant or something. I’m not sure exactly because Dada always hits ‘Skip’ as soon as the little timer runs out, yet YouTube keeps trying to get us to watch it …”

  9. I tried online surveys years ago and I felt it was a waist of time. I’m glad you had good luck with it recently, though. I will share my fill-ins on Sunday. 🙂

  10. 1. I find politics offensive.
    2. Working a job you love is a good way to make some extra cash.
    3. Waking up each morning makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
    4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog Lil’ Bit and Squeaker.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Yes, politics are offensive. I love the names you chose for your two babies. XO

  11. Ellen I 200000000% agree with your answer to #1. I remember not too many years ago when showing underarms on deodorant commercial was prohibited. Now they show underarm and and undergarments and the suggestive remarks on the commericals are so silly…

    I love your W A-Z
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you. 🙂 There is an even worse one of a lady shaving in a very private area. XO

  12. Outstanding fill-ins. Yeah, I’m with you, personal hygiene ads are annoying as are all the gambling sports ads. Now those really bug me.

    What lovely wreaths. I used to make them for Christmas gifts until everyone I know got one. 😉 Now I’m going to have to come up with some new.

  13. Sassy would be a great name for a cat, and I’m glad I haven’t seen that commercial.

    Your wreaths are beautiful.

    Emmy loved videos, that’s certain. Thank you for linking her up with Feline Friday!

  14. Those offensive extremely personal ads regarding topics that should have remained off limits…at LEAST in the nasty way they portray bodily functions. I don’t use certain things but if I did there is no way on earth I would support a manufacturer who advertises like that. Next they will start putting in naked bodies. Kidding but I wouldn’t be surprised

  15. ewww I hate those kind of commercials, too. Well, I don’t like any really, and the more I don’t like them, it seems the more they play them!
    I like the wreaths – very creative! plus the sign in the window – hee hee 🙂
    Cool to make extra cash!
    Sassy is a fun name and would be good! Funny though, because my grand-daughter calls her other grandma Sassy, and I’m Bop! 🙂

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Bop is a cute name. My great nieces call my mom, Ghee ( their great grammie).

  16. That is a lovely picture of Angel Emmy. The wreaths are lovely.

  17. Beautiful wreaths!!! Mom loves to make wreaths, both for Christmas and seasonal for the front door. But the selection of flowers has gone downhill since Covid. Maybe less imports from China.

    Mom agrees with your opinion of commercials There are just so many that are inappropriate. And then the ones for drugs drive her nuts with the list of potential side effects that lasts longer than the promo for the item.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Yes, the drug ones are awful and the side effects are worse than the illness. XO

  18. Those were sure good answers and hooray for pretty wreaths!

  19. I love your cat wreath! And I despise that body deodorant commercial. Last month Catchy Comedy had an ALF marathon on, and that commercial was on every single break. It nearly made me turn it off.

  20. I always love your shares. Love your sweet fur babies and love you my friend. I hope you are doing ok. I know losing your precious Joanie was so hard on you. We never stop loving them, I know that. I like your answers for the fill in’s. I did the fill in’s on both of my blogs, the same answers. But I had posted about a kind blogger who use to blog and passed away too so I was having a difficult time. Take care my friend and enjoy your weekend.

  21. We don’t like commercials either, they’re all offensive, especially the ones where science is involved and approve their product by their own company🙈We think Sassy is a COOL name for a cat…it sounds..err…sassy😹Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

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