Hi everyone! I have another beautiful graphic of Lucy that was made by Pipo and Minko’s Mom ( http://webeessiamese.blogspot.com/ )
Thank you- it is wonderful just like Lucy.
For today’s ROAR, I want to show you what I made while I was grieving ( I still am) Lucy. My niece had a tag sale and I asked her for the t-shirts that didn’t sell so I could make dog toys. I don’t know how to crochet any dog toys, I tried to make a bone once, but the pattern was too difficult for me.
I ended up making 52 of these- I was obsessed with ripping up the shirts and making these. When I ran out of shirts, I searched the house for any older ones to rip up ( my hubby has a few less undershirts now) .I have a little fabric left for about 10 more and then I will go back to crocheting. I highly recommend this as a stress reliever. I found the directions here: http://barkpost.com/how-to-make-a-t-shirt-dog-toy/ย . All these will be sold at the vet clinic where they sell my crocheted toys and all the moneyย goes to PAL. At least something good will come from my grief.
Penny wants to remind you to comment for a chance to win these Big Bang Theory/Soft Kitty socks – winner will be announced on Thursday’s Post-
I was sad to see another kitty went to the bridge ( http://fortypaws.blogspot.com/ )
This is a really nice post. Lucy brought you joy. You turned your grief of losing her into something that will bring joy to others. I am sure that Lucy would be proud of you. Love should keep going.
A few years ago, we lost our Siamese, Charlie. One Monday morning, he suddenly could not stand. Absolutely no other symptoms, at all. I took him to the vet immediately. They ran numerous tests. It took a few days to get all of the tests back. The tests revealed bone cancer. It had metastasized in his lungs and many other organs. He was barely 14. That Friday, we let him go. It was one of the worst weeks in our lives.
I am so sorry that you & Lucy went through this. Hugs.
I am sorry about your Charlie, that is so sad. Cats are so good at hiding illness that it is often too late. Last week was definitely one of our worst weeks as well. Thank you for your kind words XO .
What a wonderful tribute image of Lucy.
The dogs who get your toys will surely have fun gnawing or playing tug with them. It’s nice that you were able to channel some of your grief into something so productive and fun for the pups.
Thank you, it is a pretty graphic of beautiful Lucy.
What a lot of fun doggies will have with those ‘bones’!
Whenvfur meowmy was in raw grieving mode, she would try to do a ton of cleaning, keeping busy helps to redirect her thoughts…but OMC how they do rush back when she would rest a while…banging doors and pots and pans in the kitchen helps too, MOL!
Thanks for posting our tribute picture, we are happy to know that you liked it:)
Sorry to know yet another kitty had to go to R.B. Land.
Purrs & Hugs
I wish I could channel my grief into cleaning, but I am more apt to bang the pots and pans ๐ Thank you- I love the tribute picture. XO
That was really industrious! I’m impressed.
Thank you.
Bless you for turning your grief into something positive to benefit animals…..Lucy would be so proud of you……it’s not easy but its definitely helpful to the heart, soul and mind……….you are a sweetie and I hope as each day passes you will begin to feel Lucy back there with you, keeping you warm as you read books together every night.
Love, Pam
Thank you- you are very sweet too. XO
That is another beautiful graphic of a beautiful girl who we will always remember and love also. The CB is filled with wonderful humans who really care. Ellen, you are so very talented and creative. I wish I had half of that talent.
Thank you for your kind words. The stuff I make is actually very simple or I wouldn’t be able to do it. I am sure you have lots of talent. XO
That’s a beautiful remembrance badge of Lucy too. We’re sure she’s smiling from heaven now ๐ The bones are very creative..if you need more underwear, we can send Grandpaw’s…MOL ๐ Good to see you smile between the lines. Pawkisses for a Beautiful Day ๐ <3
Glad you like the badge, I love it. I think I am all set on the underwear- but thanks for the offer ๐
That is a beautiful image for your Lucy. You created such wonderful toys in the process of your grieving. I’m sure Lucy is smiling over the Bridge xoxo
Thank you for your kind words.
That is a super pretty pic of dear Lucy.
Thank you.
Such a beautiful picture of a beautiful girl.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Thank you.
That beautiful graphic is a great homage to Lucy!
Thank you.
What a great idea to keep yourself busy making things for doggies. And it looks like they turned out really well. That really is a great picture of Lucy.
Thank you0 I should do a giveaway with a couple of them because a lot of readers have dogs as well as cats ๐
That is a beautiful picture that Pipo and Minkoโs Mom made in Lucy’s memory. The dog toys look very good.
Thank you, it is very nice. XO
Those are great dog toys. When my mom is upset or has a sad she cleans. Our house has been very tidy the last few weeks.
Hugs to everyone,
Scout Charles
I am sorry that your Mom has been sad too. I wish I could clean when I was sad, I craft and eat. I am enjoying time with Flat Charles, we worked on a craft project today.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful
Thank you ๐
It’s wonderful you were able to use your grief for Lucy to make toys to benefit other cats. We know you are missing her.
Thank you, I used to spend a lot of time with her and even though I have so many other cats, I have an empty space.
Hi it’s Dakota! I have to give a bark out on this one cause Mom has seen these T-shirt dog toys on a few blogs and they are just great!! Super clever idea! Barks and licks and love, Dakota
Thank you Dakota, I will make sure you get one ๐
guys…pipo & minko haz been makin way total lee way awesum graffix sinz de catster dayz… & de graffix they did for Lucy iz beautee full โฅโฅโฅโฅ N speekin oh way kewl awesum, de dogz chews yur mom maded …R soooper neet…we noe therz a bunch oh pupz out ther whooz gonna be buzzed happee two haz ther own chew///tug o war toy !!! โฅโฅโฅ
Wow, I didn’t realize they had been making graphics for so long. I wish I would have been into catser and blogs years ago. XO
We love Pipo and Minko and their Mom sure has some talent. That is such a nice tribute to Lucy. Great idea to do things to help when you are grieving. Dad does the same but he is much less talented.
Oh yes we want to win him those socks MOL
If your Dad wins the socks, I want to see a photo of him wearing them ๐ Your Dad does great with photo editing, I love all the Cat Scouts ones he does. Dezi’s Mom helped me over the phone and I can do some, but it takes me so long that I never practice to improve.
Oh Goodness we loved old Dorf too! Another of the old guard
Purrs dear furend who now walks as he is young again
Seems like there is always sadness in the blogosphere. ๐
Aww! That’s a lovely graphic of your sweet girl!! How industrious to make all those dog toys! I hope hubby has some underwear left MOL
Thank you. Yes, I left him some underwear ๐
Oh Meow those awe pawsum. Betcha’ da kitties might like ’em too. And weez still luvvin’ those socks. Sendin’ purrayers.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Thank you ๐ The kitties do like me to twirl them around like a wand toy .XO and lots of love.
Toby here – those dog toys are pretty cool but LadyBird wouldn’t like them. She doesn’t play with toys. I don’t play with toys that much either, any more. I guess thats what happens when you’re mature! It’s a beautiful photo of Lucy. Mom and I wish we had got to know her better. Purrs and prayers.
Thank you for your kind words. A lot of my kitties would rather sleep than play too. I am praying for LadyBird to feel better.
What a beautiful graphic of sweet Lucy. And each dog t-shirt toy that is sold will hold a special memory of her as you were making them. (((hugs)))
Pipo and Minko’s Mom did a great job on the graphic. Thank you for your kind words about Lucy.
That graphic is just lovely and the toys are adorable!
Thank you ๐
Those are pawsome dog toys. Makes us wish we were dogs. ๐
My kitties enjoyed “helping” me make them, they liked swatting at them.
Sometimes putting your paws to work is the best therapy around.
Very true Seville.
We bet Lucy is so pleased right now. What you’ve done is such a beautiful tribute to her!
Thank you. XO
Lucy has inspired you Ellen>>>what a great idea you have there!
How much does one cost? I bet Siddhartha Henry would like one…. a yellow or blue one!
He has a few ‘dog’ toys…what a cat!
I did not know Dorf but I shall pop over & leave a comment; we are all int his together ,right?
((((hugs)))) Sherri-Ellen
Thank you, it wasn’t my idea, I saw it on Pinterest. I will save one for Siddhartha for the holidays. They are all mixed colors because I braided them together. I agree, we are like one big cat family that offer support to one another. Love and hugs to you both.
Oh Ellen that is so kind of you to save one for Siddhartha Henry. I appreciate it. I will not be able to send any parcels this Chanukkah/Xmas. I will have enough to buy stamps. I have Xmas cards…the pricey apt is postage!
So if you need $$ to cover shipping let me know.
((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen
That is OK, Phoebe just wants a poem from her purrince-and his love of course. No worries on the shipping, Grammie will help if needed. XO
Thee will be a poem of course & all the love in the world. all I hear is “Phoebe this & Phoebe that….”
Young love is so cute! ๐
It sure is- we are so much in love XO
=^..^= + =^,.^= equals <3 LUV <3
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