Tummy Tuesday

Happy Tummy Tuesday everyone!I was hoping to do another plant quiz, but didn’t have time to take photos. Hubby and I decided to “forage” and had fried Queen’s Anne Lace blossoms, they were tasty with a hint of lemon. I am going to get a book from the library on foraging because I know many things looks similar, but some are edible and others are poisonous.

We went to Nellie’s 5th Blogoversary party and to thank us, sweet Nellie sent this beautiful badge that we will proudly display on the sidebar.

5thBlogoversaryThank you Nellie and family!

I told you on Sunday that our fill-in was used this week on Lou Belcher’s Blog and here is the cartoon:Crazy Cat Lady 2

And if you haven’t read Millie’s story on The Daily Mews, here is the link: http://www.thedailymews.com/articles/15-cats-and-meowing/1471-life-with-15-cats-part-7-millie The funny part of his story is that I have fought my hubby to get every cat in this house- except Millie-hubby rescued him πŸ™‚ There are a lot of great articles on the site.

And now for that tummy: 004Joanie wanted to be cool with shades, but they were a little big so I had to hold them up for her.



  1. At our house wearing black or white is not a good idea. Either one is risky here.
    Thirty five years ago Bill used to prefer dogs. He thought cats were too aloof or boring. I used to initiate the rescues. Gradually, he helped more. As time went on, he would pitch in. The next thing I knew, he was trapping feral cats and taking them to the vet for care. He can do almost all of it, but he prefers I do bottles. He says I am Mom.

    1. White isn’t good here- I am usually in my pj’s at home πŸ™‚ My hubby was a dog guy too for years, but he is definitely a cat person now.

  2. We loved the cartoon caption! Before he retired, TBT resolutely wore black every day to the office and never got out of the house in the morning without serious furring…

  3. I loved reading the story about Millie.

    I was given a beautiful white kitten when I was growing up. She really stood out compared to the many cats and kittens that were on the farm. Most of them were cats people had dumped in the country, and the cats found their way to our barn. Of course they all became pets. Well one day our dog apparently decided that white kitten was just too strange in color and didn’t belong. Although he’d never bothered the other cats, he decided to attack the kitten. She didn’t make it. Needless to say, I was very sad.

    BTW: Do be careful about eating the Queen Anne’s Lace. A cousin died because he thought he was cooking Queen Anne’s Lace and it was hemlock. He’d was quite knowledgable about plants.

    1. That is very sad about the white kitten and about your cousin too. I am sure it was Queen Anne’s Lace because it had a black dot in the middle and we didn’t get sick.

  4. I went to Nellie’s paw-ty too and had a great time! My grandmama keeps one of those sticky-roller thingies in her car because of all the cat fur at her house. My mom doesn’t care and always leaves the house with mostly orange fur all over her legs ’cause Toby is always asking to go with her.

    1. I have those rollers every where, but rarely use them. I try to buy clothes that the fur doesn’t stick to.

  5. What a great a great blog post today full of newsy news and cute photos. Love the fill-in idea for Mr. Belcher’s blog and of course I’m always happy to see tummies!

    Love, Sammy

    1. Thank you for reading his story. And Joanie is glad you like her tummy, she is quite proud of it.

  6. what a way awesum badge nellie sended ewe guys for comin two her partee πŸ™‚

    joanie, ya look grate in shades & millie, dood…we loved yur storee…we bet itz way awesum two haza green eye anda bloo eye…we R glad yur siblingz finded ther foreverz N we knead ta try layin on sum shooz sum time…thanx for de tip !! πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. Thank you for reading Millie’s story. He highly recommends shoes- they are fun to surf across the room on too. πŸ™‚

  7. Hmmmmmm Foragin’ and eatin’ weeds. Mommy sez she’s been hungwy, but never dat hungwy. MOL Gweat fotos and stowry.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I wasn’t hungry- I just wanted to try something different πŸ™‚ Glad you liked the photos and the story. XO

    1. Joanie says thank you- she is pretty cool with her aviators on πŸ™‚ Phoebe didn’t want to wear them, she is cool enough.XO

      1. Mee sweet buttercup iss cool just as shee iss fur sure!!!!! Purrincess Phoebe yur cool with yur BEEKEENI!!!!!
        Mee adores yur BEEKEENI fotoss’…
        **paw kissesss** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ an **nose kissess**
        Yur funny littul Purrince, Siddhartha Henry

        1. You are the sweetest little purrince, I hope you are being a good kitty for your Mum. XO

          1. Thee Bach’ss werkss purrty good Purrincess Phoebe!! Mee did get a bit mouthy with LadyMum earlier an so mee went into thee bedroom an mee has closed thee door…mew mew mew…sittin inn thee closet typin away!!!!
            Oh LadyMum iss callin mee…..
            **paw kissesss**
            Siddhartha Henry

          2. It is OK to be mouth just no climbing the curtains or the walls my crazypants purrince XO Love, Phoebes

  8. We love the badge and Cat Lady cartoon. Around pour house NO color is safe. Cat hair clings to everything. MOL
    Beautiful tummy. and Millie rescue.
    Scout Charles.

    1. No color is safe here either- at home, I am usually in my pajamas. Thanks for reading Millie’s story and Joanie is glad you like her tummy. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for reading Millie’s story. Glad you liked the fill-ins, you should participate too πŸ™‚

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