Sharkie Selfies Part 2

Happy Sunday everyone! This Wednesday is the Sharknado movie on SYFY so Mom was determined to get the other 5 kitties in the shark hat too.


Noel                        Jinx                            Tallulah                          Polar Bear


Needless to say, these 5 were less thrilled than the rest of us were last week, but she did get all 15.

You know the monster and witch in the basement- my purrince battled the witch and said the monster won’t hurt me. Someone else wrote that they had a ghost in their basement so I decided to make sure we don’t have one and we don’t have one- we have 4:


I am not going down there again!

Mom is going to have a giveaway starting tomorrow for this: 043She got one for us and one for a giveaway. My Grammie will be here to watch us tomorrow- I love her so very much. Look what she got me  for my Gotcha Day- well, I ordered it with her credit card- thanks Grammie:

040Perhaps I shouldn’t have ordered the one from China. Cat4-001-300x300


  1. We loved seeing the rest of the gang in the shark cap. Mom says that the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus should be able to protect you from those ghosts. Thanks for being part of our Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. I agree with Snowball. What is that thing in the window? Don’t worry about the ghosts cos the Bless Virgin Mary has everything under control. Maybe the ghosts can act as the 3 Wise Men this Christmas. HAH!

    1. CK , I think you are confusing A Christmas Carol with the Nativity 🙂 I wish I had 3 wise men, I should have bought them when I bought the rest of the set. That thing in the window is the suction cup window perch- clearly defective.

  3. Well done all of you wearing the shark hat. Snowball doesn’t look very happy abou it though. Those ghosts are scary, but like others have said, the Virgin Mary will protect you.

  4. Yikes…..Snowball doesn’t look to happy!! We agree with the others, the Blessed Mother will take care of those ghosties!!

    We posted the bikini today!!!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you for participating in the traveling bikini. Allie looked adorable in it- she needs to get Mau a framed copy. Yes, Mary will protect the kitties and all of us.

  5. Our mom loves those Sharknado movies! Thank cod she will be watching it at our aunty’s house so we won’t get scared. Nothing scary about you all in that adorable shark hat though! Too cute!

  6. EEEEK! We don’t have any ghosts in our basement but we do have a few other scary things…..that’s what basements are for (Mom says). I wondered how the stick-on kitty shelf would work – guess the answer is “it doesn’t”! Hope you have a super duper Sharkie Sunday!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. A lot of people claim those shelves are great. I am wondering if I got cheaper suction cups became it was cheap and from China.

  7. Hey I want that so cute blue hat! Shark or not, it will go perfectly with my blue calico background. I am a one-track cat! What will U take for it? LOL

    1. You are funny 🙂 Maybe the shark hat could travel like our bikini. I will see if I can find a bonnet pattern and make one in that color.

  8. Haha love the shark hat! I think Noel looks very much like a shark 🙂 I watched that first Sharknado movie once. It was quite silly but I had a good laugh!

  9. Noel looks pretty vicious as a shark! :p

    Those ghosts look lonely…maybe they need a furiend… ;p

    We have those window shelves and they work great! We’ve had them up on the windows for about three years now . What is the brand name of your shelves? You do need to make sure that the window is very clean or the suction cups won’t adhere to the window.

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. The one we ordered said As seen on TV so I thought it was the kind everyone has. I didn’t wash the window first- I will try that.

  10. Wee luv thee Sharkie selfiess!! snowball’s blue an red eye iss gorgeeuss!!!
    Now as fur them ghosts…what mee calls Boothnath… NOT bee scared of them sweet Rainbow Gurl…they are furendlee ghostss an will NOT hurt you!! Pluss you has a Ma-donna Gurl there an shee iss berry sepshell so thee Boothnath will bee gentull an kind!
    If you are still scared mee can come over an meow to thee ghostss fur you….
    Yur Knite inn shiney fur,
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=
    Pee S: Sendin you oodless of *****paw kissesss***** an ~~~~head rubss~~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I wish Snowball’s eye would show up blue. Thank you for putting all my fears to rest. I think my Mom should make me a flat purrince to cuddle with- Mom, get working on that will you- please. You are my knight. Love, Phoebes XOXOXO Paw kisses and head rubs to you too.

      1. Iss hard to get blue eyes to not go red!!! LadyMum showed mee fotoss’ of Aunty’ss Nylablue an Mingflower an shee rarelee got blue eyes…a lot of red 😉
        An those ghostss wil not hert you mee sweet buttercup gurl….
        An it wood bee grate if yur Mumma could make you a ‘flat’ me! Then you couls snuggle with mee an allwayss feel safe!!!!
        ***nose kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~
        Yur Knite an Purrince,
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. There are editing programs to get rid of the red, but I haven’t figured them out. Good night my sweet purrince and thank you for the thank you card I got in the mail today- you are sweet and very well mannered. My Mom is helping me write one to you, but she is slow. XO Head rubs Love, Phoebes

          1. LadyMum tried a few editin programs an they made Aunty’ss eyes look weerd so shee keeped thee fotoss’ as hey were!
            An mee iss glad you got thee thee card!! Mee has a good LadyMum ho tott mee mannurss because mee is so ‘crazypantss’ an mee must bee a good Buudhist an not so wild! Do not wurry ’bout a return card…yur Mumma has a lot of katss to take care of an thiss iss not a race!!
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ an <3 LUV <3 an ***paw kissesss***
            Siddhartha Henry

          2. You are such a well mannered purrince, I am most lucky to be your purrincess. XO Love, Phoebes

  11. OMC Where to stawrt? Da shawrk fotos awe…amusin’. Sowry yous all had to wear da fins. MOL As fur yous purresent, weez fink it’s a gweat fing, but weez not fink dat’s how it’s posed to go. MOL On to yous give away. OMC mommy has been lookin’ all over fur one of those since we got da email tellin’ us ’bout ’em. Do yous all like it? Is it good? Is it spensive? Yous not have to tell us, we just wunnewed ifin mommy ever found one ifin she wuld be able to affurd it. Hope y’all have a blest day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Make sure you enter the giveaway tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday. I sent you an email with all the details of where and cost. XO Ellen and kitties

  12. Halloween and Christmas decorations they have more in common in terms of pagan origins than you may think. The stereotypes maligning witches and cats continue (esp. black cats) because of ignorance. Shark hats would be good as Halloween costumes 🙂

  13. OH MY word does your mom still have all her fingers? MOL
    There is no way mom could get a hat on me w/o the entire Special forces
    hugs madi your bfff

  14. We got our prize package yesterday. Thanks! But now the mom is threatening to make us wear the shark hat. Um, we don’t do hats…shark or not. Maybe we’ll make the mom wear it!

    1. I think you should wear the hat on Wednesday- Sharknado 3 day 🙂 I am glad it arrived.

    1. Luckily no one was on it, it fell during the night and no one is on the enclosed porch at night.

  15. Try again with the hammock bed. It took us a while to get them sorted out properly. Make sure the suckers are firmly applied, and dried out thoroughly. We have had ours for over 3 years and they only fell off a couple of times when we started. It is one of our most popular places to lounge. Check the instructions, work through it carefully and let us know how you get on.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I actually washed the window and all the suction cup seem to be sticking now. I guess my window was too dirty 🙂

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