Selfie Sunday

Hi everyone! Yesterday was Meow Like a Pirate Day and I got to spend the day with my purrince. 001

You can see our photo and Angel Lucy’s and lots of other cool pirates:

I am a little tired today. I am also a little miffed at Mom. As you know, Lucy left me in charge. Well, Mom keeps singing to Flat Charles and telling him he is in charge or our days and our nights. He is a lot of fun, but I am the boss.

Prancie and Sammy played Scrabble with him, but Prancie got mad and quit when they told her she couldn’t add an S to mouse. 003

005She knocked her part of the game right over.

I saw my Grammie yesterday and I will see her again today. I love my Grammie so very much. She is going to be a Great Grammie soon so her and Mom are going to a baby shower today. I think my Grammie has always been great.

The 3 Tabbies ( Prancie, KaTwo and Stinky) went to a Pirate party at the Tabby Cat Club and they got to take this badge for participating: TCCPIRATEDAYBADGEYou can see their photos here:



    1. No, bikini yet- we wonder where it is? Flat cats are lots of fun – so quite and they don’t shed either.

  1. Wow, sounds like your Pirate Day was busy and fun! We know some kitties who totally would side with Prancie and that “mouses” is a legit word!

  2. What a FUN day yesterday was! Thanks for stopping by Raz’s Rumblers Patrol Den at Scouts…….the cookout was great. Looks like a lot of fun is happening at your houses too with visitors!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thank you. Sammy had a great time at the cookout, I wish I could have gotten him to it earlier. XO

    1. My fault, Spooky has seen it now and he needed to rest after that- you are a gorgeous pirate. He wants me to print that picture out for him.

  3. It’s not my fault your mom likes that song guys. Honest . I love all the pirate photos but I sure can relate not wanting to dress up in silly costumes.
    Have a great Sunday,
    Scot Charles

    1. Yes, it is just a song 🙂 I am sure Charles would do a great job in charge though.

  4. Hi Phoebe,
    I always enjoy seeing you. The lady got a kick out of Prancie getting upset at the Scrabble game for not being able to use her word, which sounds like a perfectly acceptable word to me!

    Have fun with your grammie!

  5. Sounds like everykitty had a gweat time piratin’. Dat’s pawsum fur yous gwammaw. But yous wight, she sounds like she’s always been gweat. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Mee deerest Purrincess Queen Phoebe you are indeed thee Queen of yur Cassel an Flat What’ss-His-Name iss just a guest!!!! An mee agress with Prancie! Mousess iss a propurr werd!!! Do you need fur mee to tellyport down there an set that ‘Flatty’ dude strait???
    If so could ou wait till tomorrow?? Mee has a bit of a headyache 😉
    An mee deerest Purrincess Phoebe you look luvley inn yur Selfie today!!
    ****paw kissesss**** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***nose kissesss***
    Yur sleepie an sweet Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Charles is a perfect guest, I was just being funny because there used to be a show called Charles in Charge and that was the theme song. 🙂 I too have a bit of a headache- no more rum for me. Paw kisses and nose kisses my sweet. XO

  7. Mee meened no offence Purrincess Phoebe…
    LadyMum says shee reememburrss that show…
    As fur Rum no mor efur mee either…what were wee finkin???
    Wee DID have a grate time tho’ didn’t wee mee sweet buttercup gurl………
    ***paw kissesss*** an gentull snugglesss….
    Yur rummy Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Well, maybe a little rum, but not as much- MOL! Hope you are feeling better my sweet boy. I shouldn’t have let you drink so much, I am a bad purrincess. XO paw kisses and nose kisses and cuddles.

      1. Yur thee sweetest Purrincess an iss NOt yur fault; it iss ALL mine!! Mee will know better now….
        ~~head rubsss~~ an **paw kissesss**
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. What fun to have played with pirates!

    And yup, you should be in charge, afterall, you are The Queen now.

    1. Good idea- extra purrs. Thanks for visiting us, we are impressed that you go in the water.

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