Hi everyone! I would update you on my murmur, but my big-mouth Mom already told you. Now we have to wait until next Friday for […]
Category: Medical issues
Hi everyone! Please pray and purr for Pipo and Minko’s Dad. Phoebe update: Murmur was still there so now we wait for the ultrasound on […]
Taste of the Wild Tuesday
Hi everyone! Today we want to tell you about the food we won as part of Stunning Keisha’s #10CK Giveaway for her 10th Gotcha Day. […]
Thankful Thursday
HI everyone! Thank you all for the purrs and prayers about my heart murmur. Mom doesn’t want to worry until March 4th so she is […]
Phoebe’s ROAR
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! That would have been preferable to my vet trip yesterday. It was awful! I know today […]
Pet Blogger Challenge
Hi everyone. I am taking the Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by GoPetFriendly . But first a Stinky update. She didn’t want to eat on Saturday […]
Tortie Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone! Penny wants to say hello to her love, Toby. . I am a little worried about Stinky. I noticed that one of […]
Warning Topical Ointments Poisonous to Cats
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is Medical day and I want to give you a safety reminder. I have always been afraid to use topical products […]
Are Heated Throws Safe for Cats?
Happy Tuesday everyone! Snowball has found her boyfriend. Pierrot of Annie’s House . Hus name was originally Snowball- what a coincidence They both have […]
Health Updates
Hi everyone. Phoebe and I are very concerned about her purrince. Please pray for him, he is very sick. This is the link to the […]