Tortie Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone! Penny wants to say hello to her love, Toby.


I am a little worried about Stinky. I noticed that one of her pupils is bigger than the other. My hubby thinks she just got hit in the eye when wrestling with Phoebe.

016This is the best photo I could get. She closes her eyes for the flash so I turned it off. It is her right eye. If it doesn’t improve in a couple of days then we will be heading to the vet. She is acting fine other than that though. Has anyone else ever had a cat with this problem?


  1. Please consult with your vet regarding Stinky’s eyes. Take note of his behaviour, mood, etc. This could be serious. We did have a cat who had this happen. We will be praying for him. Keep us posted. ❤

    1. I made her an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I hope it isn’t anything bad, thank you for your prayers.XO

  2. We truly don’t have any answers, but a vet consult even over the phone would be useful and give you some guidance about how to proceed.

    1. I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I am getting nervous reading everyone’s comments.

    1. I made her an appointment for tomorrow afternoon, I am getting nervous reading everyone’s comments.

      1. PLEASE let us know. Way back 22 years ago, my baby Robin had one pupil larger than the other. I took her to the Vet immediately now this was ages ago…and so happens there was a visiting Vet there specializing in eyes at that time. A woman. She prescribed belladonna type drops in Robins eye and warned us that she would foam at the mouth each time we have her the drops. Too much time has elapsed to know what the condition was and whether it was by mouth or dropper. But please take her. xox

  3. stinky…..we noe ya due knot wanna heer thiz; but better safe N sorree…it may bee de vet can give yur mom sum thin ta help yur eye… bee fore it getz like crazed…..sorree….we noe de place oh eeeeeeeeeeeevil iz de last place ya wanna be….but….♥♥♥

  4. You are doing the right thing – keep an eye on her and her eye and definitely consult with the vet if it doesn’t improve in a couple of days. Hope she is okay!

    1. She is going to the vet tomorrow. I hope she is OK too, I am getting nervous. She is acting fine though.

  5. First of all, purrs and prayers to Stinky!

    Second, I always try my best to not be an alarmist, but I’ll admit that anything relating to abnormal pupil dilation really concerns me. From experience with my own animals as well as prior experience as a veterinary assistant, I would feel much better if you had Stinky seen by her vet. Since the eyes are close neighbors with the brain and can give off significant clues as to an animal’s neurological state, I would say that the sooner she is seen the better. Again, I don’t want to be an alarmist or scare you. This could very well be something essentially harmless and manageable, but it could also be something serious.

    Sending lots more purrs and prayers to you and Stinky!

    1. Thank you for the purrs and prayers.She has a vet appointment tomorrow, I am nervous though after reading everyone’s comments. She is acting normal and walks fine so I hope it is nothing major.

  6. Deer Penny mee finkss Toby will *swoon* when hee sees yur foto!! Yur a reel beeutee!
    An Lady Ellen mee finkss iff thee Pue-pill iss still big iss a good diea to take Stinky gurl to thee Vet’ss…just to bee safe! 😉
    Pleeze give mee <3 LUV <3 an ***paw kissesss*** to mee Purrincess Phoebe…
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Penny says thank you. Stinky has an appointment tomorrow afternoon. And Phoebe sends you lots of love and kisses. XO

      1. Wee iss purrin an purrayin fur Stinky…wee been checkin FB butt not see you Lady Ellen….
        Pawss crossed efurryfing iss OK there.
        **paw kissesss** Siddhartha Henry an ((hugs)) LadyMum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Thank you for your concern. I finally posted on Facebook, I was too upset when I first got home. Phoebe sends her love, she is working on her post for tomorrow. XO

          1. Wee wundered if you were too uppyset Lady Ellen….wee wishes wee were there to comfort you an give you (((hugs))) an ~~head rubsss~~…..
            Still purrayin; not goin to stop!!!!
            ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  7. Penny you are an adorable Tortie…..My human sis recently adopted a 1 yo Tortie, Mia, from a cat rescue. Sis told mom Torties are very very loving.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Phoebe
    I hope your eye gets better quickly. I had to go to the Vet last summer cause I was blinky blinky at mom. They gave me some drops. Mom was quite surprised that it was very easy to put drops in my eyes
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. I hope it is just something needing drops, she goes tomorrow afternoon to the vet.

    1. Penny says thank you. Stinky is going to the vet tomorrow , I will keep everyone posted.

  9. Gosh I hope her eye is alright – – – never heard of that problem so not sure what might cause it. Hopefully tomorrow it will look normal again!!

    Hugs, sammy

  10. We see from all the comments that you’re taking Stinky to the vet tomorrow. We’ll look forward to an update and certainly hope it’s nothing serious.

    Penny is such a pretty girl!

  11. I am glad Stinky has a vet appointment for tomorrow. It may be something simple that can be cleared up with drops but it can also signal more serious problems. Always better to be safe than sorry. I am sending purrs that everything goes well.
    Penny is looking very pretty.

  12. Hoping the vet visit for Stinky goes well..a good idea to get that checked..i am hoping it is all a very easy fix problem..these kitties do worry us so../big hugs and good wishes for Stinky..loves Bev xxx

  13. Penny, you are such a pretty kitty.
    We are sure Toby will love this picture of you 🙂
    We also purr Stinky has a good visit with the Vet and nothing serious is wrong.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  14. Penny is a beautiful girl! We love the lovely colours in her furs. Ellen , don’t get too worried about Stinky until you have all the facts. It could be something that is easily taken care of or that resolves itself on its’ own. You’ll find out tomorrow at the vet’s and then you can go from there. You will be in our thoughts and we will also check back to see how everything went 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. We have no experience with Stinky’s eye issue, but we’re glad you’re taking her to the vet. Let us know how it goes. We’ll be purring for Stinky. And Penny, you look pretty today.

  16. Glad to see you already have a vet appointment for tomorrow. An unusually dilated pupil, and the difference between the two eyes could be due to a minor eye irritation, or it could be a sign of something more serious. Purrs and paws crossed for Stinky.

  17. Chris used to have a problem with one eye not opening as wide as the other but a difference in pupil size is another story. I’m sorry but I can’t help you there.

  18. Still getting caught up with all posts – thank you for the photo of Penny! She is so gorgeous. I’m going to put this photo of her on my blog!!! Prayers for Stinky!! Love, Toby

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Glad you liked Penny’s photo, she is hard to get photos of :)She sends her love to you Toby.

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