Q is for Quint, the Painting Cat

Happy Monday everyone! Today is Q day for the a-z blogging challenge. I was going to take a photo of one of my cats on a quilt then I remembered Quint. I am sure most of you know who Quint is, but for those of you that don’t, here is a link telling how his artistic abilities were discovered: http://www.colehauscats.com/quint-a-budding-artist/

You can even purchase his art at this link:http://www.colehauscats.bigcartel.com/ย Someday I am going to buy one of his masterpieces.

004(He thought he’d dress up a little for this)

Sammy wants to tell everyone about an award he won recently from The Florida Furkids- I won this award last week, but this one is specifically for Sammy:

Thank you to my Cat Scout friends at FriendsFurever for my first award.

The rules are to

1. Thank them- Thank you very much Florida Furkids at FriendsFurever

2. Link back: http://www.friendsfurevercatblog.blogspot.com/

3. Tell 5 things about me:

  • I sleep on my Mommy’s pillow
  • I have a twin sister, Joanie ( we don’t look alike- or act alike)
  • I am a proud Cat Scout
  • I have a special friend at Cat Scouts named Maggie ( she is a pretty calico)
  • I like to steal everyone else’s dinner

4. Nominate 15 blogs- Mom said all the bloggers seem to have this award so if you don’t already have it then please take it as a gift from me.

Don’t forget to comment for a chance to win a catnip mat and crocheted chicken legs-winner announced Thursday016




  1. Concats on your award!

    We are kind of not going to do this one, case meowmy says right now she is swamped and needs a break…sigh…she just needs to stay home and let us blog all day MOL!!

    1. That would be nice if your Mom could stay with you all day, but someone needs to make money to keep you both in luxury like you deserve ๐Ÿ™‚ You deserve all the awards too.

  2. Oh we totally agree that Quint is an amazing artist……a most talented ginger!! Congratulations on your award too…….that’s just PAWSOME!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Sammy says thank you and I didn’t order one yet, I am waiting for more choices ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. guys….we noe ewe will love yur quint master peace once yur mom picks one out !!! him iz total lee talented N we look for werd two de day when hiz werk iz in de Louvre !! โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

    1. You are lucky to have a Quint ๐Ÿ™‚ ANd Phoebe says thank you Annabelle. She would give you an extra entry, but I don’t let her do that anymore.

  4. once again…your blog is not coming on a regular basis. Just re-subscribed for the zillionth time………..shouldn’t have to always click the notify me of new posts box to get them via email (Yes I subscribed on the side bar and that doesn’t seem to be working right)……grrrrrrrrrr………….

    1. I am sorry about that. I keep updating the plug-ins because that seemed to be a problem before. Thanks for re-subscribing- I appreciate it.

  5. Congratulations on your first award! It’s a good one.

    Hey! We know that Quint cat! Thank you for including him in your pawsome A-Z challenge today! He says Sammy looks very dapper and Qute in his tie.

    What? Qute isn’t a word? It is now!

    1. He is very talented. You are very talented too my sweet purrince- you are a poet. XO

      1. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe yur so sweet…mee iss blushin now ๐Ÿ˜‰
        There is a gurl named Phoebe
        who iss mee one tur sweetie.
        Shee iss gentull an kind….
        A treasured precious find.
        Mee iss lucky to have her
        Mee Purrincess to make mee purr…
        Happylee an furevurr.
        With <3 LUV <3 an **paw kissess**
        Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

        1. Thank you, you are a great poet my sweet purrince. I am going to have my Mom print it out for me to have near your photos. Love, Phoebes XOXOXOXO

  6. Sweet Quint you are looking mighty handsome all dressed up in your bow tie. The sketches are amazing. Congratulations on the award. Hugs and nose kisses Pooh, Chancy and Mumsy

  7. You look very dapper in your bow tie Sammy! Congrats on winning the award ๐Ÿ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Yes, I want to purchase one too, I think I will in July for my birthday ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you can get one too.

  8. I wants a chicken leg!

    I have 4 of Quints fab paintings. My favorite is Starry Night.

    1. You sire are lucky to have 4 of Quints paintings. We are going to get one soon. Good luck on the chicken legs ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Mee darlin Phoebe gurl,
    You put mee head in a whirl….
    You are mee speshell muse,
    Mee LUVSS you; mee trulee doess…
    Allwayss inn mee heart;
    You have been frum thee start!!
    Mee darlin Phoebe gurl…..
    ***paw kissess*** an ~~head rubss~~
    Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    1. Another poem for me- you are so sweet. I will have Mom print this one out too- I am going to have a whole book of poems. This is the third one. XOXOXO

      1. Mew mew mew mee not sure what cam over mee sweet Rainbow Gurl…mee just had to paw thiss poe-em to you!!
        LadyMum sayss mee iss a Poe-et Lore-e-a… ๐Ÿ˜‰
        Mee said mee iss nuffin without mee Purrincess Phoebe!!!!
        ~~head rubss~~ Siddhartha Henry yur sweet Purrince xxxxx

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