Sketchy Selfie Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone!!! I got my pen drawing from Thomas ( ) He also has another site displaying all his great work ( ) and commission a piece.


003 What do you think?

Mom and I love it and we hope you do too. Thank you Thomas!!!!

My Grammie came over and watched us while Mom and Dad went to a rehearsal dinner. Have you ever heard of needing to rehearse having dinner? Us kitties don’t need to rehearse. I love my Grammie so very much and not just because she gives us lots of treats.

Tonight we are having a different cat sitter, Mom’s friend. She watched us once before and I don’t recall her handing out treats -PHOOEY!!!! Mom bought us a bag of Ocean fish Party Mix and she best be giving us some or we may have to gang up on her.

Here’s my selfie: 001I borrowed Sammy’s

beret-without asking- I still feeling like being naughty.

016I am doing a giveaway- Mom will make a catnip mat with this pretty Spring fabric and there are 2 crocheted catnip chicken legs too. All you need to do is comment- I hope someone tells Ashton, he might want them for his chicken emporium. I will announce the winner on Thursday-comment every day for more chances to win.



  1. We just love Thomas’s drawing………every single one we’ve seen of his has been SOOOOOO good. I think you look quite nice in Sammy’s beret – if he left it behind when he went to Paris, too bad!!!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. He had it with him yesterday then he teleported home and Phoebe “borrowed” it now he is going to teleport back to Paris.

  2. Phoebe, you are looking mighty beautiful in Sammy’s beret. Thomas Clausen’s drawings are so incredible. He really captured you purrfectly. Thanks so much for joining and supporting our blog hop each week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Phoebe MOL MOL at stealing a hat…i have one similar..Mum says i need dreadlocks with mine..whats’ that about MUM ?? great selfie and we hope the catsitter gets with the program…we pee in their shoes if they screw up MOL..and catnip chick-hen legs…sounds super to me!! ..have a great week Phoebe…paw pats Dinnerminzt xx oh an pee ess Thomas does super drawings!!!!

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I hope we don’t have to resort to peeing in her shoes- MOL. You are entered into the giveaway.

  4. You look “pawsome” in your sketch Phoebe! Get it?! Pawsome!! Heehee :p

    Our Mama loves that little mat and we would love to enter your giveaway. Thank you! πŸ™‚ Have a Sunny Sunday!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  5. Now you’re famous for sure, Phoebe, now Mr Thomas has drawn you. Great sketch! He’s done one of me too which I shall share shortly πŸ™‚ BTW you look cute in you hat!!

  6. What a great drawing of your purrty self, Phoebe!

    Love you in that red beret, too!!

    Those chicken legs seem to be needing a good swat & bitey routine, MOL!!
    Q|What a nice blankie, do we see doggies on t too?? Then MJF our dog-guy would like it in his nest, MOL!! Hey if we win we can say we slept with doggies, OMC!

    1. Phoebe says thank you πŸ™‚ Yes, that is a dog on the catnip mat, but there are kitties too and it is full of catnip so the doggie might not like it.

      1. Oh, Wow! A nip mat!! Minko will monopolize it, he is a nip fiend!

        We have a question…we tried to add your blog to bloglovin, but even though we go to the home page, it only will post/follow the current posting and not each one. Any ideas??

        Hey we loved the selfie you posted today!

        1. No ideas, but I will look into it. Thanks for letting me know. Phoebe says thank you too.

  7. OOOOOOOH what a lovely drawing!! Purrfect!

    I hope your Mom’s furiend handed out treats to you – if not, let me know and I’ll send her an industrial strength hairball!

    1. THank you πŸ™‚ And yes, she gave us some treats, but not nearly enough so maybe you could send her a regular sized hairball- MOL!

  8. The sketch of you is wonderful, Phoebe!

    Your selfie in the beret sure is cute. Hopefully, you get some of those Party Mix treats. Otherwise, you definitely should gain up on her. It’s 15 to 1 after all.

    We would love to be in the giveaway. Those are some really great items.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I did get some treats, but not enough πŸ™ You are entered into the giveaway πŸ™‚

  9. I love that you “borrowed” Sammy’s beret for your selfie. You look mawvalous! Your drawing is super. Maybe I’ll have mom check into getting one done of me.

  10. What a wonderful drawing!

    Rehearsal dinner??? What is that about? I can only imagine some very weird occassions where I’d be maybe having a rehearsal dinner.

    I was also wondering about your cat sitters: were you staying overnight somewhere? Do you have cat sitters when you’re only going out?

    1. Thank you, glad you like the drawing. I am super paranoid and get a cat sitter when I will be gone more than an hour. I am afraid someone could break in and the cats would get out a broken window.

  11. A new sitter? Hmmmmmm Bet she dolls out sum of those tweats to get on y’all’s good side. MOL Enjoy them. Dat’s a weally cute matewial. It’s almost as purretty as you.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. Every day at breakfast I rehearse eating my dinner, MOL!!! That is a MOST fetching beret, my sweet–Sammy won’t miss it. Good luck getting extra treats–and that’s an adorable fabric you got there!

  13. Mee sweet Purrincess mee apawlogizess purrfuselee fur not beein here over thee weekend…..LadyMum was uburr busy with thee feral Kat Group an so wee not vizit bloggiess πŸ™
    Yur adorabull inn the beret; maybee Sammy wood let you wear on speshell dayss? πŸ˜‰
    An yur sketch terned out pawsumlee….Mistur Thomas iss so tallented issn’t hee?
    Now wee both have our sketchess…
    Yur give-away iss wunderfull just like you πŸ™‚
    ***paw kissess*** Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxx

    1. No need to apologize, that was nice of your home to help with feral cats. My Mom was busy with a wedding and I had a different babysitter- she gave us some treats, but not that many- PHOOEY! Mom finally finished your other yarmulke, but she hasn’t mailed it yet- sorry she is so slow. XO

      1. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe did you see there iss Spitty an Raven an mee all inn a row…all uss ‘panfurr mankatss’…mew mew mew…
        An yess LadyMum triess to assist whenever pawssible beecause shee luvss katss an wantss to help thee group of course!
        Iss OK yur Mumma iss slow; shee iss BERRY busy mee knowss…no wurry; no hurry…mee iss payshunt kittyboy meee-ohmmmm…..
        ***paw kissess*** an <3 LUV <3
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxx

        1. You are such a sweet kittyboy- pawkisses to you XOXOXO That is cute that 3 panthers in a row commented. I live with 4 panthers πŸ™‚

  14. Are yur ‘house panfurrss’ sorta wild like mee an run round allot??? Wee has ALLOT of energee πŸ˜‰
    ***paw kissess*** mee Purrincess
    Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    1. Jinx is the only naughty one- he tries to kill us all and need to be separate- goes right for our necks. Paw kisses to you tooo my sweet XO

  15. Good greef why iss Jinx so wild an notty??? Poor kittyboy an poor youss there…soundss like hee has a few isshuess Purrincess Gurl of mine <3
    Mee will purrtect you frum thee Jinx-ey kat!!!!!!!!!
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry yur loyal Purrince xxxx

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