Penny’s Tips Volume 31

Hi everyone! I have the perfect tip for you just in time for your holiday entertaining.

Hey Millie, smell this!

Smells like rotten eggs.

Sometimes wine may still taste good, but have a sulfur (rotten egg) smell. If you still want to drink it, just wash a penny and toss it in the glass. The penny needs to be from before 1982 though because they are copper. The copper does something that makes the smell go away. Sorry, I can’t explain the chemistry part, I am just a cat ,an adorable one though.

Dad let me borrow a bottle of his homemade wine for this photo shoot, but I can assure you his wine would never smell bad. And I am not drinking any, Mom put my treats in here.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

I probably won’t get another turn on the blog before Christmas so I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!



  1. Mom never knew that tip! She will be sharing that 🙂 Pennies are amazing right Penny ? 🙂 Loves to you all, hope you have been well.
    Marty and the Gang

  2. That’s an interesting tip we didn’t know about! Thanks Penny…..we agree your Dad’s wine needs NO HELP – it’s fabulous and Mom and Dad know that FOR SURE!!! Thanks for the tip and MERRY CATMAS!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Well. a great tip Penny! We enjoy wine in our house. Merry Christmas, Penny! Thank you for all your great tips!

  4. I didn’t know this. We drink champagne, and rarely drink wine, but it’s good to know. Need to make sure we have a copper penny.

    Thanks for linking up to the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Happy Tuesday. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. Another great tip, Penny!
    “Want a little cheese with that whine?” was brought to mind as I read your post, which has nuthin’ to do with nuthin’!

  6. Well, that’s an interesting tip, Penny. We don’t get to drink wine, but we will pass your tip along to Mom.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Who knew? Certainly not me! Of course, wine doesn’t stay around here long enough to get a bad smell, I don’t think. 🙂

  8. Well, that is certainly a furry interesting tip, Penny. Though Our Human says she would never know the wine still tasted good because if it smelled like sulphur, she would never get as far as tasting it.
    Also, there is no such thing as “just” a cat!
    And yes, you ARE adorable.

  9. Merry Christmas, Penny, and thanks for that tip. Pennies in the wine i did not know, although i have heard how moms used to put silver dollars in the milk to keep it from spoiling (silver kills germs).

  10. Wow! I truly did NOT know that! Thanks. Now I shall know how to help my peeps when they might hve that trouble…I hope never, though,MOL!! Maybe the copper ions released by the alcohol in the wine make the sulfur bind with them to eliminate the sulfur smell.

    NOw lets me see if they have any kitty nip wine stashed somewhere…

    And thanks we got your card:)

    Petcretary has been in lazy mode, so she still needs to finish ours…sigh…I hope they do not become New Year’s Cards, MOL!

  11. I’d never heard that, pretty cool. It’s also cool you have a cat that eats his treats, my little guy refused to eat cat treats of any kind. Both beautiful kitties!

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