P is for Paris

Happy Saturday everyone! Lots of hopping again today so lets get started:

Today is P on the a-z blogging challenge.  P is for Paris. HbaRpAoMy Sammy left with The Cat Scouts this morning for Paris. I crocheted a beret for him to wear. This photo is also for Athena’s Caturday Art Hop, I used Funny.Pho.to to edit this photo.

The theme for #52 snapshots of life is “Quizzical”. Phoebe does the best head tip when she is trying to figure out what I am saying to her- this one is a little exaggerated:



52 Snapshots of Life




Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. If I _______________I’d change ____________
  2. I’d rather __________ some where than ___________
  3. Seeing_____ makes me_______.
  4. Could you still______ after______

My Answers:


2. I’d rather SHOP some where than EXERCISE ANYWHERE

3. Seeing CATS makes me JOYFUL

4. Could you still FUNCTION after JUST 2 HOURS OF SLEEP?


Pet Parade with Rascal and Rocco


  1. Oh Sammy I am SO JEALOUS of your fabulous beret your Mom made for you! My Mom didn’t make ME one….(insert pouty face here)…..anyway, I’ll see you at the Cat Scouts Airlines Lounge this morning – believe it or not there’s already some Scouts there for early bird breakfast!


    1. Sammy says thank you and he is sorry you don’t have a beret 🙁 He’s off to catch that plane.

  2. I agree! What a funny idea to send your cat to Paris!

    And – quizzical, I’m impressed Phoebe is at least trying to understand what you want. Though I suspect that she sometimes wants to understand you so that she can do it the other way around?

    1. Very true 🙂 Once your kitties are settled, they can join Cat Scouts. It is a lot of fun 🙂

  3. You mean shoppin’ ISN’T exercise? Clearly you have not watched my Peep #1 luggin’ in the bags of kitty litter and bags of tinned food.


    1. Good point Nissy- I guess I should lug the litter inside instead of making the hubby do it. 🙂

  4. Love how Sammy is truly in Paris!!

    If I had the o-purr-tuna-tee I’d change all the shelters to cage free and no kill…and make sure there was always room, by getting them all adopted…I wish…
    I’d rather listen to beautiful music some where than hear all the chaos and raucous noises in some so called concerts.
    Seeing peeps helping others in kind ways makes me feel good and wanting to help them even more myself.
    Could you still cook a full course dinner after spending 5 hours doing heavy yard work? Meowmy did that yesterday…sigh…(We cannot eat restaurant offerings due to dietary concerns…sigh…)

    (Ask her if she spent time doing blogs, MOL!)

    1. Nice answers- and no way could I cook after doing 5 hours of yard work- I doubt I could do more than a couple hrs. of yard work 🙂 Sorry she didn’t help you read blogs 🙁

  5. Phoebe, you look so cute with your extreme head tilt. Have a good time in Paris Sammy. You look very dashing in your beret.

    1. Awww….you are so sweet- thank you. Phoebe is having a giveaway tomorrow and crocheted chicken legs are part of it 🙂

  6. Love the quizzical photo. I want to move to a different house also because of my cats, lol. I want better lighting so that my pictures will look better and I want to be able to build a Catio. Also I’m a country person and not a city person. Some day I shall find a money tree, lol.

    1. If you find a money tree, please let me know where they grow 🙂 It would be great to have lots of money to cattify and help shelters, etc.

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince, Mom sent that photo to Thomas to sketch, but he chose a different one. Paw kisses to you and a big old head bonk XO

  7. Mee-you yur sketch iss pawsum jsut like you mee deer Purrincess…
    Mee sendss you LOTSS of <3 LUV <3 an a gentull *head bonk* an **paw kissess**
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

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