It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading and #JHC 10

Hi everyone! Today is a busy hopping day. First is Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


As you know, I am not a fan of fiction, but the librarian set this aside for me because she thought I would like it. And she was correct, Lawyer For a Cat by Lee Robinson is really good. It is about a young attorney who ends up having to care for a cat named Beatrice until she can find the most suitable person to care for her. The owner passed away and listed 3 choices in her will of who could care for the cat and live in the house, the owner’s son was not listed, but he wants the house now.

This book also reminds me of the fact that my husband and I do not have a will yet. We started discussing it years ago and now the attorney we went to is retired. I know if something happened to both of us that my Mom ( Grammie) would take care of my cats, but if she could not then we need a plan. My niece said she would find them all homes, but that is not what I want, I want them to live out their lives in their own home which is why we have procrastinated so long.

I also tried to read Seinfeldia by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, but I didn’t like it. I loved the show and have seen every episode countless times, but this book reads like a boring Biography. I just couldn’t get into it- has anyone else read it?

The word today for #JHC is BOO! dscf2671 Snowball has a blanket behind her that has ghosts and the word Boo on it. Snowball hopes she is Awww…worthy for Comedy Plus’ Awww…..Mondays blog hop.



  1. My Human bought a big BOO sign at Costco — it is in her office at work though. I think she should bring it home so I can take a picture with it! Snowball is *always* Awwwww-worthy to me! XOXOXO

  2. That sounds like a good book…..and reading stories like that does remind us that we should have a “plan” when it comes to our pets – things happen and we want to make sure they are taken care of if WE can’t do it any longer. I loved Seinfeld, but not sure that book sounds like it does it any justice!!!!! LOL

    Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam

  3. That is something the Mom thinks about all the time. It is such a hard thing to decide what to do.
    Sorry we haven’t been here in so long. Lots of computer problems.
    That does sound like a good book. And also that is a great review.

  4. I am reading a great book called Dog Medicine. It’s a memoir about a woman’s journey back from severe depression and how her dog helped her recover.

    Wills are definitely important especially when it comes to making plans for your pets.

  5. That sounds like such an interesting read. I actually know a of people who don’t have wills in place yet. Although of course important, I think it’s just such a daunting task to consider.

    We love your “boo” blanket, Snowball. And of course you’re aww worth, always! Purrs!

    1. It is scary, but we never know when an accident could happen. Snowball thanks you ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. That reminds me that I don’t have a will yet either. I don’t have human or furry dependents to consider though. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Our Mom is reading a trio of books containing stories by Raymond Carver and we don’t like them at all. It’s a required reading thing for her and personally, all of us can’t wait until she moves onto something else. Our mom read thirty books this year with three more to go. We liked most even though there weren’t many that had cats in them. Why was that???

  8. Snowball is indeed Awww worthy. Adorable too.

    We have our wills all done, and our funerals done and paid for. It’s something everyone needs to do. We just had a friend die and they did nothing. Now their entire family is trying to come up with the money. We just don’t want to put our families through that. You’re thinking about it and that’s the first step. Some never think of it at all.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Snowball. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ We have a lot and gravestone and insurance, but need to get that will done.

  9. Great post. A will and POA were both on my To-Do list for this year. I found a great place online, and found a notary to notorize both documents. You might want to check out No charge unless you subscribe! Has a breakdown of fill-ins by the state your live in. I was so relieved to get this done, and I made sure to put in a provision for my cats, just in case.

    1. Thank you for this link, I will look into it. I am glad you made arrangements for your kitties.

  10. Yes it is a lot to think about when you are guardians to furbabes.
    When we travel I keep contact info in my wallet stating our sitter and Vet’s name and how to contact our daughter.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. It is really hard with so many and wanting them to stay together. You are smart to have that information with you. XO

  11. snowball….ya look gorgeouz with yur boo blankit……orange iz kinda sorta yur color…. all most…. โ˜บโ˜บโ˜บโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

  12. Mee-you Lady Ellen iss a seereuss topick about what happens to 4 leggedss if our Hu’manss can no longer care fur us.
    LadyMum has an agreemint on papurr that Aunty Sheila iss mee Guardeean an shee wood come an get mee an all mee fingss. Then shee could keep mee or mee could go back to Mumma Mary-Ellen. Even Lady Nikki iss a purrspecktive adopter of mee should LadyMum go to Pure Land befur mee.
    So mee knowss mee will bee cared fur……
    With all yur katss it iss an even BIGGER task speshelly if you want to keep them together! Butt you will figure this out because yur a smart Lady!

    As fur what wee are reedin. LadyMum finished “Flesh an Blood” bye Patricia Cornwell an thee end confused her toe-tallee!! The story was intense an well written butt thee end was a “HUH???” endin…mew mew mew…..
    Now LadyMum iss reedin “Telling Tales” by Ann Cleeves. This book iss part of thee Vera Stanhope series that made the “VERA” series inn thee UK that wee luv so much here!
    Mee finkss LadyMum purrtendss shee iss a Deetecktive, mew mew mew…..
    Pleeze tell Phoebe mee sweet gurl mee LUVSS her with all mee heart!!!!
    *****paw kissesss***** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. You can add us into the list of potential adopters if something happens to your Mum ( we pray she stays healthy though).
      It is fun to play detective reading books ๐Ÿ™‚ Phoebe sends you a kiss and a hug and love.

      1. Lady Ellen you have ALL WAYSS been on that speshell list!!!!
        LadyMum an mee could not walk out last nite; it was all most FREEZIN here an wee had a mee-yow about fingss an mee thott mee reelly luvss beein with her an mee even snuggulled inn thee innside Condo!!!!
        An LadyMum says shee iss like her nanna who LUVVED a ‘good who-dun-it’ book!!
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss***
        Siddhartha Henry~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. I love to hear about new cat books you’ve found. Since you enjoy non-fiction, I thought I would share one I finished over the weekend called Shadow Divers. It’s about two divers who discovered a WWII German submarine deep in the waters off of New Jersey. It was a fascinating read, even more so when you google to look at more photos and info online!

  14. I like the sound of Lawyer for a Cat. Oh dear a few of us without wills, I keep meaning to as such a nuisance for those left behind if no will and in your case a number of cats.

    1. You are ahead of me, one of these days I want to read them too. I have seen the 1st 2 movies.

  15. I would love to read that book! My hubby works for a big law firm and he has so many hours of free estate planning. It is so hard to think about dying but I know it is inevitable. Only my youngest grandson would properly care for my kitty who loves to drink from the bathroom stink faucet. I am guardian to our youngest son Nick’s cat until he returns from college in May 2017. She already got sick once and that cost a king’s ransom! But I promised him I would care for her. I would not want to see her separated from my Mr. Kitty neither. ๐Ÿ™
    Thanks for the share today and enjoy your week.

    1. That is nice that they offer free estate planning. We have 13 cats so it is hard to find someone suitable other than my Mom.

  16. Pierrot had to come by so he could see his sweetheart, Snowball, looking so pretty.

    That book looks really good. I’m off to check it out now.

  17. That looks like a good book! It’s certainly important to have will and plans for what should happen if the unthinkable happens. Good reminder!

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope they write a will soon or at least have a place lined up for you just in case.

  18. Oh a will is so important when you have a herd. I did mine (my mom did as well) about 10 years ago. Huge relief. Our lawyer thought we were a spot crazy since it was his first pet will to make up that even included the herd mice and turtles at the time. lol But they’re babies too and need protection should anything happen.

  19. We made a will eons ago when the unfurs here were furry small…and it did not have provisions for pets…but now our situation is different and the unfurs are grown up and we have three furry ones…so we need to make a revised or maybe even a new will. Hubby has a four year old living will, but not petcretary…

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