MEOW Like a Pirate Day!

Ahoy, everyone! I think to celebrate meow like a Pirate day, we should ‘ave Brody walk the plank!
‘ave a jolly day an’ don’t drink too much ale.


dscf2562-2Joanie dscf2558Β  Sammydscf2564Prancie dscf2566KaTwo

dscf2570-2Penny dscf2567-2Milliemeow-likeapirateday-9-19-2016-300x300


We don’t want to miss Book Date’sΒ  It’s Monday! What are YOU Reading?

dscf2541 I just finished This Star Won’t Burn Out by Esther Earl. Esther was 12 when diagnosed with a rare thyroid cancer. She survived for 4 and a half years with experimental treatments. She spent most of her time at home where she reached out on the internet and made friends all over the world that were Harry Potter Fans like she was. Despite being so sick, she still managed to live and was very close with her parents, 4 siblings and 2 cats ( Blueberry and Pancake). Her positive attitude and belief in God through everything left me in awe of her.

The way I found this book was odd. It is in the young adult section in Barnes and Noble. I went down that aisle on my way top the bathroom and her sweet face on the cover caught my eye. I believe I was meant to read her story and spread the word about it. I recommend this book to everyone, I will warn you to have your tissues ready toward the end.


We hope our pirates are Awwwww…….worthy for Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays blog hop.

And the question for P.S.Annie’s 19-Somethin Challenge is : Did you have a favorite car?I didn’t have a certain car I wanted, but I loved my grandfather’s old blue Gremlin that was my first car.



  1. Brody be ready fer ’tis but I don’t think he’s sailin’ th’ plank. He’s goin’ to make some other scurvy pirate to do it furrr him. Brody be th’ cap’n.

  2. Yarghhh!
    Ya’ll be a fine bunch of swabs and wenches thar! Happy Pirate day! Ahoy!!

    Esther means star so that is a fitting title for a book like that:)

    I didn’t have a fave car, but the boys here both thought they coveted a Porsche!! They both have Ford focus. MOL!!
    I had a teacher who was in ger twenties and she taught French and German…her desire was to have ‘Un Mustang Rouge’!!

    1. Thank you. My hubby has a red 1969 mustang that hasn’t been driven since the 1980’s. I keep telling him to sell it.

  3. Oh my! I’d say the house is full of scurvy pirates today! I hope you sail the seven seas inside the house today and get plenty of treats so you don’t have to raid the ship!!!

    Hugs, Captain Sam

  4. Arrrrrrrr me hearties, mew be a fine looking bunch of pirates! I be looking fur some more crewmates fur me ship, The Crimson Revenge… arrrrrrrrrrr….. so if ye be in the market to join a new crew let me know! Arrrrrrrrrr….

    Bestest pirating purrs

    Cap’n Basil Blackheart & The Crew of The Crimson Revenge

  5. My goodness, what an adorable lot of pirates you all are! (But please don’t make Brody walk the plank, Phoebe…)

    And that books sounds so incredibly inspiring. I love how you came across it, Ellen. It really does sound like you were meant to read it. Purrs!

  6. Our Marine always looks forward to Talk Like a Pirate Day. I had forgotten about it. This year he got to spend it out at sea. He is aboard a helicopter aircraft carrier. Cute pirate costumes, guys. The Gremlin was an unusual car. We had a bill collector that used to work for us. He could park that car just about anywhere. We had a little space between a sign and the ditch that was like his private parking place because no one else could fit in it.

  7. Ahoy! You all make adorable — I mean, fierce–pirates! πŸ™‚ That sounds like a good book. I just finished the novel Counting by 7s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan. Very original and funny and sad–excellent book! I

  8. Mighty Hearty bunch of fine pirates you be! The Mom haz bin sick so we’re making her walk the plank fur not getting us a hat fur Pirate Day…

    Purrz from Angel who wants to be a pirate.

  9. blimey buckoz; a draught two all ye bucaneerz N hearties spesh a lee sum nelsonz folly ~~~ β™₯β™₯β™₯

  10. 444 pawsss uppy fur all of you lookin so pie-ratty an kewl…speshelly mee sweet Purrincess Phoebe…..
    Phoebe can you come to Speedy’ss pawty with mee??? Hee has a FB pawty page as well as on thee bloggie…..
    As fur readin LadyMum iss now reedin Patricia Cornwell’ss new book “Flesh an Blood”….mee finks shee should bee reedin liter stuff befur bedtime….butt shee iss so inn to crime drama……
    Mee iss lookin at Bailey Boat Kat’ss book now….kewl fotoss’!!!
    ****paw kissesss**** Pie-rat Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. We have Bailey’s book too πŸ™‚ I saw you at Speedy’s blog and you look so handsome as a pirate. I would love to set sail with you my purrince. My Mom said I can go to a party with you. My om would not be able to sleep if she read a crime drama before bed. XO and paw kisses.

      1. Woo Hoo!!! That was SUM pawty wasn’t it Purrincess Phoebe???? Wee sure had fun an mee paws are a bit tendurr frum all thee jigging wee did, mew mew mew…
        Mee hopess mee was a purrfect Pie-rat Gentull kat an that you had a wudnerfull time….
        Yur thee sweetest gurl inn thee werld!
        All mee LUV an ****paw kissesss**** yur funny Pie-rat Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. You are always a gentlecat my love, I had a wonderful time. XO and love and paw kisses Thank you for a wonderful time.

          1. Yur most well come deerest gurl. Mee should have given you more notice….sorry about that. Sumtimess mee furgetss…..ladiess need time to preepare. Yur so good to mee Phoebe!!!
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss***
            Yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. We love all the pirate photos! I especially love Penny – she makes the pretties pirateever, but then Simon thinks the same thing of Joanie!! And BobbieSue is all gaga over Millie – she thinks he looks so handsome!!
    Mom especially loves the photo of Brody! He looks so happy! I told her it’s time to remove the photo of Brody looking scared to death from our side bar!!! He’s very happy now! Prayers work miracles! We love you all!!

    1. Penny is happy that Toby likes her pirate look. We think Joanie’s was best because she wore the whole outfit. I agree, it is time to remove that badge, Brody has really fit in well. Prayers really do work. We love you all too!

  12. Arrrgh! We’d loved seeing all ye fierce buccaneers in your pirate garb. A fine bunch ye be. Mau said to remind Sammy that there’s a pirate party at the CSU dorms. That does sound like a book that will definite elicit tears, but it also sounds like one Mom would like. Thanks for the recommendation. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Sammy is going to be mad at me, I forgot to tell him about the party.
      I highly recommend the book. XO

  13. Your pirates look like they rule the seas with velveted paws.

    Thanks for the book recommendation. Right now, i think i want to look up and read a good teary story, it’s a great way to vent.

  14. Arrrrrrgh!
    Ye be a fine bunch o’ pirates as ever there was!
    Plenty enough ta crew yer own ship.
    Come join in our plunder and have some of arr grog!
    Tis a fine time ta be a pirate. Yarrrrrrrr!
    Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  15. Yous guys is the bestest pirates! Yous is wearing real pirate duds and not photoshopped (or cartooned)! Mes is totally impressed. Wes sorry wes not commented a lot over the last week. Mommy has been sleep deprived between work, traveling to get Cinnamon, Kozmo and Jo Jo. Wes gotted behind.
    Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Jo Jo

    1. Lucky us, our Mom is too stupid to photoshop so we have to suffer. No need to apologize, we know your Mom is busy. XO

  16. Oh my sounds a really great book but no doubt so sad. It is so inspiring when someone appreciates life and lives it to the full while she has it. Great pirate pics!

    1. It is an inspiring book and not really sad until the very end. Glad you like the pirate pics πŸ™‚

  17. You all make such adorable pirates. πŸ™‚

    That sounds like a very heart-tugging book. It always seems so unfair when the young ones have to deal with such big issues. πŸ™

    I think it is great that you got to have your grandpa’s car! I would love to have had my grandpa’s first (and only that I know of). It was either a Model T or Model A, I can’t remember which. I saw a picture of him with this car once, but I don’t have a copy of it. Do you have a photo of your grandpa with his car? Thanks for joining our 19-Somethin’ challenge. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you, I had more fun dressing them then they did posing πŸ™‚
      I wish I had a photo of my Grandpa with his car, but I don’t. I have a photo of me as a child standing in front of it, but I can’t figure out how to scan it.

  18. You all look extra sweet in that pirate hat! Um. We meant extra ferocious of course! ;D

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Terrific pirates !!

    I was looking for your blog link without Google + it’s difficult to find on Google +, I had to google to find you !

  20. Argh!!! I cannot believe I missed talk like a pirate day!! September needs to slow down.
    Sounds like a good book. I just started one of my old classics, Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls. Every now and then I go back and read some of the classics.

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