I Could Pee on This

Today we are already up to the letter I in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. I am recommending a book that Lucy and I recommended this book way back in August 2014. I Could Pee on This by Francesco Marciuliano is a cute little book of poems by cats. Lucy used to like to think outside the box and on anything that the other kitties enjoyed like catnip mats, paper bags, etc. I miss my Lucy and all her little quirks.


Spooky is modeling with the book. Unfortunately, his PCV ( packed cell volume) was down to 19% from 23%  on the latest test. The vet recommended an injection called darbepoetin to stimulate his red blood cells to make more. She said many anemic cats do fine and I don’t have to do this. I asked what she would do if Spooky were her cat, I always ask that question and she said she would treat him with this. I also asked if anything could be causing this like the pepcid or his thyroid condition and she is certain it is the kidney disease.

This does not work in all cats and she has never treated a cat with it so I am nervous. There is another medicine, but many cats end up with reactions from antibody formations. I was also confused as to how some cats can be fine if they are anemic, when I do the Math, if those numbers drop that much weekly then I see his time as running short.The vet said that sometimes the numbers even out, but I want to do this now instead of him needing a transfusion down the line. The vet did say his quality of life would be improved with this and from what I read, anemic cats have appetite loss which would explain his pickiness.

Your continued prayers and purrs are greatly appreciated.


  1. You made us giggle about Lucy:)

    Poor Spooky. Such hard decisions to make. Meowmy thinks the sae as you do, Miss Ellen.Left alone it just wouldn’t go well…but then how do you know the medicine will do right by Spooky either. It is so hard when our furkids get so sick.

    Can you look it up to read info about it?
    Educate yourself, then go with what your heart tells you.

    Sending huge purrs and tons of POTP fur Spooky.
    Hugs to you, Miss Ellen.

    1. I have been reading a lot of information online , but the vet saying she would treat the anemia if Spooky was her cat really convinced me. Spooky and I thank you for the hugs and prayers. XO

  2. Poor Spooky. And poor you. We know that no matter what, you will do what you think is best for Spooky. We’re sending big purrs and prayers for wisdom, peace and healing!

  3. Sounds like a fun book. I think that’s a great idea — asking the vet what they would do if it was their cat. I’m going to remember. Hopefully I’ll never have to use it, if you know what I mean.

  4. This is one of my favorite books! The one about the mouse as a gift and being unable to stop the owner from screaming…I DIE laughing every. single. time.

  5. We will definitely keep Spooky right where he’s always been – in our prayer and purr list – sounds like the vet is working to make Spooky feel as good as possible since he deals with a lot of health issues. Keep us posted after he has the treatment so we can know if you think he’s feeling better!! Sending hugs.

    Love, Sammy

    1. Thank you for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated. I will be posting updates as we go along. XO and love

  6. Another book to read! If I don’t keep the litter box dry and clean, Simon will pee on any soft fabric on the floor. He used to pee in LadyBird’s dog bed, towels, scatter rugs, etc. He keeps me hopping.

    We’re praying and purring for Spooky. I agree with Pipo, et al. Educate yourself, and then follow your heart. I know you’ll do what is best for your baby. You are in our prayers as well.

    1. I suggest puppy pads by the litter box, Lucy used to like those. Thank you for the purrs and prayers. XO

  7. I know you miss your sweet Lucy, but I’m so glad you have your lovely memories with her. I love the tidbit you shared here, about her “thinking outside the box”. Too funny.

    We will of course be keeping up our purrs and prayers for Spooky. My Rosie had anemia with her renal disease as well. Her PCV values fluctuated a lot, but she was one of those cats who never seemed bothered by it. Rosie’s vet always noted that pepcid could actually help with anemia, as sometimes the anemia is the result of ulceration often fond in kidney cats. Rosie’s anemia improved a bit when she started receiving pepcid regularly, but it still fluctuated some.

    Many purrs and prayers to you and Spooky as you deal with this. No matter what, please know that you are doing a great job with him, giving him the best care any kitty could ask for.

    1. Thank you for letting me know about Rosie’s anemia. His PCV went down from when we started the pepcid so I think his body is just not making the red blood cells fast enough. The vet said some cats will act fine despite that, but his appetite is not great so I am hoping if we help the anemia, his appetite will improve. As you know, kidney disease is a rocky road with a lot of ups and downs. XO

  8. Awww, Spooky is adorable. I’d be doing this and right now. Same thing happened to my human mother in law. She ended up with blood transfusions.

    I linked Spooky to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day Spooky. ☺

    1. Thank you for linking Spooky. I don’t want to have to start with transfusions, I hope he responds well to the injections. Spooky says thank you, he hopes you have a good day too.

  9. Oh, we have this one! It’s pretty cool. We’re very sorry Spooky doesn’t have better news and trust us when we say we understand how difficult these medical problems are.

  10. Poor Spooky. Mom has never heard of this treatment. She’s just like you and always asks the vet what she would do if it were her cat. We trust her totally. We continue to purr for Spooky and Mom continues to pray. We have that book. It’s a fun one. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you, I am praying for Fiona too. I will keep everyone updated on his progress. I hope Fiona will not need it, but if she ever does, you will know about it. XO

  11. spooky…pleez ta tell yur mom to go with her gutz….it will help her feel better

    …..N we due knot noe most oh theeze werdz in de topic { linx bee low } but yur mom may; pluz we canna remember if we sended thiz linx all reddy ore knot, but pleez ta tell yur mom ta reed thiz if her haza chance !

    az all wayz, de manee blessing oh st francis two ewe dood ♥♥♥


    Ellen…type in the whole link as is, to read the page specific to darbepoetin

    1. Thank you for the link to this page, I couldn’t find much information online about this particular drug so this is most helpful. XO

  12. Oh, Spooky, we know what you are going through and feel bad for you. Minchie’s values have increased up to 33% and they don’t know what the cause is. He’s been tested for everything. Purring the shot works for you if you go that way. Keep us posted.

    1. Thank you for letting me know about Minchie. I will be praying for him. I am glad his values have improved. XO

  13. I am keeping purring for Spooky. My mum also always asks my vet what he would do if it was his own cat he was treating.

    1. Thank you for purring for Spooky. We are praying for you daily Flynn. I think that is the best question, what would the vet do? XO

  14. What a funny name fur a bookie Lady Ellen!! It sounds like it iss berry funny! An wee miss Lucy an her ant-ticks! Shee iss lookin down on you with Luv…..
    Now mee lettin LadyMum mee-yow to you ok? (Mee iss sendin POTP to Spooky….)
    Hi Ellen: What you are experiencing with Spooky is unfortunately ‘normal’ progression of Kidney Disease. I suggest you follow your Vet’s instructions. The usual life span of a feline with this disease is 1-1 1/2 years. Mingflower the Merciless lived 2 1/4 yrs with the disease but she was an exception to the rule. She was anaemic also. I used to give her liquid Potassium in a syringe daily…that helped. Oh & the trick I used to stimulate appetite was to put her ‘Vet’ wet food in bowl & then add some Friskies wet food on top. Warm in micro for 8 seconds & she would start eating & enjoy the Friskies so much she’d just keep eating! So I got 95% of ‘Vet’ food into her. And her kibble was ‘Vet’ kibble which thankfully she loved.
    How long has Spooky had Kidney Disease? (sorry, I have forgotten).
    ((((hugs)))) Sherri-Ellen

    1. I don’t know how long he has had it, but he was diagnosed about 2 months ago. He eats some of the prescription diet, but we give him canned of anything he will eat. The vet said this injection will improve his quality of life. I know it is normal progression, but we are willing to do whatever we have to so we can have him with us as long as he is comfortable. He still has an excellent quality of life and is now insistent about going outside daily. XO and love to you and Siddhartha

      1. HHHM then he has probably had Kidney Disease for 1-2 months B4 diagnosis….
        I KNOW you are doing everything right Ellen. I would never question your care, love & devotion to your fur babies!
        I admire you oodles my friend!
        (((hugs))) S-E.

        1. I think the blood pressure meds did it, but he is over 16 so it could be both. Thank you for your kind words. XO and love to you Sherri-Ellen

  15. Haha! LOVE the book title. And perfect for an ‘I’ day.
    Reminds me of two little boys, two brothers, that I’m having problems with right now. Both black cats also. They’ve decided, at almost a year old, that they’d rather not use the box – which gets cleaned 4-5 times a day – they’d rather pee on the cushion on the seat, IN the empty cardboard box on the floor, on the sofa….
    Have a wonderful day!
    Trisha Faye

    1. My Penny likes to pee in cadrboard boxes. Truy leaving puppy pads by the litter box, that is what Lucy used to be willing to use and it is better than a cushion 🙂

  16. Purrs for Spooky. After looking at the possible benefits & risks, I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you and Spooky.

  17. We’re sorry to hear about Spooky. We don’t have any experience with anemia in cats, so we can’t offer any suggestions. We continue to purr for Spooky.

  18. I love Spooky and just read this. Please keep me posted on him and his health. He and you are in my prayers.
    I am still working on reading posts that I missed. The new provider should be taking over by the end of this week. Yea! I had scheduled some posts and do not want to lose my place with A-Z.

    1. Thank you for the prayers. I am glad you are getting a new internet provider, I hope your old one gives you a refund. XO

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