Fun for a Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Today is fun and games day and I found an easy treat dispenser you can make for your kitty. I saw it on Pinterest, but it was actually from a kitty blog that I had never heard of. Here is the link: I was hoping to have found another blog, but it doesn’t look like there were any posts made since 2010.

I washed out an empty soda bottle and cut 3 holes in it with a small knife. Amazingly I didn’t cut myself. I had to use the blow dryer because there was still a little water in it. Then I added treats and put it on the floor: 025 026As you can see, it was a hit. It took them a long time to get the treats out too.

We have more letters to Santa:005Joanie 011Prancie

Phoebe said to remind you to comment today or tomnorrow if you haven’t yet for a chance to win a crocheted item for your mom ( or dad). Have a great day everyone!


  1. I wish I could find a treat to use like that, that isn’t dry. Chuck cannot tolerate any kibble or dry pellet-like things, so I’m at a loss. Any suggestions out there?

    1. That is too bad 🙁 Could he have small pieces of chicken or hamburg? )That is all I can think of.

    1. That is a great idea, I put a golf ball in Joanie’s food, but this would slow her down even more.

  2. Wow! That treat dispenser is a PAWSOME idea! 😀 Oh, and we LOVE Joanie’s letter to Santa. It could have been written by Roxy herself… MOL 😉 Have a wonderful Monday, sweeties! xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  3. I am going to make some of these for my grandcats for Christmas as I always buy them lots of treats for them as their gift. Love reading about you kitties hope you all have a great day!

    1. Thank you, it is so sweet of you to read the blog even though you don’t have cats. You do have a lot of grandkitties though so that is a great idea to make it for their Christmas gifts.

  4. That looks like a great toy. We will have to try that. The dry food in it sounds like a good idea. Have a great Monday.

    1. I think it is really frustrating because you can see the treats unlike some of the ones you buy that are colored and not see through.

    1. YAY! I am glad you were able to comment and I hope you were able to sign up for the emails. That is a good idea too, I will have to try that with the butter container.

  5. Whoa! I wouldn’t like having to work for my treats. The turkey leg came today. Thank you so much. TW is waiting to open hers until Christmas cos I told her that’s all I’m getting her. MOL!

    1. Keisha, you are a funny kitty 🙂 I am glad your prizes arrived, thanks for letting me know.

  6. Oh,those are great! We have a plastic herb jar TBT drilled a few holes 1/2″ holes in, and then he found an egg-shaped one at a store.

    1. We have that egg too- only one of my kitties really loves it and a couple more will whap it once in a while.

  7. That’s a neat idea for kitties who are little piggies. I don’t eat treats so I won’t be getting a treat dispenser.

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