Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.
1. My _______________ is too _____________________.
2. I am willing to give up _____________________for ______________________.
3. One random fact about me is _________.
4. _________ makes me unique.
My answers:
1.My new Halloween pillowcase is too slippery.

2. I am willing to give up some freedom for the safety of my family. I don’t mind wearing a mask and don’t understand why so many have issue with it. I haven’t even had a cold since I started wearing one and I like that.
3. One random fact about me is that I am obsessed with the water pik- that is the best invention ever.
4. My dna makes me unique-everyone’s does. I recently had my dna tested at ancestry.com and these were the results:
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland & Lithuania1 Possible Ancestor Found
No big surprises. I know my Dad was French Canadian and my Mom is Polish.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
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Angel KaTwo and Angel Snowball are stunning angel kitties! I hear you on slippery sheets. I actually sold a pair I’d bought and then washed and then was like oh no that’s yucky.
Love hearing about your DNA results. They are so interesting!
Thank you 🙂 XO
Mum had her DNA done four years ago and there were no surprises really as she got mostly Greek and Italian with some Caucasus & Middle East. Her parents are from Greek Cyprus.
And I’m a cat, born in England. I don’t really know my ancestry even though I was given a Greek name 🙂
That is cool that she had hers done too. I had Millie’s done when I won from Basepaws, but it isn’t as informative as with people. XO
Well, slippery sheets help you slide out of bed 😉
I like soft sheets when I get a chance to lay on them 😉
Purrs, Julie
You should get to sleep in bed every night 🙂 XO
That must have been interesting to find out your ancestry. Sweet photos of your angels.
Thank you 🙂 XO
Many of the cheaper sheets are made of very slippery material. That’s why we have to be careful buying them.
Having your DNA done can be fascinating, and i am glad in your case it wasn’t anything you didn’t expect. A friend of mine was very startled and disappointed with the result, as it proved many of the family stories about where they came from were wrong.
Wonderful Angel pictures, Snowball and KaTwo were quite beautiful.
Thanks for hosting, and i hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend!
I got what I paid for 🙂
I hope you have a nice weekend too. XO
All I knew about your DNA is that whatever your ancestry, you are one of the kindest, sweetest people I know! It is interesting though to find all that out I’m sure. The flashback photos are precious.
Thank you for your kind words, I feel the same about you. XO
It may be slippery but your Halloween pillowcase is very cute 🙂
Beautiful photos of Angel KaTwo and Angel Snowball. Happy Friday!
Thank you 🙂 XO
That hat looks precious her! Oh how ladycat -like! I have Ancestry too. A great deal of Scottish and English, some Wales and Ireland. The entire UK area it seems. Smidge of a few others. It’s fun.
Thank you 🙂 That is cool that you had your dna done. XO
I really love your answer to #2! I agree wholeheartedly! The flashback photos are adorable! 🙂 <3
Thank you 🙂 XO
I too purchased some sheets that were a great deal, and now they are tucked into the bottom of a basket for Sweetie to sleep on!
I want to get a water-pic-like machine, but haven’t found exactly the one that I want.
I think my cats will get these too 🙂 XO
Great fill ins as always. I’ve been thinking of getting a water pik. I’ll have to look around for a good deal. Have a great weekend!
Thank you 🙂 I highly recommend them.
Aw on your angels. Sweet memories.
Love your fill-ins. Never thought about doing my DNA.
Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop,
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen, Scritches to the kitties, ♥
Thank you 🙂 XO
What beautiful angels. ~hugs~ And now you’ve got me thinking a water pic is a good idea as my new crown is giving me minor flossing issues. 🙂
Thank you 🙂 Yes, it works great with those. I have a crown and the floss shreds on it.
Love the pics of those sweet angels! I love my water pic. They are great for those of us that have crowns. 😁
Thank you 🙂 I have one crown and I agree. XO
Those were great answers. Our Mom and Dad wouldn’t be without that water-pik thing!
Thank you 🙂
We love your answers and would love to know your answer for #3.
Thank you. I had missed that one, but I went back to it. XO
Years ago Mom had sheets that were slippery. When her kitties slid out of bed she took them off and never used them again.
Sweet Angels!
The Florida Furkids
I hope my kitties don’t slip off the bed. XO
Who makes a slippery pillowcase, that’s kind of funny. It’s cute though!
Thank you.:)
Beautiful pictures of your angel kitties, Ellen. It’s fun and interesting to do the ancestry! XO
Thank you 🙂 XO
Love the flashback photos. I think it would be fun to do the dna test.
Thank you 🙂 You should do it.
Darling Angels! Have a lovely day!
Thank you 🙂 You too !
guyz….we think we iz obsezzed with fish….like big time !! 😉 ♥♥
I agree with #2. The only way we get through this is together.
Those flashback photos are fantastic!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you 🙂 Hope you have a nice weekend too. XO
We were going to have Dads DNA tested but they said they only do humans MOL
MOL! 🙂
I liked your replies especially 2 🙂
What cute pics can i borry that hat heheh!
Have a fill-intastic safe week 😷😷😷
Thank you 🙂
Beautiful pictures! Those sheets are really cute.
Thank you 🙂
Mom doesn’t mind wearing a mask either if it keeps her safe, but she gets a headache every time she does. As for the water pik, she doesn’t know how she managed without one. It keeps her teeth and gums in great shape.
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I get tired when I wear one too long.
We LOVE your fill-ins! And your flashbacks of Ka-Two and Snowball are purrfect!
We had some slippery sheets a couple of years back. I re-washed them with baking soda (one cup) then hang them outside to dry (if you can) The next wash I put 1 cup of vinegar in the rinse and they were way less slippery.
Purrs Marv and Mom
Thank you. I will try that. 🙂 XO
French Canadian! So cool I am fluent in French and lived in Quebec for awhile -hope you get to visit there someday
Fun fill in responses! We’ve never had our DNA tested. But if we did, we bet it would say we are cat 100%! MOL!
1. My self-pride is too stubborn to ask for help most of the time, I wait too long until I am desperate…and I have never unlearned that..
2. I am willing to give up new clothes or other wants for the needs of my family and furry ones.
3. One random fact about me is I have a long scar under my chin from when I fell of a tricycle when I was 4 years old…and had to go in a taxi to the ER, cause we did not have a car. My dad took me there…and I remember a lot about that scary (for me) experience. I got several stitches.
4. The fact that I can speak a little or a lot of five languages makes me unique. (English, Dutch, German, French and Italian…plus a few Polish phrases…mostly learned from a teacher I had in high school who was Polish.
Your flashbacks are sweet and so precious to have.
I kind of like slippery sheets, as long as they are not TOO slippery. I don’t like when my jammies stick to the sheets which makes it harder to toss and turn in the bed…and I DO a lot of that! MOL!
Thank you for these great answers. You do need to ask for help sooner. That must have been awful needing stitches when you were so little. That is great that you can speak a lot of languages. All I know is
daj mi buzi- give me a kiss, my grandfather used to say that to me. XO
MOL..the angels steal the show today, we see some French in Angel KaToo too😸More Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞
Thank you 🙂 XO
Amen to #2 today. Love the ad on the bottom on how to stop the spread too. Pretty angels.
Thank you. XO
Fantastic fill-ins! I’m sorry the Halloween pillowcase is too slippery, but I must admit that it’s still really pretty! And I have always found genetics so intriguing. I didn’t know or perhaps didn’t remember your dad was French Canadian. I had a French Canadian friend in school, and her mom would walk around their house speaking French. She was also really sweet. I’m mostly German, but I’ve still always been curious what a DNA test would say. And, as always, your angels are beautiful! Purrs!
Thank you. You should do the dna test, it is fun and interesting. XO
Mee-yow wow ‘angelss’ KaTwo an Snowball were so beeuteefull Miss Ellen!
**purrss** BellaDharma
Hi Ellen: Cool that you did Ancestry.com.
Say we jsut might be related! LOL 🙂
My Father’s sides were German Jews whose origins were in Austria.
My Mother’s Mother’s side was Polish Jewish & Roma Gypsy! And My Mother’s Father’s side were Russian Jewish all the way back.
It was a bit of a trick finding out where My Mother’s Mother aka Nanna’s heritage was as she was conceived in Czech Republic but born in Lemburg, Austria. She lived there til she was 3 & then family emigrated to Manchester, England for 13 years til the family emigrated to Canada. The big problem is that Poland & Russia & Czech Republic used to move the borders alot back in late 1800’s/early 1900’s. At oen point we thougt I had Czech blood in me til I saw a documentary on a Jewish fellow who’d traced his origin…his Great GrandMother had same first name as mine…BASHE which is actually POLISH! Mystery solved 😉
((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen
That is great that you know so much about your ancestry. You should do the test the next time it is on sale. You will get a list of potential relatives. That would be cool if we were related. XO
I was sort of kidding about being related! I would do the test but as I KNOW my ancestry there would be nothing new to learn. The only mystery was whether I was Polish or Czech & even that has been answered.
I could not find potential relatives of Father’s Father as there are NO records? Odd right? Bpth sides as my Father’s relatives except for 1 Nephew died during WW11. My Mother’s side is even more difficult. I feel I know enough to answer my questions.
It is difficult for Jewish people to get info with 2 Wars to deal with…..
Yes, I would imagine it is very hard with the Holocaust and how many people perished. XO
The odd thing is how well records were kept DURING the War. In fact, when Germany invited my father back in 1991 for an all expense paid week with State dinner & Public apology, they also provided the record of what happened to his Mother. She ended her life in Leipstag, Poland in a Concentration Camp. The trouble was the info from prior to both World Wars was lost….
6,000,000 Jewish people gone plus many Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Gypsies, Disabled & Homosexual people…total ‘ethnic’ cleansing.
I think we are blessed to be here you & I…..
Yes, we are. XO
Adorable pictures of the angel kitties. Love the hat
Thank you 🙂 XO