1. Don’t let my cats see it! They’d want me to learn to make them.

  2. Wow ! I need one of those to distract my crew from when I am eating a donut !

  3. My human says donuts remind her of Homer’s “Forbidden Donut” sketch on the Simpson’s cartoon. I don’t know what she is talking about… but I like that you made a red donut, ’cause I love the color red. And you filled it with nip (num num) – wonderful! Mew Mew!

  4. Whoa! Neat how you got everything in with so few words. What a nommy doughnut. I have one a friend made with a hole in the center that looks more like a bagel. I like your’s with the raspberry icing.

  5. It looks a lot less fattening than a human donut Phoebe! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. Dat’s pawsum gawjus. But mommy says, who wants a yarn donut when you can have hot glazed yummy fur da tummy donuts. MOL Can ya’ tell she’s not had anythin’ solid fur days? MOL big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  7. Crocheted donuts sound pretty awesome to us kitties! Mom and Dad like the more traditional ones, though. šŸ™‚

    Hugs and headbonks,

    Gracie and Zoe

  8. Now that is a pawsome donut! Manna and Dexter love your toy. šŸ™‚ What a great use of the letter “d”.

  9. Maybe we can put our paw in the donut hole to carry it, so that our mouth would still be available to eat or carry other yummy treats, MOL! We will miaow at the petcretary about the pattern.

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