1. I had somehow never heard of Pawedin before, and now I’m sort of hooked. And, thank you for the reminder about the auction – what a great idea for a great cause! I’ll be browsing through the items and making frequent visits throughout the auction. Purrs!

    1. Thank you for checking out Pawedin, it is new to us too. And thank you for checking out the auction, you are always so willing to help kitties in need.

    1. I saw your books, that was very nice of you. I was tempted too, but I have at least 30 books from booksales to read plus library ones.

  2. guys…we haz never hurd oh pawedin….we knead ta chex it out !!!! 🙂 ♥♥♥

  3. I’m with the others – what’s Pawedin – we’re gonna go check ti out!!! Kisses to Penny and Millie!!

    1. I tested it out and was able to find some groomers near me- Snowball needs to go soon, she won’t let me brush her.

  4. Concatulations on being featured in PawdIn! 🙂 That site looks great. There are a lot of cool kitties on there.

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