1. Oh no! This is so sad. Well, we know Joannie will do a great job of teaching. And Mrs. Potatoe Head can sub for her sometimes. If she’s feeling brave.

  2. Oh,, no! Just like Skeezix and the short bus (mol). Poor Gremmie. Maybe he can take online classes. Just sayin’.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  3. We’re sorry Gremmie didn’t get to go to school. We remember how the Grate Skeezix would always be disappointed when the bus would leave him behind.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Not to worry. Gremmie can learn all she needs to know from you, and her other pussycat siblings. What better schooling could she possibly get than that?! Winks.

  5. dood….de nice thing bout home skewl iz that ya due knot hafta get up 4 hourz earl lee ta catch de buz !! 🙂 ♥♥

  6. Poor Gremmie. We hope the bus gets the route straight tomorrow. Actually we think home schooling is pretty highly rated – we love our home schooling:0

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. hello joanie its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada sez sumtimes missing the bus is bad and sumtimes its not and missing the bus to skool evidently falls into the not kategory!!! i am not shoor how he nos that sinse i hav it on gud awthority that he always wawked to skool and wawking is always a gud time if yoo ask me!!! ha ha ok bye

  8. He’ll learn more at home anyway. He’s so cute that everyone would want to cuddle and he wouldn’t have time to get anything done.

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