1. We think it’s a little both. However Rosie, to get back at Penny for being a kitty tattle tail, what are some things Penny did that she would be embarrased about and don’t want anyone to know. OH do tell us!!

  2. I don’t think she cares that she tipped the pole over and I think she is wondering what fun things The Great One is doing with Joanie but being cautious… I mean, she is Nosy Rosie!

  3. MOL MOL Rosie Angel Madi always smelled her Sissy’s kitties on her so she would hide. We said Madi thought Sissy was a huge 2 legged feline.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS you might get this twice

  4. So Rosie was the one who caused “THE GREAT FALL” ????? Well, I’m sure she’s sorry if she did but if there’s no photographic PROOF it was her, she’s innocent until proven guilty!

    Hugs, Teddy the Attorney

  5. Maybe just playing peek-a-boo. Our Tilly tipped the scale at 11 pounds 14 ounces yesterday so we’re finding ways to get her to eat less and exercise more. If you need to slim down a bit, maybe we can do it together.

  6. rosie we iz knot good at multee pull choize….we will pix answer ~~~~~~

    ” T ”

    🙂 ♥♥

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