1. Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day, wow! I’ll have to tell our little Spooky! Such cute pictures of Friday and Angel Emmy. Emmy’s book is charming! XO

  2. Well, mama and papa spent 14 years with me, a tender Tuxie with love for all and a love of watching birdies. Friday, you and I are soul sisters…

  3. Friday is found her spot in your life that’s for sure. Emmy was always a sweet looking kitty. I’m sure you miss her everyday that you don’t see her sitting on a pillow in your house.

  4. Friday and Angel Emmy are both gorgeous tuxies. When we decided to adopt a new cat, I wanted a Tuxedo cat. While we looking, a little paw came out of a cage and we heard this sweetest meow. That made out decision to adopt Callie, out adorable tortie.

    1. Thank you. Sounds like you were meant to have Callie. Maybe she needs a tuxie brother or sister. 🙂 XO

  5. Friday is such a cutie pie. So precious that she sleeps on your pillow at night. I miss Emmy too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to Ellen. ♥

  6. Charlee: “Well I see our Dada once again missed a cat-specific day.”
    Chaplin: “Both of us Tuxedo cats here are very disappointed in him.”
    Oona: “Dada is VERY lucky he did not remember Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day after forgetting Black Cat Day earlier, or else Oona would be leaving him a strongly worded hairball in one or both of his slippers.”

  7. Friday and Angel Emmy ~ both beautiful Tuxedo kitties ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Happy belated Tuxedo Appreciation Day to those pretty gals, Friday and Angel Emmy.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

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