Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
I am thankful that Brody has gotten more cooperative about taking his meds.
We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day. And here is the photo prompt provided:
I am the only one who can stand on my head
so I have to do the stunt I dread.
I somehow forgot to wear my cup
I sure hope the horse keeps his legs up.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. _________________is a habit I want to develop.
2. I can’t seem to break my habit of ________________________.
3. I just recently _________ for the first time ever.
4. _________ is a historical period I wish I could visit.
Good boy, Brody! You’re mighty handsome, too! Yikes, that photo, um no … I used to watch horses training and horse shows and I’ve seen too many horses miss jumps … XO
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Brody, yes, your cooperative improvement is a great thing.Keep it up!
That poem made me giggle!
Glad you giggled. 🙂 XO
Brody, good boy, good boy! And the poem is hilarious!!!! I think he was IN his cups….
Thank you. 🙂 XO
What a good boy you are Brody. The poem is hilarious! Thanks for the Thursday chuckles.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Dearest Brody, I know you are taking your medicine just for me way over here. That’s because every morning I wave my paw in n your direction so that you’ll swallow it. At least my medicine is easier to take with a crushed pill in some of that Temptations licky stick. And I no longer itch. Precious
Thank you for helping Brody. XO
Brody is so handsome!
Great poem, and dudes will be dudes!
Thank you. 🙂
Yay for Brody! We’re MOL @ your poem!
Thank you. 🙂
Mum’s always appreciate a cooperative pet who cooperates when it comes time to take their medication. Good boy, handsome Brody.
Yes, I sure do appreciate him behaving. XO
Ellen you NAILED that poem for the photo.
Just great
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Have to agree with Cecilia! You did indeed nail it!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Way to go Brody, we’re proud of you too pal. That was a scary photo but a fun poem. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you. 🙂
Cute poem. I’m glad Brody is being good with his meds.
Thank you. 🙂
That’s good mews! I lifted to your fill-ins to put up tomorrow. 😉 Have a good afternoon, my furriend!
I look forward to your answers. XO
Brody is a sweetie. Funny poem.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Great poem. He is lucky that the horse is jumping high! Well done on being a good boy, Brody.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Yay for Brody and your family. Medication time can be challenging for any species. ~sigh~ As for the photo, I hope it wasn’t real. ~shudder~ Best wishes and hugs, my dears.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
I’m glad Brody is cooperating more.
Fun poem! Yep, he and the horse both need to be careful.
Thank you. 🙂
That’s always a good thing!
Yes, it is. 🙂
Chaplin: “Our Dada turned a little bit green when he was looking at this picture! And I don’t think it was from envy …”
MOL! 🙂
Mew mew mew Aunty Ellen that iss a fine poe-em!!! Yore so clevurr!
An Broy yore such a guud man cat!
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
Thank you. 🙂 Brody thanks you too. XO
So glad to hear that, Brody😻That poem was spot on, Ellen…MOL….Double Pawkisses🐾😽💞
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Brodie ~ you are one handsome kitty ~ be well ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Your poem made Mom laugh out loud!!! Good one.
Good boy, Brody – it’s all for you own good.
Woos – Misty and Timber
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Yes, Brody is a good boy! I made a suggestion on Dani’s Funnies about how to make those meds more appealing.
Yes, I saw. 🙂 XO
Brody is a beautiful boy
Thank you. I agree. 🙂 XO