Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Sorry about my eye booger.

I told my mom she could get my photo or the eye booger so I guess she wanted the photo.

It’s been a quiet week around here. No kids-yay!

We got some new catnip toys. Rudy and Penelope may need an intervention.

And now for my big exposé .  Mom is always pestering my dad and Grammie to declutter, but she should be dealing with the hall closet.

It is a tricky closet, about 6 feet long and less than 3 feet wide with the shelving way in the back. Mom always says she would love to meet whoever designed that so she could tell him off, but being that the house was built in 1947, I think he is no longer around.

Penny will be here with some money saving tips for you next week. I’ll miss you- I hope you miss me.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Thank you for scoop, Rosie. The hall closet looks like a real chore to tackle. Rudy and Penelope look like they enjoyed their nip.

  2. Rosie you look just purrfect. However I agree with your mommy that that closet is just kind of goofy. That would be no fun to do near want something that’s in the back that you only use once or twice a year. You have to empty the whole closet. I bet that man is up in heaven laughing.

  3. MOL MOL Ellen I have a closet in the foyer across from the 1/2 bath. It is about 2′ wide 7′ tall and the depth is twice the length of my arm. Not really sure of its purpose. I have learned to use it but it it took a long time. I put things in the very back like heating pads, hot water bottles, travel kits etc. on the floor I have extra TP and Kleenx in the back just crazy. House was built in 1983…probably by the grandson of whomever built yours
    Love the photos
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Rosie, this house was built in the early 50’s and outside of the closets, there is no storage area. If you put things in the attic, you need to have a pull down ladder which mom doesn’t have. And it’s a crawl space anyway, with no floor. No basement…crawl space…but there is one large area behind a door about the size of our tiny bathroom. That place has all the storage space in the back, high along the walls, but it is the dickens to maintain. When you have no other space outside of 3 clothes closets…woo weee!

  5. Oh sweet kitties ~ great ‘napping’ photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. rosie…frank lee …that closit izza catz dreem come troo…ta eggz plore, hide, get inta stuff, ore mizz cheef ore snooze a way 😺🐟💙💚‼️

  7. Sometimes builders put those narrow deep closets under stairs to use as storage. They almost always become clutter traps. Hope your Mom can figure out a way to reorganize it. My house was built in the early 50’s and there’s NO storage! But in the bright side, it keeps the clutter down since there’s no place to put things. Still, I could use an intervention on the stuff I do have. 😉 Enjoy that nip!

  8. No kids is a good thing. You get to rest up for a minute. I hate it when you get eye buggers. I know you took care of that.

    That closet reminds me of our under the stairs closet. Very difficult to get in and out of. It’s hubbies closet and he keeps it very neat. You have to bend over to get into it.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to their mom. ♥

  9. Thanks for the giggles, and tell your mom not to beat herself up over the closet. I have entire room downstairs that looks way worse, not to mention numerous (!) disastrously cluttered closets. lol By the way, that’s an impressive eye booger. 😀 Be well!

  10. Great update and photos Rosie. The toys look like fun. I have some decluttering to do around here too.

  11. We had a room like that. The “sewin’ room,” is what it was called. It has a sewin’ machine. Actually, two. And an ironin’ board. AND A WHOLE LOTTA OTHER STUFF. But not anymore! New carpetin’ went in and all the collected junk got thrown out. Looks way better, now, ESPECIALLY after the nip spillage by the room’s door, the other day, that got all cleaned up. MOUSES!

  12. Hi all you cool cats & kitties,
    I’m enjoying all your posts & getting to know you lovely lady cats! I’m overwhelmed by all the beauty in one place❣️ Rocky

  13. I think Rudy and Penelope will be just fine.

    The closet does look doomed to always have problems.

    You will be missed, although we also love hearing from Penny.

  14. Charlee: “Hmmm … Are you sure that narrow deep closet doesn’t have a little door in the back that goes to Fairyland or someplace like that? Maybe you’re safer having all that stuff in front of it!”
    Chaplin: “Looks like you’ve got some primo ‘nip there. Don’t let Spicoli find out.”

  15. Mew mew mew Aunty iss xposed now Rosie!!!! Mew mew mew….oh Aunty wee think you mite have to dee-clutter that closet.
    Our pantry iss alot like your closet. Shelvess inn Teh back. BellaSita keeps it furry orgnaized. There iss enuff room fore her Walker on rite side. On left side shee has broomss an step ladder an vacuum. Mee will get her to send you a foto via email… mite help you….
    Rudy an Penelope are toetallee innto theit new toyss!!!
    No Hu’man Kittss? A bownuss fore you Rosie!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

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