Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy Mates! Today is not just for talkin like a pirate, it is also for hopping. Avast!

lucypirate2LucypussinbootsI actually had 2 photos of Lucy as a pirate and I don’t have the heart to let anyone use her costumes right now. Although, Sammy did wear it last year.


Phoebe is going to Speedy’s party with her purrince:

Purrince Captinn Siddhartha Henry an Queen PhoebeThe Purrince’s Mum said we could display this graphic of the 2 of them together. He is far more handsome than Johnny Depp.


Caturday Art52 Snapshots of Life

ย Hosted by Hilary at Feeling Beachie. .
This weekโ€™s statements:

  1. ___ tastes like ___
  2. Once I ____ but then I _____
  3. If I could, I would go back to ________.
  4. I should do less ______ and more ______

My Answers:

  1. TOFU tastes like NOTHING
  3. If I could , I would go back to NEW YORK CITY WEEKLY
  4. I should do less EATING and more EXERCISING

The theme for the Lazy Pitbull’s #52 snapshots of life this week is “feet”. I guess I am breaking the rules a little, but I am only showing you one foot.

003Whose is it?


Pet Parade with Rascal and Rocco

And the winner of the pirate catnip mat is:Annie ( ) Congratulations!!!

006Have a nice day everyoneย  and we hope you don’t have to walk the plank.


  1. Well, look how cute you all are. I didn’t even get into talking like a pirate today. Last night I was at a Twitter party for #nipclub tho and we were pirates there. It was fun.

  2. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Ye be a fine looking bunch o pirate cats!
    Real costumes too. We;re impressed !
    We purr yer plunderin’ for hip is successful!
    Stop by for some nip grog. Yar!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Happy Pirate Day! Lucy certainly made an excellent pirate girl…….we love her outfit. We miss her too! As for the mystery foot – we give up……but it’s a very cute foot no matter WHO it belongs to……

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thank you Captain Gingerbeard, I mean Sammy. The mystery foot is Phoebe- glad you think it is cute. XO

  4. Great pic! My mum is a vegan and eats tofu a lot and she loves it. It depends on what you add to it during cooking. Eat it on its own and it will taste like nothing. She says meat is like that too.

    Purrs xx

    1. I have only tried tofu a couple ways and didn’t like it. It didn’t soak up the other flavors I was cooking it in. That is great that your Mum is a vegan, I tried to be a vegetarian and didn’t even keep that up.

  5. Avast Lady Ellen mee iss takin good care of thee Wueen Purrincess Phoebe an no harm shall come to thee beeutee….
    Wee are pawtyinn our paws off at Speedy’ss pawty an havin a lot of fun!!!
    Lucy iss here inn spirit with Aunty Nylablue an Mistur Mick thee bunnie an many more……Arrr thiss iss a good day fur a pawty!!!
    Now thee cute paw iss mee wench’ss mee finks….Aaarrrr mee iss just a Pie-Rat….what doess mee know?????
    An LadyMumsayss TOFU iss thee weirdest food inn thee werld an will not eat it efurr again!!!
    Blow mee down mee wood not eat sumfin with no flaver either….
    Yur Pie-Rat Cap’tinn Purrince Siddhartha Henry Sparrow =^,.^=

    1. I new you would recognize Phoebe’s paw- you have kissed it plenty of times ๐Ÿ™‚ I am glad you are having fun together. XO

      1. Yess mee has *kissed* that sweet paw many times an will continue as long as Queen Purrincess Phoebe will purrmit mee…..
        Thiss pawty iss rockin Lady Ellen…mee will bring mee sweet buttercup gurl home by 11benty Pee Emm as you requested…..maybe sooner…mee Purrincess iss havin a ‘happy nappy’ at thee momint….mee finkss shee had a dram too much rum ๐Ÿ˜‰
        **swashbuckling** an sittin with mee Purrincess,
        Cap’tinn Siddhartha Henry Sparrow

  6. We luv da pirate day fotos. Y’all look just gaawjus. Mommy has a bag fur each kitty dat went to heaven. And in those bags awe their favowit toys, food plates and/or hawnesses. Yous not have to ever let anypawdy wear Lucy’s costune again. It’s totally up to you. ConCats to da winners.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. We furgot to tell yous dat weez twied addin’ yous bloggy to Bloglovin’ several times but can’t seem to get it to add. Yous might wanna twy to add it yous selff so dat those dat use it as a reader can follow yous their.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi

      1. Thank you for letting me know. I will try to add it, but I tried before and it doesn’t seem to like us ๐Ÿ™

    2. That is a nice idea. I put all Lucy’s favorite toys in the closet with KaChoo’s favorite things and their ashes. XO and Love to you all.

  7. Ahoy hearties! Lucy is precious in her pirate costume. Sammy looks debonair. Phoebe will have fun with her Purrince. We agree he’s much more handsome than Johnny Depp!

  8. A fine looking crew ye make, mates. We think ye would scare the bloomers off any ship ye want to board. (We know ships don’t wear bloomers, but, hey, it’s pre-coffee in the morning.)

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