Sunday Selfies

Hi everyone !

001My sweet purrince sent me a poem this week.  I am such a lucky purrincess. Here it is:

Rosess are red
Violetss are so blue….
Purrincess Phoebe iss sweet
An mee LUV iss so true….

I got to see my Grammie yesterday. I love her so very much. She promised me a bag of treats for Thanksgiving because I was a little jealous that Joanie got a 1 pound bag for herself. Joanie and Prancie both won the Halloween costume contest at the local pet store so they got $10 gift cards. I don’t know why Mom didn’t enter my photo, she only entered them- phooey!

Joanie won for most original : Halloween 2013 034and Prancie won for funniest: blog13(Goldilocks)

You can see the contestants here. Joanie wanted the one pound bag of treats with her card and Prancie wanted a nip nana, but they were all out so she has to wait.

And the winner of the Thanksgiving Giveaway is The Florida Furkids! Congratulations!

We are participating in the Sunday Selfies and Snowball is so happy to have a boyfriend that she wore the headband just for Pierrot:

004(Not sure why she looks dirty she just got groomed last week)


  1. Concats on getting a boyfriend, Snowball. Pierrot is a terrific and handsome man cat. What a lovely poem, Phoebe. We are so happy that your purrince is feeling so much better on his new foods. Concats to Joanie and Prancie on winning the costume contest. You all sure are busy at your house. And we sure appreciate you taking the time to join the blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Have a great sunday, Phoebe and Snowball! We also want to get a treat bag, but Mom says that we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe. Bah, human logic – we don’t care about Thanksgiving, it’s ok if she just gives us a bag with treats!

    1. Thank you Sammy. We saw the prizes you gave in your contest and my cats wish they had won that 🙂 XO

    1. Joanie and Prancie thank you 🙂 I let them pick what they wanted with the gifts cards instead of using it on regular food.

  3. Congatss Florida Furkidss!!!! Well dun!!!
    An Snowball you look adoorabull inn thee featherss……
    You all looks grate inn costume!
    Purrincess Phoebe wood you wear thee Goldie-locks fur mee???
    You wood look even more beeuteefull then you all ready do…..
    ***paw kissesss*** Yur Poe-etick Purrince
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Purrincess Phoebe will wear the Goldilocks for you if I can find it. I think it as the same thing she used for Rapunzel, we just wrapped the braids up to shorten them. Snowball says thank you 🙂 XO

  4. You are lucky to have a loving Purrince who writes sweet poems for you, Phoebe.
    Concats to Joanie and Prancie for their winning costumes.
    Snowball looks pretty in the feathers.

    1. My sweet purrince,I will make Mom find the Goldilocks wig and take a photo just for you. Love, Phoebes XOXOX

          1. “You Make Mee….”
            You make mee what mee iss today..
            you give mee wingss to fly away…
            You give me strength to carry on;
            You are me beeuteee frum dusk till dawn.
            You are mee Purrincess so berry fair….
            For you mee will allwayss LUV an care.
            ****paw kissesss****
            An all mee <3 LUV <3
            Poe-etick Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. Another poem just for me? I am a very lucky kitty purrincess. Thank you- it is lovely. Love, Phoebes XO

    1. Joanie and Prancie say thank you. Poor Phoebe will have to wait until next year. Purrs to you too.

  5. Concats to the winners!
    And to you winners of the costume contest too! Wow!!
    Hey, you should have had a chance, too…hopefully next time.

    1. Joanie and Prancie say thank you. I could only enter one pet per person so I did Joanie’s and my hubby did Prancie’s . We figured Phoebe gets enough publicity.

  6. Wow you guys are really prancing around! Snowball you look purrrrrific in that creativel hat. And congrats Joanie & Prancie for winning a contest. Fun costumes and deserving of being winnahs! We never won any contests! (of course you have to enter to win!) Seriously they look great…but what is a “NIP NANA?” Joanie u won a 1 lb treats bag? OMi Cod, i hope u share it! Please send the xtra treats to US! Happy week. We’re taking a “selfie-vacation” this week!

    1. Joanie, Prancie and Snowball thank you. Joanie won a $10 gift card so she had me use it to buy her a pound of treats because she likes nothing more that party mix treats. A Nip Nana is a catnip banana made by Yeoowww! brand like the pumpkin that came in the box we reviewed 🙂

  7. We hope you can be pawt of the contest next time, Phoebe. Granny always says that time flies, so it will be there sooner than you think 🙂 Your little Purrince is such a Romantic guy… We loved all the pictures, they’re very cute 🙂 Pawkisses <3

  8. Yur mee innspirashun sweet Buttercup gurl an mee wood rite a poe-em a day if me could!
    ***paw kissess*** an ***tummy tickullss*** an ***nose kissess***
    Yur poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry <3 <3

      1. Luv you also sweet Buttercup gurl <3
        All ways…
        An when mee snuggles mee Angus McGhee doggie mee purrtendss mee iss snugglin with YOU! 😉
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss***
        Yur poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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