
Hi everyone. I want to offer my thoughts and prayers to the people of France.


This week I am co-hosting:

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. I am ____ on ____ so ______
  2. When was the last time you _________
  3. I always make a wish when ____________________.
  4. . I wish I lived __________ because_____________.

My Answers:

  1. I am GOING SHOPPING on BLACK FRIDAY so I WILL NEED TO GET UP EARLY WHICH I DON’T LIKE TO DO ( and yes Mom, we are still going, I will be up)
  2. When was the last time you DID SOMETHING FOR ANIMALS OTHER THAN YOUR OWN? ( I tried to trap an injured cat last week, but had no luck and I make small donations to cats in need weekly- I wish I could do more)Saturday
  3. I always make a wish when I BREAK A WISHBONE AND GET THE LARGER SIDE
  4. I wish I lived IN THE 1940’s and 50’s because I LOVE THE FASHIONS.

Pet Parade with Rascal and Rocco

I am using the same photo for Athena’s Caturday and The Lazy Pit Bull’s #52 Snapshots , theme “Veteran”. I took this photo of Lucy last year with my Dad’s flag. I never thought Lucy would be with him this year. I used ribbet to add a flag frame/design.


Caturday Art52 Snapshots of Life

Don’t forget to comment today for a chance to win out Thanksgiving giveaway- a turkey print catnip mat, a crocheted drumstick and pumpkin, a wishbone ornament, a book and a pilgrim hat and feathered headband for photos). Phoebe will announce the winner tomorrow: 004( She is making sure everything is there)


  1. πŸ™ Our thoughts are also in Paris.

    (Good luck with shopping – I don’t know if I’d go on Black Friday. It’s luckily not a thing in Europe (or at least in all countries), so I don’t have to make up my mind. πŸ˜€ )

  2. My human wouldn’t go shopping on Black Friday for anything! She hates crowded stores and getting up early. But when she is coming home from Thanksgiving (where ever she happens to be going that year), she always sees people lined up at Target, ready to roll. MOL!

    1. I would never line up, I go out about 7 am when others are already home because in Mass. the stores open at midnight.

  3. OMC Yous goin’ shoppin’ on Black Furiday? Mommy’s never been. When she was yung and worked she made enuff money to not care, and now she sez they awen’t weally sales even ifin she had da money. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and lLexi

    1. It is more of a fun thing I do with my Mom, by the time we go out at 7 am the stores have been opened for 7 hours and are pretty clear. We usually end up getting more for ourselves than gifts. XO

  4. We are so shocked and saddened by the events in Paris πŸ™ Mum lived there and loves the city!

    I don’t think Black Friday happens here…. . … well if it does …. we’ve missed it so far!!

  5. We are sending our prayers for the people in France too this morning…….Love your patriotic poster with Lucy in it along with your Dad.

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. Our purrs, barks, and prayers are also with France.

    Great fill-in answers! You sure are brave to go shopping on Black Friday! I’ve never been much of a shopper, least of all on bustling Black Friday. But we hope you have lots of fun and get lots of great deals! Purrs!

    1. Thank you, My Mom and I have been shopping that day for years so it is tradition even if we don’t get a lot.

  7. It sure was a black Friday yesterday. So sad.
    As for the shopping kind, I have never gone to a mall on that day. Even if they gave stuff away…
    Sweet Lucy is in good company.

  8. My mum doesn’t like shopping in crowds, so she is glad we don’t have Black Friday shopping here.
    Our thoughts are with the people of France.

    1. We are praying for Paris too. I don’t blame your Mom for not wanting to get up early on her day off.

  9. It has been years since I’ve gone shopping on a Black Friday. I don’t like the crowds.
    We’ve helped dazed birds that have hit the window.
    Some of those styles from the 50’s seem to be returning.

    1. That is nice of you to help the birds that hit the window. We have a fake hawk on the window to let them know not to hit it. I do seem some 50’s styles around πŸ™‚

  10. What was thee questshunss??? Mew mew mew…
    Purrincess Phoebe mee onlee has eyes fur you mee sweet buttercup gurl…
    ***paw kissesss*** an (((snugglesss))) an ~~head rubsss~~
    Yur littul Purrince, Siddhartha Henry <3 <3 <3

  11. Nowadays this is already happening in October, sheesh. Peeps are so greedy sometimes…meowmy has done it 2 or 3 times since coming to live in the USA, and she doesn’t care fur it at all, MOL!

    We are with you in thoughts fur France, too.

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