Spooky Update and Book Review

Happy Friday everyone! Thank you for all your prayers and purrs for Spooky. He is a little better, I wish he had more of an appetite, but at least he is improving. The blood work was pretty good except for his thyroid he is now our third kitty ( all boys) with hyperthyroidism.


Fridays are either for guest posts or books and this week it is for books. This book is not about a cat, but I enjoyed it so much that  Lucy and I want to recommend it to everyone. It is called Choose Yourself by James Altucher. Don’t let the title fool you, it isn’t about becoming a selfish person. It just means why wait to be chosen when you can choose yourself perfect example: don’t wait for a publisher just self-publish. I have actually been contemplating this with 2 children’s books that I have written- and gotten rejected.

I love self-help books even though they don’t usually help me ,probably because I don’t do what they say. Well, this book is full of easy to follow ideas called “The Simple Daily Practice”. There are 26 of them and he wants you to try to do one every day. Most are simple like sleep eight hours, watch a funny movie, think of 10 people you are grateful for. Some are harder like eat 2 meals instead of 3- I haven’t tried that one yet 🙂

Please visit tomorrow for our one year Blogoversary. I am very grateful for all of you and your friendship, purrs and prayers.


  1. I’m purring lots for Spooky to feel better! I’m glad I’m a kitty and I’m already perfect, hence no need for self-help books.

  2. Oh my……glad to hear Spooky is alright although hyperthyroidism isn’t exactly FUN for them. At least your gang are easy to give meds to! Hopefully he’ll be feeling better very soon. Sounds like an interesting book – I’m with you though – self-help books are always interesting to read but tough to “follow” !!

    Happy Friday
    Pam and Sam

  3. I didn’t know you weren’t feeling well, Spooky.. lucy and I are sending good vibes your way!

  4. Sending purrs to Spooky…hope he’s feeling better soon,but at least now you have a diagnosis to work with.
    Jane x

    1. I bought a different food and he is eating again 🙂 Thank you.

  5. Feel better soon, Spooky! I’m sorry that your Mom has so much experience with hyperthyroidism, but at least she knows what to do.
    My advice for self help is to pet more kitties.

    1. That is the best self help advice and something I can actually do. 🙂

    1. Thank you Flynn- he is eating more today. I bought a different brand of food because several of the kitties were vomiting with the purina.

  6. We’re sending purrs for Spooky to get well and feel more like eating soon! Eating just two meals? Uh, yeah, no! Unless there’s 10 snack times instead of 9!

    1. Thank you- he did. I bought a different brand because several of my cats were vomiting with the purina pro plan.

    1. Thank you for visiting and for your kind words for Spooky. He is eating more now that I changed foods.

  7. You will be ONE – wow we will be back for your blogoversary day to be SURE!! Spooky take your meds guy and you should try something we have for Aunty Peanut called Jungle Kitty. Our pal Sass stocks it!

    The book looks good. Old Chinese proverb say ‘A journey starts with a single step’ and this does the same sort of thing doesn’t it? Small things – and even if you can’t do them ALL, doing some is a positive action.


    1. I will look into Jungle Kitty, is it a supplement? I am glad Spooky’s illness is treatable.

  8. We are glad Spooky is eating more now. Hyperthyroidism is tough but thankfully the treatment isn’t too expensive and it usually is easy to pill cats for it. At least it was for our Angel Tulip 🙂 Hugs to Spooky.

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you 🙂 I am relieved that it is something treatable, but confused as to why I have 3 cats with it.

  9. Sending purrs and good thoughts to Spooky for him continuing to feel better and better and for him to regain his appetite quickly.

  10. We’re sending lots of love and purrs for Spooky. Mommy says she can’t imagine eating two meals. She’s hungry just thinking about it! MOL

    1. Spooky is feeling better, I think part of the problem was his food and not just the thyroid. Thank you for caring 🙂

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