Selfie Sunday with Phoebe

Hi everyone! You know how my grass wasn’t growing fast enough? Well, my Mom felt bad for me so she went to Petco and bought me some tall wheat grass. Then Dad put it in a bigger planter for me:

DSCF1344 (2)My selfie

I got to see my Grammie on Saturday. I love her so very much. I am very worried about my purrince though. He has been naughty and his Mum doesn’t feel very well. There is talk of him going back to “the farm”. I am praying he won’t have to do that. My Mom said he could live with us if he needs a home, but his Mum would have to agree and we would need help getting him because she doesn’t have a passport. Please send good thoughts his way, he doesn’t mean to be naughty, but he is a young boy and has lots of energy to burn off.

And now I am going to get a little revenge on Mom for all those photo shoots and for the future ones with those hats she is planning to make. Mom has been is some indie movies, and in one she is particularly bad and now you can rent it through youtube:

Some interesting facts about this movie:

Many parts of it were filmed on our property and some in our house.

Our dog was in it ( Katie, she went to The Bridge in 2011)

The guy that plays Mom’s son in the film, is the very talented Jamie Swimm who designed our logo and the Friendly Fill-In badge. He is also a cat lover.

This movie filmed in 2009.

We are joining The Cat on my Head Selfie Sunday Blog Hop:




  1. Wow! No wonder your grass doesn’t grow…same trouble here, MOL!

    How cool that your Mom and some furs were in that movie. OMC!!
    She is furmouse now??

    We hope Purrince can corral his exuberance and be a good-boy kitty well, at least till his Mum feels better and can deal with it more easily.

    Purrs and POTP to that furmily.

    1. I am praying my purrince can be calm for his Mum. Thank you for purring for him. My Mom isn’t famous- MOL!

  2. I am keeping my paws crossed for Siddhartha – I feel so bad for what he and his human are going through right now.

  3. OMG! Your mom doesn’t have a bloody cleaver somewhere does she? She was in a HORROR movie?? That’s just crazypants!

    Phoebe eats her grass just like me–one blade at a time from the outside inward. My grass is pathetic right now. It totally needs to be replaced.

    1. She has been in 2 horror movies- those are the only things she can get in being she is old.

  4. First of all – we LOVE the movie your Mom was in – it’s SCARY. Secondly, we think your new munchable grass looks delicious and healthy – YAY for Dad getting your some nice tall grass seed to grow.

    Love and Happy Sunday

    1. You are too kind to say you liked that movie. You deserve an award for watching the whole thing. XO and love to you and your Mom.

  5. Phoebe, you make that grass look so yummy. Makes all of us want some. We sure hope your purrince gets to stay at home. Take care.

  6. Purrs that Purrince can come to your house if he has too. He may be picking up on his current Moms not feeling well and that could be part of his being naughty.
    Love your grass pot Phoebe. Looks very nommy and you really are chowing down

  7. I loved the movie, your Mom is very talented ! Your grass looks delicious now ?, and I really hope everything works out for your Purrince !

  8. Mmmmm, that grass does look tasty, Phoebe. We’re purring and praying for your purrince! And, we didn’t know that your mom was a movie star! How cool is that!

    1. Movie star? MOL! Thanks for the chuckle. Thank you for the purrs and prayers for my purrince.

  9. Phoebe, love your selfie and Purrseidon is very impressed with your grass… she thinks you must have a green paw, too. Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you, yes, we were both showing off our gardens today.Hope you had a great day too.

  10. We are purring for your Purrince Phoebe.
    And you do look so cute today.
    Happy Sunday Selfies!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  11. I am sp sorry about your Prurince sweet Phoebe, VERY sorry, and it sounds very serious for him. I don’t know how so I don;t know what he has done to make his mom want him to go away. I PRAY that there is some way in this world that he can come to you. I answered before I watched the video so I am going to see it now. xoxoxoxox

  12. Phoebe I hope your Purrince calms down….passports are hard to come by now a days and it takes furever.
    I love your selfie
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. Yes, it would take a long time to get one so if he did move with us, we would need helpers for the transport. We are praying things get better though with him and his Mum.

  13. Ooops mom just saw the movie video after she hit send.
    Is your mom the lady with black hair?
    Jumpin’ cat fish….scary my dad would love that he watches lots of scifi

    hugs madi your bfff

  14. The video said it is unavailable in our country so we couldn’t see it! Rats! Phoebe, truth be told, we are looking forward to the little hats your Mama plans to make. Heehee. πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. That stinks that you can’t see the video. I am sure I will look good in any hat so I guess I shouldn’t complain πŸ™‚ XO

  15. I can’t see the video. It says it is unavailable here.
    Your grass looks very nommy and you are really tucking in to it.

    1. I forgot to say. You suggested B12 injections for Flynn. He started them about a year ago and had one weekly and now has them once a month.

      1. Thanks for letting me know. I was very happy to read that the Zantac is helping. I pray for sweet Flynn daily.

    2. That stinks that the video isn’t available there- consider yourself lucky though- MOL!

  16. What? We didn’t know your Mom was a movie star, and how cool it was filmed at your house with your dog. We watched the trailer, but scary movies are not our thing.

    I just planted some grass for Samantha, we’re hoping it will grow!

    We sure hope things work out for your purrince. We are sending prayers that all will turn out OK.

    1. Movie star? MOL! That is funny. It is scary and bloody so you wouldn’t like it.
      I hope Samantha’s grass grows fast.
      Thank you for the prayers for my purrince.

    1. We don’t like horror either, but that is all my Mom can get parts in- MOL!

  17. Well now dat’s some great grass bootyful and you sure look like you’re enjoyin’ it too. Dat’s really cool ’bout your mommy. And of course we’s sendin’ purrayers.

    Luv ya’


  18. How can you sit next to that nommy grass and not eat it, Phoebe? I’d be all over that grass! We’re worried about Siddhartha too and hope things get better for him and his mum. ~Wally

  19. Mes LOVES the video of yous Phoebe! But the one of your Mommy is unavailable in Canada! Wes has to think is was pretty goods though from reading the other comments!
    Mes sends yous all kisses

    1. Sorry it isn’t available in Canada, but consider yourself lucky. Thanks for the kisses, we love Nellie kisses. Hugs and love to you. XO

  20. We remember reading before that your mom has done these films. It sounds like lots of fun. Phoebe, that grass looks particularly nommy. Mom finally got some nip and planted five plants for us. One she put in the yard with the hope of growing a big nip that she can root from each year. Thanks for hopping along with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. We had one big nip plant in the garden and now there are about 20. πŸ™‚ It just sprouts up, no need to divide it or anything.

  21. We loved to see and hear you munching on the grass, Phoebe. Granny loves that sound πŸ˜€ We’re hidding over to your little Purrince to bring support. Pawkisses for a wonderful day πŸ™‚ <3
    Btw we can't see the movie, it is blocked for our Country πŸ™

    1. Thank you for visiting the purrince, he needs lots of love. I am sorry about the movie, a lot of people had that problem. I wrote to the director to find out why, but haven’t heard back yet.

  22. Mee-you Purrince Phoebe wee eatss our grassess thee same way!!! An yur video iss so-o cute! An that movie yur Mumma was inn looks purrty scarey!
    As fur mee….Ladymum meowed with her ‘bestie’ Aunty Judith an they did a ‘Pro an Con’ list an there are LOTS of Conss fur mee goinn back to thee farm. LadyMum says shee will not send me back!!!! Mee was so sirprized an happy!!!
    An guess what?? Mee went out inn harness today an was not scared at all.
    LadyMum says shee iss goin to get mee a Calmin Collar tomorrow an wee try that fur mee……
    An her woundss are healin berry well (fankfullee)…
    Fank you fur beeleevin inn mee an luvvin mee so much…..
    Mee iss trulee humbulled….
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ yur feisty Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I am glad your Mums wounds are healing. That was a good idea to write the pros and cons. I will be praying that the collar works, a lot of people say they do. XO and love to you and your Mum from me and Phoebe.

    1. Famous? MOL! That is too funny. I hope my purrince will be OK too, thank you.

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