Selfie Sunday: The Cadbury Bunny Auditions-Part 1

Hi everyone! I saw my Grammie today and she emptied another treat bag. I love her so very much.

This year we are bringing back -Selfie Sunday: The Cadbury Bunny Auditions. Here are our first 7.



Spooky and Joanie


DSCF0751 DSCF0754 DSCF0756Prancie

Sammy and MIllie


DSCF0757 DSCF0758 DSCF0760Penny

And Daryl the Feral wasn’t quite ready for his audition, but he did try on the St. Patrick’s Day hat. DSCF0744 Mom is thinking of changing his name because he is not very feral. Brody may beΒ  his new name-what do you think?

I am starting an Easter Giveaway today, comment now through Wednesday. Speaking of Wednesday, that is D-Day! Dental Day- phooey!


The Easter giveaway is for a catnip mat and 2 crocheted catnip pears eggs . I will announce the winner on Thursday.

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Selfie Sunday Blog Hop.Cat4-001


  1. You all look cute in your bunny ears but I think Joanie may have worn them best.
    Brodie is a good name. What about just Daryl without “the feral”?

    1. Joanie is glad you like hers best πŸ™‚ I am still deciding on the name, I like ones that end with the long e sound. I read somewhere cats respond better to those.

  2. I’m crossing my paws that no bunny ears magically appear here – last year was enough! I think Brody is a good name for Mr. Not-So-Feral.

  3. Phoebe, for us, we think you and Joanie are doing the best job sporting the ears. Brody is an interesting name, and one we have never heard used for a cat so we like it. If you can’t decide, maybe you could have a contest to name him. Thanks so much for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Joanie is happy, you are the 2nd comment saying she did the best. Phoebe is a little miffed πŸ™‚ I could do a contest for the name, but I am liking Brody.

  4. What a Hippity Hoppity Happy group of bunnies you have!!!! I love the name Brody for the formerly feral Daryl. Brody is a very handsome chap and a great addition to the 15andmeowing bunny bunch.

    Love, Sammy

  5. Everybody looks festive in their ears or hat! Happy Early Easter all of you babies.

    1. Thank you- Happy Early Easter to you too. Spooky feels peppier today- he sends you a kiss.

  6. Brody…um we mean Daryl, is all ready for St patrick’s Day later this week!!

    All you sweet bunnies are a bit early, MOL!!

    We think all those pictures/selfies are great. Meowmy hasn’t even dug out her props fur these two festivities, but we won’t complain, MOL!

    Those Easter Eggs look fab! We could put them in our basket:)) As we relax on a catnip mat…who-hoo!

    Have a great week…and we hope that dental leaves you all sparkly so you can enjoy more treats and Easter Eggs:)) Purrs are going out in advance!

    1. Thank you for the purrs for Phoebe. We hope your Mom has time to get your props out for photos. We are early for Easter, but there are so many of us that we need to divide up our Cadbury auditions and on Easter we will do a different shot.

  7. Oooh – I want to tryout for the Cadbury Easter Bunny!! Thanks for the pictures of Penny – I especially love hers and BobbieSue loves Millie. Simon likes Joanie’s picture, too. I like the name Brody for Daryl-the-not-so-feral. Does he like it? Mom always said we gave our names – she said she would look at us in the eyes, ask us what our name was and the first name that came to her was it. I don’t know if that works or not – suppose instead of telling her my name I was thing I need something to eat. Would she have named me Catfood or Milk? anyway, Brody is a great name!!!

    1. Joanie is glad Simon likes her photo, she is a cutie. Penny and Millie are happy too.We hope your Mom gets you a Cadbury egg and some ears to wear. I think Brody is more fitting than Daryl because he is not so feral.

  8. Dayryl no so feral is a good name… maybe if you lay off those cadburry egs you wouldn’t need the dentist?? Just sayin’ ….(with love)

  9. Oh, you all just look so precious in your Easter finery1 We love the name Brody. Excellent choice. Sorry about the dental though.
    Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. The kitties are glad you like their ears- they were not thrilled and they were the easiest. πŸ™‚

  10. You all look cute in your bunny ears, but I agree that Spooky and Joanie carried it off the best. Daryl/ Brody looks sweet in the St Patrick’s Day hat.

  11. We are glad mum has not ever tried to put stuff on us.
    We think she is afraid of our claws πŸ˜‰
    We must admit,however, that you all look so good!
    We like the name Brody, We like Daryl too.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. I am not afraid of scratches- I get them sometimes, but more when I clean ears or try to trim nails.

  12. These bunny ear pictures are all great! You’re all just so darn cute. And I love the name Brody, and I’m happy to hear that the little guy isn’t all that feral. Also, he looks adorable in his St. Patrick’s Day hat. We’ll be purring and praying for you on Wednesday, Phoebe! Purrs to all!

    1. Thank you, glad you like the bunny ears. Brody is a sweetie, he loves chin scratches. Thanks for purring and praying for Phoebe.

  13. Youss’ all look so cute inn yur bunnie earss!! Phoebe yur so beeuteefull in yur bunnie earss….
    An mee will bee purrin an purrayin fur you on Dental Day; now mee feelss guiltee fur goin to thee Spa @ Aunty Sheila’ss…..
    All mee <3 LUV <3 to Purrincess Phoebe <3 an ***paw kissesss***
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Don’t feel guilty, you can’t be near that awful noise my sweet boy. I will think of you the whole time. And I will have nice fresh breath for you. πŸ™‚ XO and paw kisses and love

      1. Mee has herd thee thee fire alarm an it screeches an gets louder an louder! It iss pawfull to lissen to….there iss a shut-off box butt LadyMum iss not goin tern it off 58 timess mee can tell you….
        Fink o fmee durin thee Vet visit an mee will fink of you an maybe wee can linky our mindss together….mee iss with you inn spirit Phoebe. An mee sends ALL mee luv!!!
        Yur breath iss luvley mee Purrincess butt mee knows you will feel better…..
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickullsss~~ Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Thank you my sweet boy, I will be dreaming of you. XOXOXOXOXO and paw kisses and headrubs

          1. Mee will bee finkin of you Purrincess Phoebe an when mee naps on Wednesday at thee ‘Spa’ mee will dreem of you an mee spirit will bee rite beeside you at thee Vet’ss…promise…..
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss**
            Siddhartha Henry~~~

          2. Can your spirit please bring me a snack- starvation has started- MOL! XO and paw kisses and love- Have fun at the SPA

    1. Thank you, I remembered the show Newhart and how there was Daryl and his other brother Daryl so I thought of something better. πŸ™‚

  14. Dear Cats: You guys are all so cooperative! We make our human resort to virtual hats because we only wear hats when WE want to! So we compliment you on your spirit of cooperation. But we have to admit, you ARE adorables! Are you sure you’re really cats and not inner-bunnies!

  15. The Cadbury Bunny better look out…because you all would be great bunnies! We like the name Daryl, but we like Brody too…so whatever you decide. πŸ™‚

  16. You all look wonderful, very sweet, like the Cadbury eggs. I like the name Brody, but I like Darryl the-not-really-feral, too. Is he a permant family member? Has he met the others? I am really working on getting into a routine, based on Bill’s new schedule. Big hugs. ❀

    1. Thank you, Mom has never tried one, Dad eats them. Brody has met the others through his carrier twice when he came in from the vet. No hisses from anyone. I am hopeful it will work out, but I don’t want to stress Spooky in any way and Brody has a neck full of stitches so I want him to heal properly in case there were any brawls. I hope you get a routine soon πŸ™‚ XO

  17. We would choose all of you for the Cadbury bunnies! And we love the name Brody! He looks adorable in the hat.

    1. Easter is early this year. Glad you like the name Brody. Pawkisses to you too sweet girl.

  18. You are all the sweetest looking bunnies we have ever seen! πŸ™‚ And we love the name Brody and are thrilled Brody is not feral .) Now he is ready for some very deserved loving!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ We hope your kitties and doggies will be dressing for Easter too. Brody is a sweetie. I am doing slow introductions and so far no hissing πŸ™‚

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