Rain and Vacuums and Dragons- Oh My!

006Pssst! It’s me, Phoebe- hi everyone. I am hiding from the dragons. I told my sweet purrince (https://nylabluesmum.wordpress.com/)that I am afraid of rain and he said he would protect me from rain and dragons. I didn’t even know about the dragons so I am hiding.I hope my Grammie is safe from them, I love her so very much. Gotta go- and you should all go hide too. Be safe and I will see you Sunday.


Well,being that Phoebe is hiding I thought I could slip in a couple things. First off, a huge thank you to Dezi and Lexi’s Mom ( https://dezizworld.wordpress.com/) for all the help she gave me on the phone with WordPress. I have been blogging overΒ  a year and couldn’t figure out how to put badges on the sidebar so she called me and talked me through it. I will be forever grateful for her kindness. She would make a great teacher. Thank you to Sammy’s Mom (https://onespoiledcat.wordpress.com/) too for emailing me the directions on how to do it. And to others who offered their help I thank you too.

We joined the 6 word blog hop again this month hosted by Coach Daddy (https://coachdaddyblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/27/what-would-make-you-smile-in-6-words/ ). Its a lot of fun, I encourage you all to join in next month. And I am co-hosting Feeling Beachie’s Follow Friday Fill-In and I would love it if you would join us in that too. If you are interested , let me know in the comments and I will get you the information.



  1. Phoebe, that looks like a pretty good hiding spot. You will definitely be safe from all that stuff there!

    How nice of Lexi and Dezi’s Mom, Sammy’s Mom, and everyone else. Pet bloggers are the best!

    1. PeeEss I don’t know if others have the same, but I can only see your sidebar when I click on home! When I click on the actual post it disappears?

    2. I am sure he would save me if he was here, but he is not πŸ™
      All the bloggers are very nice and helpful.

  2. YAY! So glad Miss Audra was able to help you out with the sidebar fun…now that you know how, you can just add anything you want! Sorry you’re afraid of rain Phoebe – I didn’t used to like thunder and lightning but in my old age I’m kind of “OK” with it now. Stay cozy – if you feel safer under the covers then GO for it!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I do feel safe under the covers or next to my Mom. And yes, Mom was lucky to have some help now she has my bikini badge up.

  3. Hi Phoebe and Ellen!
    Lita is afraid of the booms that come along with the rain, and we have been having them nearly every day for the past week or two! Hers goes straight for UTB when she hears the first one. Poor Lita.

    I would love to know what the Feeling Beachie follow Friday thingie is!

    1. Poor Lita, that is too bad you get them so often. I will email you the info. for the follow Friday fill-in.

  4. phoebe…we R knot sure if him iz act shoo a lee a…dragon…..but R pal Godzilla …rocks !!! N it be way awesum kewl oh dezi, lexi & sammy’s mom ta helpz out !! πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. I don’t know what the dragon’s name is, but I am scared. Yes, everyone is very helpful.:)

  5. Phoebe
    my sister Boo and brother Jinx don’t like rain either, and they hate boomies!
    We are glad you were able to get your badges up! THere is still so much about working with blogs we do not know. Hope you have a great rain free day today.

  6. Mee-you mee sweet gurl Phobe do not wurry ’bout Dragunss’. They do not live where you do…mee should nevurr have said anyfing mee Purrincess!! Pleeze furgive mee!!! **hangss head inn shame**
    Mee apawlogizess mee sweet gurl….
    If there Efurr iss a Dragun mee will bee there to deefend you….
    ****paw kissess**** an <3 LUV <3 Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince. We did have a rain/thunderstorm today. Don’t hang your head in shame my sweet boy-I still love you XO.

      1. Mee-you mee iss sorry mee uppsyet you sweet Rainbow Gurl….what was mee finkin??? Mee iss still a bit young an mee mind runss away with mee….
        Yur thee sweetest an bestest to still LUV mee!
        Are thee funderstormss dun now?? Mee hopess so….
        ****paw kissess**** an ***nose kissess***
        Yur sumtimess-silly Purrince,
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Thank you my sweet purrince. My MOm said dragons only live by the sea in a land called honna lee so I guess we are safe XO my sweet purrince.

    1. Thank you, I am safe. My Mom said dragons only live by the sea in a land called honna lee.

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