Nurse Joanie

Hi everyone! Nurse Joanie here, Mom is sick, just a cold, but she is a big baby. I iz taking care of here.

Β  Here is her A-Z Blogging Challenge creation, a golden Snitch from Harry Potter. Good job Lone Star Cats and Cuddlywumps Chronicles -you both guessed it.

I am a work of art so I am joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. Mom will do her Thankfuls another day.


  1. Joanie you look like a very good nurse – I hope your Mom will respond to treatment and that you will get her well in no time! Some humans are big babies when they get a cold (like my Dad!).

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. You are the cutest nurse ever, Joanie! Well wishes to your mom! We know she’ll feel better in no time with you taking care of her. And, as a huge fan of Harry Potter, I love the snitch you made! Have a beautiful Saturday!

  3. Joanie, I wish I had you to help me the care f mom when and if she needs me. We would have a great team, the two of us. We hope your mommy gets all better very soon. XXX

  4. Nurse Joanie…so cute! What an adorable outfit. I bet you’re taking really good care of mom. I hope she gets better soon! xo

  5. I hope your mom gets well soon. I hate colds. They wear you down. You take good care of her Joanie.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your sick mom. β™₯

  6. You are a cute nurse Joanie. I’m sure that with your help your Mum will feel better in no time.
    My human is really not young but she is a Harry Potter fan.

  7. Oh, Nurse Joanie, tell your Mama to just get well. Love your uniform. You look very professional.
    We’re enjoying our 90-degree weather in California.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  8. Awwww…. we really hope your mom feels better soon. Colds can make hoomins feel so awful. Take good care of her. PS: we’re impressed with how smart and professonal you look in your uniform.

  9. We sure hope mom feels better soon.
    How could she not with you looking so adorable!
    Have a wonderful weekend…

    Noodle and crew

  10. Oh, dear. Sending purrs and get well wishes to your Mom. Get Well Soon, Miss Ellen!

    You are a good nurse, Joanie, I can tell that from your uniform!

    Petcretary has no idea what a snitch is…she never read/saw any of the Harry Potter books or movies.

    1. Joanie thanks you. I have only seen one HP movie, but I searched for crcohet patterns starting with S and found that πŸ™‚ XO

  11. Feel so very much better Ellen. How nice of Joanie to help you. Hope she’s a better help than Shoko who hits me in the face if I don’t pet her. hehe


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