It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww…..Mondays blog hop and Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading? dscf2697

Prancie is showing you the latest edition of I Could Pee on This Too by Francesco Marciuliano. I have been reading these cute poems to Phoebe to give her inspiration for her poetry. These are just as good if not better than the original.

I have also recently discovered books by Laurie Notaro, apparently my head has been buried in a litter box because she has been writing for well over a decade. I started with An Idiot Girl’s Christmas from 2005 and also read It Looked Different on the Model: Epic Tales of Impending Shame and Infamy ( 2011).She writes about her life and she is hilarious. One tale was about her hubby accusing her of eating chocolate in bed because he kept finding chocolate star prints on his pillow. Eventually they discovered it was where their elderly cat had been sitting.


Today’s word for the #JHC is gate, but I decided to go with mice. dscf2669Β  Brody is posing with my cutouts I put on the steps. To give it a spookier look, I stop cleaning the steps in August so there is lots of dust. Just kidding, although I clearly need to use a swiffer on them.

Today is our 24th anniversary:

wedding My little niece was the flower girl and now her daughter is almost one year old.



  1. Happy Anniversary to you,Miss Ellen and Hubby!

    Those mice are cute,and the dust makes them more authentic like they really belong there, MOL!

    We nearly choked when we read about the chocolate stars, OMC!! Hilarious, Eeuuwwww!

  2. Happy anniversary! My human and her boyfriend have been together almost as long… 22 years… and they haven’t gotten married yet!

  3. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! Your wedding photo is gorgeous – you all look spectacular. Hope you have a wonderful day of celebration. No doubt the kitties will pitch in to give you a suitably QUIET day to enjoy. Love the cutouts – and the dust is a nice touch (haha).

    Love, Pam (and Sam)

  4. First of all, a very happy anniversary to you and your husband, Ellen! And these books sound like such fun to read. Also, I absolutely love your mouse decorations on the stairs. So cute, especially with Brody modeling with them! And I know what it’s like to have dust and hair all over. It seems like hairballs have accumulated again the very second after I put the vacuum back in the closet. Purrs, and a beautiful day to you all!

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ It is hard to keep a fur free home with so many pets, actually it is impossible. πŸ™‚

  5. At present, I’m reading Going Underground, which is a dark, futuristic…. it isn’t a book I would have chosen, but I was asked to give it an honest review…. despite the ‘background’ I’m enjoying it…. and I’m also very grateful that I didn’t need to endure the horrors that the Nazis inflicted on people.
    I’m also working on final edits for Mr-YEOW!, which I hope to have finished by December.

  6. Happy anniversary! I didn’t know there was a second I Could Pee on This! I have the first one and love it.

  7. β™ͺβ™ͺHappy Anniversary to you,β™ͺβ™ͺ
    β™ͺβ™ͺHappy Anniversary to you,β™ͺβ™ͺ
    β™ͺβ™ͺHappy Anniversary Dear Ellen and Hubby, β™ͺβ™ͺ
    β™ͺβ™ͺHappy Anniversary to you.β™ͺβ™ͺ

    Awww on Brody and Prancie.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and a very happy anniversary too. ☺

  8. Many happy Anniversary reeternss Lady Ellen an Pappaw!!! 24 years iss a
    l-o-n-g time!!!!
    Thee books all sound kewl an thee mousiess on thee stairs are wunderfull…toe-tallee!!!!
    Mee asked LadyMum what shee iss readin an shee told mee a book titulled “Black Skiess”.
    It iss ritten by a man named Arnaldur Indridason frum Iceland! Thee story takes place inn Reykjavik….(LadyMum helped mee do thee spellin!)
    of course it iss a crime drama…
    An mee iss still readin “100 Wayss To Train Yur Hu’man”….it iss so-o funny…
    Pleeze give mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** to mee sweet buttercup Phoebe!
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Phoebe would like some training tips when you are done with the book πŸ™‚ Thank you for the anniversary wishes, I feel old though, it is a long time. That book your Mum is reading sounds interesting. XO and Phoebe sends her love

      1. Mew mew mew mee will give Phoebe all thee tipss shee wantss…..
        Here iss a good one: Walk over thee keyboard; bein carefull to press down on thee keys. Use yur body to shield thee addishunss to thee screen. Stand on 1 key anmake it repeat over an over…then hit “Send”….
        This iss one of mee faveritess…..

        1. Thank you my sweet boy, I will try it.
          like that?
          Paw kisses and lots of love XO

          1. Purrfect mee sweet gurl!!!
            2nd tip: To get a Hu’man’ss attenshun fling yur litter all over thee bathroom floor!! If you need a wuik wipe or sum companee they are all ready there! πŸ˜‰

  9. Happy Anniversary. Dat is sooooooo pawsum and here’s to another let’s say 50 plus. Yes? Luvs da fotos, and da books sound innerestin’. ‘Specially da choco star shaped pillow purrints. Mommy had a real good laff.

    Phoebe, we’re glad your grammaw luvved da necklace you picked out. How could she not luv somethin’ from you. Big hugs fur all of ya’. Have a wonderful day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  10. guys…a most happee annie fur sarry two yur mom N dad !!! β™₯β™₯β™₯

    heerz hopin mom buyed dad a swell new tie, and dad buyed mom a 2017 FURRareez car, leatherz inn teereeor & convert a bull ☺☺☺

    wishin them health & happee nezz in de coming yeer & heerz ta 24 mor ~~~~~~ β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

  11. Happy anniversary! What a great stairway idea, too. Laurie Notaro sounds funny. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful wedding party. πŸ™‚ I love the mouse cutouts on your stairs. Those are really fun. It sounds like you found a really fun book too! I love kitty poems. I will have to check that one out. “Manna” used to do spoofs of different songs – particularly Christmas songs. πŸ™‚

  13. Happy Anniversary! I’ve been meaning to check out the first “I could pee on this” book … now sounds like the perfect time to read both. I’m also going to have to look up Laurie Notaro.

  14. Happy Anniversary Ellen! Now that it’s official…my wedding anniversary will be on the 21st…just a few days before yours πŸ™‚ Our photographer took pics of the ” I do” you sent me as I placed them on the soles of my shoes. I will send you pics when I get them back πŸ™‚

    Sophie and the critters in the cottage xo

  15. Awww, our Dad loves the Pee On books! Our Mom is reading some Richard Matheson books (required reading list). She likes some of his stories, we like her reading them to us. Happy Anniversary!

  16. Happy anniversary or day after anniversary, whichever is the case. What a beautiful wedding dress and flower girl dress. πŸ™‚

    I love the mouse cutouts on your stairs. Too cute!

    Have a blessed day.

  17. I Could Pee on This is one of our favorite books–we think we have like three copies around here somewhere, ha ha ha! We love your flowergirl pictures. I wish I could have followed her and gobbled up the petals though–shame to let them go to waste!

    1. They were silk so you would have been disappointed πŸ™‚ I hope you get the new Pee on this book.

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