It’s Monday ! What Are You Reading?

Happy Monday everyone! We will share more about our Christmas all week. And today I am  going to try a new hop.

007I guess word has gotten out that I love cats- I got 2 cat signs, a Grumpy puppet, 3 cat books ( one is Lola’s-YAY! ), 2 cat coloring books,a notepad and gloves.

008And thank you Mom for these incredible flannel sheets.

014Snowball loves the Yeoww! Catnip Candy Cane from her boyfriend Pierrot of Lucy’s Lounge

009And Sammy loves the cowboy hat his friend, Cat Scout Charles sent him along with some fun catnip toys. And I got a beautiful snowflake ornament from him and his Mom too.

016Stinky opened a cute little mousie from Carol.

013And KaTwo opened her 3 gifts from Grammie  today.

Carol was very sweet to make a slideshow of my kitties opening gifts.

Thank you Carol!

And now for that hop- It’s Monday! What Are you Reading? is hosted by Kathryn of  Book Date

This is a hop to tell about what you have been reading or what you plan to read- it can be any genre. I just finished A Gift From Bob by James Bowen. I am sure most of you have read the original story about how Bob came into James’ life and saved him from addiction. This tells of one of their early Christmases together, Bob is an amazing kitty.

I am also almost done reading Good Mourning by Elizabeth Meyer. It is a true story about a rich young lady who chooses to work for a funeral home after planning her own father’s funeral. This funeral home is on 5th Avenue and deals with the rich, famous and even some mobsters. I know it sounds like an odd choice to read, but being that there is no escaping death, I figured I might as well read about it.

I actually read 5 books at once, but this post is already longer than my usual so 2 will have to do. See you tomorrow.





    1. I get bored easily so I do a chapter in each.:) I can’t do 2 memoirs or similar ones at once though.

  1. 5 at once? Phoebe, is she still paying enough attention to you felines? We’re wondering how humans dare to do anything else than caring for us? Ok, maybe if you occupy her belly, she may be allowed to read or so.

  2. Wow, it looks like you kitties had lots of fun with Peaches and Paprika’s human! And what a bunch of cool Christmas gifts you all got!

  3. Visiting from It’s Monday What Are You Reading at The Book Date.

    *Meow* from my kitties (Isabella, Panda, Wifi, Chilihead) to yours!

    Due to my laptop having given up the ghost, I’m getting a lot of reading done these last few weeks because I have to share time on my husband’s computer. 🙁

  4. We loved watching your Christmas video – it looks like you all had a great time!! So many kitty presents! Amazing! Love and kisses to Penny!!!

    1. Thank you, we love the video. Unfortunately, Penny was not in it, but I got some photos to share this week. XO and love from Penny to Toby.

    1. Thank you, but don’t be impressed, I just get bored easily. Hope you are having a great holiday too.

  5. YAY! Looks like a nice haul of kitty-related presents AND we love the gifts the kitties got too………that hat from Charles is FABULOUS! Onward to 2016!

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. I loved seeing all the kitties opening their gifts. I’m glad to see that it looks like you all had a merry Christmas!

    I just finished reading A Little House Christmas Treasury, a compilation of sweet little Christmas stories from the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love these rustic types of stories, and I have been reading this book every Christmas for years. My family knows me well and got me a number of books for Christmas. I’m a fan of fiction, and next I’ll either be reading one of my new thrillers by Dean Koontz, or one of my new fantasy novels.

    1. Thank you, we did have a Merry Christmas. I love the Little House Books 🙂 I used to have a video with a bunch of their Christmas episodes.

  7. I am reading a Ringo Starr biography called Ringo Witna Little Help. I am jealous that you got a Grumpy Cat puppet! That is cool!

    1. I love Biographies, I will have to add that to my list. I didn’t even know Grumpy had a puppet 🙂

    1. Thank you for watching the video- Carol did a great job 🙂 I hope you had a nice Christmas too.

  8. guys….we gived yur moovee 984 paws UP !!!!! yur houz N all de decoraysunz & all de goodz de dood in red bringed…..awesum…total lee…lookz like Christmas waz a veree merry one….inn deed 🙂 ♥♥♥ YAY ~~~


    That sounds like a WONDERFUL hop, to be sure. My peep couldn’t handle it, though. She’d be too embarrassed. Sometimes, she takes practically FOREVER (like in weeks) to read a book even when she’s enjoying it and it’s great. Other times? She reads them in a few afternoons. What can I say? My peep is super weird. purrs

    1. I am weird too- most people don;t read that many at once. Merry belated Christmas to you too Seville and family.

  10. I saw the video on FB. It was great! I am so jealous over those cute flannel sheets!

    I just got done reading Cat Deck the Halls by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. Have you read any of her books? I just love her series. I actually read this one before but thought I’d read it again since it takes place at Christmas time. I received three cat cozy mysteries for Christmas. I’m going to read Black Cat Crossing by Kay Finch next.

    I got that same candy cane toy for Pierrot and thought he would love it because it smells so potent and fresh. Surprisingly, he was just meh about it. Hopefully, Snowball likes it better or one of the other kitties.

    1. Thank you for watching the video. As you could see Snowball was in hiding when company was here, but I do have one of her with her candy cane to show tomorrow. She loved it and luckily she is a good sharer because my cats are nip addicts. I have not read any of those books, but they sound good- I wish I could read every book with cats in it 🙂 The sheets were from Macy’s and I saw some cute pink cat ones at Target, but they were no longer at the one I go too, but maybe yours would have them.

  11. Those sheets! Cute! Looks like you all had a pawesome Christmas! Five books at once? Our mommy can’t handle one book and one magazine at once!

  12. It looks like you all had a fantastic Christmas with lots of presents and family time. It was wonderful of Peaches’ and Paprika’s mom to make that slide show for you.

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