Selfie Sunday


HI everyone! I hope you all had a nice Christmas, I sure did. Grammie was here Christmas Eve and Day. I love her so very much. She brought us lots of presents, individually wrapped for each of us. And someone else did that for us too and it wasn’t Santa. It was our new Auntie, Peaches and Paprika’s Mom who joined us for Christmas dinner. We still have lots more gifts to open, but Mom was too tired to help us- phooey! Cat4-001

I got my Grammie a mug for Christmas with my photos all over it:


026I made a sign for my new pole so it would be safe with all the company we had. Someone even left me $1.

Sammy got to open his gift from his Secret Santa at Cat Scouts which was Oliver of Four Crazy Cats : He got a cool igloo, a laser and lots of other goodies.


004Oliver sent some yummy foods too and Sammy even shared with us.

You know how I always tell you my Mom sings bad? Well, Christmas Eve day her and Dad were in the kitchen cooking when she started singing- and he thought she cut herself and was crying out in pain- MOL!

I will write about more about our Christmas on Thursday and I am going to start a giveaway that day too.

The Rainbow Bridge has still been busy:




  1. WOW….you kitties sure did have a GREAT Christmas didn’t you! If you still have presents to open that’s way cool – your Christmas will last longer and longer than anyone’s! We’re all finished here…..and presents all put away too. It was a wonderful and quiet Christmas at my house.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. We are going to be opening gifts all week because Mom takes lots of photos and it takes a long time.

  2. How lovely to see you having fun and enjoying your holidays sweetie..and indeed saying goodbye is awful and especially around the gentle hugs and purrs to all…Loves Fozziemum xxxx

    1. We feel bad for their families, it is so sad to lose a kitty at any time of year, but especially at holiday time. Hugs and love to you too XOXOX

  3. What a great Christmas you guys had! Can’t wait to hear more!

    Phoebe, I bet your Grammie was happy with that mug you got her!

    We’re so sorry about the two kitties.

    1. My Grammie loved the mug. And Snowball loved the giant candy cane from Pierrot, we will show photos tomorrow. XO

  4. We’re glad you had such a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing more about it! We’re sorry for the two kitties that crossed the Bridge. We are thinking of their families. Love to you and Penny!!!

  5. Phoebe, so glad your Grammie was there for TWO DAYS! Love your mug you got her. Can’t wait for more Christmas posts! We will go visit and leave our condolences.
    Marty and the Gang

    1. My Grammie loved the mug. We will be posting all week about Christmas. I hope you had a good one too. XO

  6. We had an amazing time! Ellen’s house is amazingly decorated with charming Christmas ornaments in unexpected places! We hardly had to open any presents at all because Sammy, Joanie, Stinky and Jinx did it for us! Never have I seen such enthusiastic gift un-wrapping! Meanwhile, Phoebe, Ka-Two and friends hung out and played cat games while we did all the work! There were a couple of “hiders” but we saw them all eventually! Thanks Ms Ellen, your family, human and cat are great and I totally had a wonderful time, even though I could not take Peaches & Paprika with me! (But you know how that goes)

    1. Yes, most cats hate to travel. Thank you for all the compliments and for making that beautiful slide show- we will post a link to it tomorrow. Thank you for everything , especially for spending time with all of us. My Mom is most impressed that you tried and liked the borcht. XO

  7. Sounds like yous Christmas was purrfect bootyful. Weez so glad everyonne got so many pawsum gifts. We sure do fank y’all fur ours. We luv da candy canes. Da video is gweat. Have a wunnerful day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked your gifts, I remember your Mom writing that was her favorite Christmas movie. XO

  8. Sounds like you all had an exciting Christmas! We can’t wait to hear about it on Thursday.
    P.S. We received the prezzies we won in your giveaway. We love them!!! Thanks so much, furiends!!

    1. Thank you, we will be writing about it all week- it is going to take that long to unwrap everything. I am glad you like your presents and they arrived safely.

  9. Run free Kashim an Trooder inn Pure Land!! Mee deerest Purrincess so many have gone away thiss year….it has been berry hard to say so many ‘Goodbyess’….
    On a happy note mee luvss thee mug you made fur Grammie Joan! Pleeze tell her mee luvss mee Santa fur ball an plays with efurry day!!!
    An mee luvss you you totallee mee buttercup gurl <3
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ an **nose kissesss**
    Yur littul Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Too many have left us this year. We miss Lucy so much, Mom still cries for her almost daily. Grammie loved the mug, I only put my photos on it because we also gave her earrings from all us kitties so the mug was just from me. I love you too my sweet and I told Grammie already that you love the Santa fur ball, but I will tell her you still are playing with it. Love, Phoebes XOXOXOXOXXO

      1. Yur rite there were too many goin to Pure Land! An mee knows show much you miss Lucy Lady Ellen. LadyMum still missess Nylablue an even Mingflower…..
        The foto mug ss a GRATE gift Phoebe mee clevurr gurl πŸ˜‰ Now Grammie will nevurr furget you fur a minutte…mew mew mew……
        Oh yea pleeze let Grammie know thee Santa ball iss berry speshell to mee!!! Just like YOU buttercup gurl….
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. You are such a sweet kitty boy, I will tell Grammie. I should have put your photo on the mug too, but I chose 3 photos of me. Wait til you see what Grammie gave me, I am going to show everyone tomorrow. Paw kisses and nose kisses my sweet. Love, Phoebes

          1. Iss ok sweet buttercup gurl…that mug iss all YOU an that iss how it should bee!!!
            An mee can hardlee wait fur yur new bloggie!!!
            ***paw kissesss*** yur funny Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

  10. Our Mama laughed out loud at your sign Phoebe M. Pilch! You are too funny. And we love your mug for your Grammie and we know she loves it too. It sounds as though you had a wonderful Christmas. How exciting to have a blogging friend and new Auntie Carol over on a special day πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. The sign worked, no one bothered with my new pole πŸ™‚ Grammie does love the mug, she already used it and everything. XO

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