Hopping Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop today. Phoebe knows my dream car is a Mini Cooper so she went to photofunia and designed the perfect one for me. PhotoFunia-1472254391Caturday Art

The question for P.S. Annie’s 19 -Somethin’ Hop is: Did you ever take something apart to see how it worked or what was inside? No, I don’t recall ever doing that. http://ps-annie.blogspot.com/p/september-19-somethin-challenge.html

Coach Daddy let us give our answer in 6 words to matches we’d like to make, to see our answer-click here.

And last, but not least, weniΒ  are also joining Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade

Pet Parade 159


  1. My human thinks that Mini Cooper is cool! But of course, she would – she has a red one. And when she needs a new car (probably not anytime soon – it’s still running fine), it’ll probably be yet another Mini Cooper, which’ll make it her third.

  2. That is the purrfect cat car! I like how the background color appears to switch between white and black as you circle the car πŸ™‚
    ps – We hope you get to see Grammie this weekend, Phoebe.

  3. Oh my Mom loves Mini-Coopers…….there are several people (apparently) in our town who own them as we see them often around here! Happy weekend!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. My Sweetie loves Mini Coopers, too. He would have a hard time deciding if he wanted it painted with cats or guitars, though.

    The only time i’ve taken things apart to see how they work is when they were broken anyway and by seeing what was up i might be able to fix it.

  5. Never has a finer Mini Cooper existed, Phoebe. The one you create is simply purrfect! That sure was a great, creative question P.S. Annie asked for her hop. The only time I have the courage to take something apart to see what’s inside is if it’s something already broken or in need of repair. Otherwise, it would just be broken when I was through with it anyway. Purrs to all of you!

  6. You will never get all your cats in the minicooper–but it has a cool design. Saturday today is more like “driving” rather then “hopping” Saturday, but hopping might help get through the traffic!

  7. We love your new car!!! – even if its a fantasy one!! And, mom agrees with you – books, cats and coffee in one place – her den!!!

  8. TBT here. Everyone has their dream car. I’m torn… I would mostly like to have my first car, a 1966 Pontiac Bonneville convertible, restored. I don’t drive much, so the loss of gas milage wouldn’t cost much. But I would like to have my current car, a 2005 Toyota Highlander new.

    In fact, I think I will go post about that in greater detail… LOL!

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