Hopping Saturday

Another sad week in the Blogosphere, Moosey of Animal Shelter Volunteer Life went to Rainbow Bridge. Moosey Forever BADGE220

Moosey’s Mom and Dad have a lovely tribute to this sweet boy on their blog.

Starting off , I am a day late with Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun. This week’s co-host is OBI from ELOQENT RAMBLES. She came up with ALL THE statements.


Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. Being ___ is _____
  2. I _____ to ______
  3. If I could_____ I would _________
  4. I cannot live without _______________

My Answers:

  1. Being A CAT MOM is THE BEST
  4. I cannot live without MY CATS

The Lazy Pit Bull’s #52 Snapshots of Life theme this week is “Neighbor”. Spooky was our neighbor’s cat for at least 13 years before we adopted him and made him an inside cat. He used to visit daily for a little snack. I always worried if he would miss a day because there are a lot of coyotes around. I am very happy that Spooky is part of our family now.

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PhoebegiveawayFor Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop I used ribbet to decorate Phoebe’s Giveaway photo- last day to comment to enter. She will announce the winner tomorrow. Caturday Art52 Snapshots of LifeCelebrate winter time with the pet parade, where all your favorite pets and animals can be found


  1. YAY for Spooky! Thank you for helping him.
    We were saddened to hear about sweet Moosey.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  2. Spooky was a very smart guy to realize that life could be a lot “Sweeter” at your house than his original home!!!!! Lucky for HIM and for YOU too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. That is very sad about Moosy. We had a neighbor’s cat that would visit me every day, not for food but attention (Search “Casper” on my blog). After many months we decided to take him away from his neglectful owner but it was too late by then.

  4. So glad for Spooky. Years ago mom did that for our cousin Rufus. Rufus ended up with my Auntie and he lived a long and happy life. We’re praying for Stinky. Love, Toby (pawkisses to Penny)

    1. We would have adopted him sooner but he wasn’t ready. We tried to keep him in once and he scratched up the door trying to get out. I am glad Rufus had a good life. Thank you for the prayers for Stinky. And Penny sends pawkisses back to Toby.

  5. Our purrs and prayers and certainly with Moosey’s mom and dad, Kevin and Tracey, at this time. We are thinking of them constantly.

    I didn’t know Spooky’s story, but now that I do I am so grateful that he found such a happy home with you! And, Phoebe, I love your festive photo!

    1. This has been a sad week in the blogosphere. Spooky has been with us for a little over 2 years now. And Phoebe says thank you.

  6. What a sad week of Romeo, Moosey and Georgia leaving and Merlin getting close. Sorry, I’m unable to do much blog hopping but wishing you much peace, love and purrs this holiday season.

    1. I understand why you can’t hop. I am sure you want to spend every moment with sweet Merlin. XO

  7. Wee been over to Mistur Meowmeowman an Lady Tracey’ss bloggie an posted…mee iss turriblee sad over Moosey’ss leevin…wee will nevurr furget him Phoebe….nevurr…….
    An Spooky mee furend yur one hansum mankat!!!! Mee hopes mee will bee as hansum as you sum day!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

    1. It has been a sad week, Phoebe has 2 more to write about tomorrow. Spooky says you are a handsome mancat too. Nose bumps back and a mrrpppp ( a funny little sound he makes)

  8. It’s lovely that Spooky felt he could move inside with you! He knows where there is love and noms! It has been a sad week in the cat blogosphere :'( xxx

    1. It has been a sad week. We are lucky Spooky chose us, he brought us a chipmunk and we knew that meant he decided this was his house.

  9. It has been very sad these past few days with three more friends making their journey to the Bridge.
    I am glad Spooky moved in with you and to safety.

    1. Spooky’s Mom died several years ago and she was the real cat person so his Dad let him roam wherever. When he was moving, I asked him to leave Spooky behind because he loved to roam and I feared he would try to come back to this area and get killed along the way. Then we gradually got him to stay inside.

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