Guest Post Friday with Maggie

    Happy Friday everyone! Today we are lucky to have a guest post by Cat Scout Maggie.

Howdy, everyone, and Best Wishes of the Season!  Today I thought I’d share a Holiday book-giving list with you, either for gifting yourself or cat-loving friends.  These are all classics, and readily available on Amazon or through other outlets. Felix and I recommend them all paws up!

The Cat Who Came for Christmas, originally published in 1987 by Cleveland Amory, was later included in a trilogy by the same author.  This is the story of his beloved Polar Bear, found on Christmas Eve and adopted reluctantly by the author, due to his being badly scratched by the frightened kitty.  Needless to say, the cat soon won over his rescuer and became famous in New York City.  Amory was a well-known writer and humorist, and founded the Fund for the Animals.         CatWhoCame

Dewey, published in 2008 by Vicki Myron, is the story of a cat who was dropped down a library book return shoot on a very cold night in the Winter of 1988 in Spencer IA.    He immediately ingratiated himself with the Library staff and visitors, and became the “mascot” of the library.  He lived out his life guarding the Library until succumbing to a tumor in 2006. This is a heartwarming tale of friendship and community.  deweycover

Homer’s Odyssey, published by Gwen Cooper in 2010, is the story of a blind kitten rescued in Miami FL by the author, and then accepted by her other two cats.  Homer moved with his human to New York City and saved her from an intruder and withstood the trauma and separation brought on in the aftermath of 9-11. Although blind, Homer could jump to the top of bookcases and cupboards, and he could catch flies.  This is a story of unconditional love and the lengths a human will go to to protect her pet companions.   Homer

Trim, Being the True Story of a Brave Seafaring Cat, was a love lament dedicated to this fabulous cat by his human, the famous Australian navigator, Matthew Flinders.  The memoir was written in 1804 and has been republished many times, most recently by Nauticalia in the UK.  Together, Trim and his master circumnavigated the globe in the very late 18th century, and circumnavigated Australia as well.  On their return voyage to England, their ship was captured by the French and the two were imprisoned.  Trim met a foul end at the hands of a local native.  A rare first-hand account of a seafaring cat!

TrimBailey Boat Cat: Adventures of a Feline Afloat, published in 2014 by Louise Kennedy, is a beautifully photographed journal of life at sea from a feline perspective.  This very amusing book combines nautical wisdom and lore, the joy of sailing, trouble-shooting and navigating, and  the challenges of being a cat aboard a big boat on the open sea.  Bailey is an astute problem solver and observer of his environment and his social world.  Fun for landlubbers and salty dogs!  BBC

Thank you for those excellent recommendation Maggie.

Thank you to everyone for your comments, purrs and prayers for Stinky. I have decided to hold off on the MRI for now. She will go to her own vet next week which is what I should have done to begin with. I tested her twice and she blinks so I think she can see out of that eye. And she is acting completely normal so I hope that is a good sign. Please keep praying.

See you tomorrow for hopping. And make sure you comment to enter our Christmas giveaway. 040One of Cleveland Amory’s books is included in the giveaway.






  1. Those all look like good books, and we have heard of some of them before.

    We hope your own vet will have some better insights into Stinky’s trouble.

    Hi Phoebe:))

  2. We’ve read and loved Dewey and Bailey’s books. The other’s sound really good – especially Homer’s. We’ll tell mom to keep an eye out for them. Prayers for Stinky, Hugs for Phoebe and purrkisses to Penny!!!! Love Toby & LadyBird

    1. I still need to read Bailey’s book. Thank you for the prayers for Stinky. Phoebe sends you hugs and Penny sends kisses to Toby. We all send love to you.

  3. We’re still sending POTP for Stinky but happy that she seems to be OK and will see her vet just to make sure!! Dewey was one of my Mom’s all time favorite cat books……there are so many lovely books out there about us kitties!!!

    Love, Sammy

    1. I loved Dewey too and I really love all 3 of Cleveland Amory’s books about his cat, Polar Bear. Thank you for the POTP. XO and love to you too.

  4. We just read the update on Stinky. We wanted to send you all our purrs and hugs and hopes that you are able to figure things out soon.

    Mom went to a reading and autograph party in 2011 for Homer’s first book. She gets emails from the book store. A few days ago we found out a sequel to Homer’s first book is out now.
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. That must have been fun to go to the Homer party. Thank you for the purrs and hugs. Stinky is acting fine so I am trying to stay hopeful. XO

  5. My mom has read all these pawtastic cat books except Trim. We will have to check that one out since I am learning more about cats at sea through my Cat Scout furrends Felix and Maggie.
    Purrs to all the Pilch kitties
    Scout Charles.

    1. Your Mom reads a lot too 🙂 Maggie and Felix are experts on Cats at Sea . Thank you for the purrs-;purrs to you too.

  6. I have copies of Avery’s, Dewey’s and Homer’s books, which I pull out and re-read at least once a year. Didn’t know about Trim’s book; will find a copy soon! I check out Bailey’s blog almost every day; he’s a handsome boycat living at sea! Still purring for Stinky, and thanks Maggie for the book list!

  7. Those are all wonderful books. We have not read Trim’s story We often re-read them as they are so poignant and moving.
    Sending purrs for Stinky big time.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  8. ~~~~~ waves two ewe maggie; veree nice ta meet ewe !! manee thanx for sharin theeze tipz on theeze books…they all sound awesum!!!!

    N stinky….sendin de best frank haz ta offer; we hope yur vizit next week shows like may bee a bruize ore sum thin…that yur actin like yur ole self iza GOOD sign….inn deed…..mor blessings comin yur way ~~~~

    heerz two a wolf herring kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you for the blessings for Stinky. Maggie has some great books listed. Maggie is Sammy’s most special Cat Scout’s friend. Hope you have a great weekend too.

  9. Grate book ideas Maggie!! Wee has Dewey Kat book an Bailey’ss book all so. Wee goin to look fur those other kat bookss…
    Lady ellen wee finks holdin off thee MRI iss a good idea…an as Stinky can ‘blinky’ that iss a good sign! Mee still doin POTP <3
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I still need to read Bailey’s book. I am sure you can get a lot of the books from the library. XOXOXOX Thank you for POTP for Stinky.

  10. Hi darlings and especially Spooky. What a great selection of books. Does your mommy or daddy read to you?

    1. Daddy reads to Pranice, but that is about it and she just has one book she likes about a spider 🙂 XO

  11. Thank you to all the fabulous 15andMeowing followers for prayers for Stinky and for reading and sharing about kitty books. We’ll look forward to reading the new Homer book! Thanks for letting us know about it! Happy Holidays to you all. Maggie and Felix Cat Scouts

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