Hopping Saturday

It is Saturday so we are hopping! And probably going to the vet with Lucy again. She just doesn’t want to eat much so I think she needs more than the probiotic and I don’t want to have her starving and end up with a liver issue.

We are co-hosting Feeling Beachie’s Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun:

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. I would rather have ________________ for dessert instead of __________.
  2. I admire ___________ and __________________ in a person.
  3. I used to wear _________ when I was ___________..
  4. I want to ________ for___________..

My Answers:

  1. I would rather have CHEESECAKE for dessert instead of ANY OTHER DESSERT.
  2. I admire OPTIMISM andΒ  ANIMAL LOVERS a person.
  3. I used to wear A BATHING SUIT when I was NOT FAT .

And I am using the same photo for Athena’s Caturday Blog Hop and The Lazy Pit Bull’s #52 Snapshots-the theme this week is “sleepy”. I used ribbet to make crop and make a frame of my sleepy Sammy napping with his friend Cat Scout Sammy.


And we are parading with Rascal and Rocco too:

52 Snapshots of LifePet Parade blog hop linky party for all pets and animals. Where Pet Bloggers network, share, and have fun!



    1. Thank you sweet Marty. Lucy ate a little today so I am hoping to hold off on the vet until Tuesday with her vet.

  1. My Sam is certainly enjoying his visit with YOUR Sam and the rest of the kitties! We are hoping Lucy is going to be alright……..sending POTP!

    Love, Sammy

  2. Luv da fotos. come on by and check out Sammy P’s visit. Weez had a gweat time. And fanks again fur da pawsum made wiff luv toys.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I love all the photos you took of Sammy at your house πŸ™‚ You’re welcome for the toys, Sammy likes to thank everyone for their hospitality with a toy.

  3. Sendin **purrss** an purrayerss fur sweet Lucy! Wee hopes you can get her better Lady Ellen!! Wee are here if you need to meow with us!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum~~
    Pee S: Mee sends ALL mee LUV to Purrincess Phoebe <3

    1. Thank you sweet purrince and Sherri-Ellen. She ate a little today so I will wait for the vet until Tuesday when her regular one is in.

      1. Pawss are crossed an mee iss purrayin fur Lucy to feel a bit better an not have to go to the Vet’ss!!!!
        Pleeze give her a *kiss* frum mee an one frum LadyMum. Fankss Lady Ellen….
        ****paw kissesss****
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I will give her a kiss for you, I gave her lots of hugs and kisses these last few days. She did eat quite a bit today. I am praying for your Mum, I am sorry she is having such a tough time since her fall. XO

          1. Mee ure has our paws full ‘btween Lucy an LadyMum…
            Wee iss doin a *happy dance* Lucy iss eatin more an seems better!!! 444 paws up!!!
            ****paw patsss****
            Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. Thank you for the paws up πŸ™‚ I am doing a happy dance too. I hope your Mum feels better soon-please keep giving her lots of healing purrs. XO

  4. Thanks for your visit to my blog. – Yep we have 8 cats and we thought we had a bunch but you’ve got us beat with 15! Are they all indoor cats? Hope your Lucy is better soon.

    1. Thank you for wishing Lucy well, she did eat a little today. Yes, all my kitties are indoor only.

    1. Thank you- she ate quite a bit today. I bought gravy lovers fancy feast and she loved the gravy. I also bought lunch meat- turkey and roast beef, not the healthiest, but it is food.

  5. I hope to get over to the fill ins Sunday. Late, but chores tend to take so much of my time. I look forward to fall setting in.

    Have you tried A/D for Lucy? Sometimes that or chicken flavoured baby food can kick start an appetite. Water from a can of tuna is good, too. Wishing her well. ❀

    1. Thank you for the tips. I did get some baby food, but I also got some gravy lovers Fancy feast and lunch meat to entice her which really helped. She will still go to the vet Tuesday though.

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