Happy Thursday Everyone! I have a lot to tell you today. My sweet purrince is going to be one next month. I am putting together a nice package to send him to let him know how loved he is.
My Grammie was here every day this week, I love her so very much. Look what she got for me all of us:She watched us so Mom could bring Dad to the Dr. and for an x-ray. He hurt his ribs when he was rototilling. The good news is he didn’t break them, but he did get pneumonia from not taking deep enough breaths.Please pray and purr for my Dad, I love him very much. I hope he is better for Father’s Day, all us kitties got him a nice present- I am sure Prancie will take all the credit though- Phooey!
Remember my bikini? The Critters in the Cottage all gave it a try, you can see their post : http://crittercottageakaacacophonyofsounds.blogspot.com/2015/06/wordy-wednesday-critters-posing-in.html . Every one of them looks adorable.The bikini is now on its way to The Florida Furkids. If you want a turn, just comment on their post when they wear it and you can be added to the list.
I am doing a mini giveaway, I wanted Mom to make a catnip mat, but she was busy so instead I am giving away 3 catnip fish and a book, Solomon’s Tale. Mom read it a while ago ( https://15andmeowing.com/tag/solomons-tale/ ). It made her cry so she doesn’t want it, but maybe someone would like to read it. I am also going to give away some of our seeds to grow your own special white and green grass mix. This is where she got the seeds: http://www.superseeds.com/cat-grass-tabby.html Joanie is modeling the prizes because I was busy checking on Dad.
See you Sunday !
Sendin purrs for your dad!
Thank you
Cute post! Nice prizes and cute pin ups! Hoping your dad feels better soon. Glad his ribs weren’t broken. I still have issues from breaking my ribs in the Winter. Rest!
Thank you, thank you and thank you. I am glad he didn’t break his ribs too, I am sorry you are still having troubles.
We sure hope your Dad gets to feeling better soon. Sore ribs are no fun at all, esp when they make you get pneumonia.
Thank you, he is on an antibiotic now so he feels a little better.
I’m sending lots of purrs to your male human!
Thank you
Oh gosh I do hope your Dad is feeling better…….pneumonia is a “no fun” thing for sure but with your care, I’m pawsitive he’ll be just fine very soon – especially in time for Daddy’s Day! Glad the bikini is moving around the country well too – AND your giveaway sounds PAWSOME.
Hugs, Sammy
Thank you, he is feeling better now that he is on antibiotics. I would love to see you in the bikini Sammy- there is still time to get on the list
what a bikini babe!
Phoebe says thank you,you should check out how cute the critters in the cottage look in it too.
Purring for your Dad!
Thank you
Yikes, pneumonia! Hope the Dad feels better soon…I’m thinking many cats laying on his chest while purring will help him alot! I haven’t heard of ‘Solomon’s Tale’ but all cat books make me cry…you too?
The kitties are taking turns on his lap purring for him. Yes, all cat books make me cry, but some more than others and this was one of those.
We sure hope your Dad is all better soon, purrs from all of us!
Thank you, they are greatly appreciated.
guys…mega purrayerz for yur dad, we hope him iz doin aye oh kay N heez 10 bazillion times better by caturday even….way awesum give a way ewe R having two….N just in case yur dadz ribz is still fun kee…tell him ta get 12 perch & wrap em round hiz side…he will feel better, look stylish, smell grate and haza handee snax close by ~~~~~
Heerz two a longnose whiptail catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
We don’t think Mom would like that remedy.
He is a little better now that he is on an antibiotic. Hope you have a great weekend- we loved your Father’s Day post.
We are sorry to hear your dad has pneumonia, and we hope he gets better very quickly! We are sending purrs and prayers and kitty love his way.
Thank you- you are very sweet.
Weez’ll be purrayin’ fur yous daddy bootyful. Mommy gets dat pneumonia a lot wiff hers COPD, so weez know how yous daddy be feelin’. And we saw da bikini shots, OMC and MOL. Can’t wait to see da next kitties in it. MOL And what a give away bootiful. Weez wuldn’t mind havin’ sum white gwass here. MOL But whoever wins is gunna be blest to have sum of yous mommys pawsum made wiff luv toys. Have a gweat day and enjoy all those tweats.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Thank you for the prayers, he is already a little better with the antibiotic. We didn’t realize your Mom has COPD, that is an awful thing to have. Glad you liked all the bikini photos- everyone looks great
Good luck in the giveaway
Big big big major purrs for your Dad. We hope he is feeling better. Phoebe you look so happy gazing at your Prince! We love the traveling bikini and it’s funny because we were just wondering! Have a great fursday!
Thank you for the purrs for Dad. The bikini got slowed down because the critters in the cottage Mom was on vacation for a couple weeks and it had to go to Canada. Once it is back in the states, it will move quicker
Oh no not a sick Dad! We are so very sorry he got hit then got sick. Sending extra kitty purrs and mom hugs
Madi your bfff and mom
Thank you, he is a little better with antibiotics now.
You can always count on Grandmas for really great treats! Purring that your dad feels better soon
Yes, Grammies and wonderful. An thank you for the purrs.
We hope your dad is feeling better real soon!
Noodle and crew
Thank you, he is a little better already.
We will be purring and praying for your Dad. We hope he gets all well soon. We can’t have any stories that make you cry on account of, Mumsy. She’ll cry for a week and then every time she thinks about the sad story. But, we are going to check out that link to the green and white grass seeds. We’d like them a lot. And, we gonna go see the other kitties’ bikini travels. You guys get ready for Friday! Hugs and love to you all.
Hope your dad is better very soon. Mom says pneumonia is not a good thing. We saw the Critters in the Cottage bikini post and it made mom’s eyes leak she was laughing so hard. I’m looking forward to giving it a whirl when it is my turn. Another pawsome giveaway. Mom says she feels terrible she hasn’t written about the one I won yet but promises it will be by Monday at the latest.
Thank you, the kitty Daddy is feeling better now that he is on antibiotics. The Critters in the Cottage did a great job with the bikini and I am sure you will too- thanks for participating. No hurry on posting the giveaway- it isn’t required, but I appreciate when someone does post about their winnings.
An here mee iss tippytoe-inn over to see you an apawlogize fur no beein here Fursday or Furiday…..mee iss BERRY sorry Purrincess Phoebe!!!Pleeze furgive mee. Beetween LadyMum feelin like poopy all week an then getting her shots an then sleepin half of Fursday away an then goin outt o thee BIG event fur thee Kat Rescue mee nevurr had a chance to come an visit!!!
Mee iss goin check out thee katss inn yur BEEKEENEE!!!! Mee betss no one ill look as GRATE as you inn it tho’!
An mee iss sorry mee not enter thee contest!!! What a crazypantss week it has been…..
Mee adores an <3 LUVSS <3 you so berry much buttercup cutie!
***paw kissess*** an ~~head rubss~~ an **nose kissess**
Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Purrs to your Dad, we sure hope that he gets better and feels better real soon.