Friendly Fill-Ins Week 74

Hi everyone! Prancie thanks everyone for the warm welcome you all gave her yesterday on her first official blog post.

Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Don’t forget to add your link at McGuffy’s Reader, you can also answer in the comment section. Thanks to all who participate.

1. October is the perfect time to ____________________________.
2. Halloween _________________________.
3. Every October, I                               .

4. My experience with the supernatural world is                                   .

My answers:

  1. October is the perfect time to have a wedding, I love Fall weddings. On October 24th, my husband and I will celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss.
  2. Halloween is tied with Christmas as my favorite holiday. Actually, I prefer the reason for Christmas, but I have a sickness for Halloween decorations.
  3. Every October, I torture my niece by putting a plastic spider in the shower. I did that for years when she lived with us and I still manage to sneak one in her shower since she has been married.
  4. My experience with the supernatural world is non-existent. I have read books on connecting with spirits, but I do not have that gift. I do believe some have it, including my friend’s daughter who has communicated with my Dad for me.

We are also joining Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Millie* is our official pumpkin inspector. These are my book pumpkins, still needing stems and bows.

*Millie wants to thank everyone for saying he is pretty the other day. He also wants you to know that he is a boy with a girl’s name. We named him Millie because he was born in the mill yard in town.




  1. I love fall weddings too. I had wanted a November wedding, but it didn’t work out. I got a summer one instead. It was nice just the same. 🙂 That is too funny about the plastic spider in the shower. LOL

  2. What great fillins!
    You pumpkin bike look like the purrfect think for Mr to knock around -that is one of the things I love to do!
    And I have a BIG Thank you to you on my blog today!

  3. Ellen,

    I think everyone likes Halloween for the fun, no one wants to think of the pagan aspects of the holiday except for “all-in-fun”. Personally, I do not want to see ghosts or talk to them. I don’t think they’d be the same as in life so I’m not sure what the point is of speaking to a loved one who has passed.

    Oh, plastic spiders int shower! This reminds me of my son doing creepy things to his sisters. He always left his rubber spiders, snakes, or mice somewhere with the hope of making them jump out of their skins. I don’t remember if it actually worked, though.

    An autumn wedding sounds lovely but then all weddings are nice! I don’t think I’ve ever attended a shabby one and…I always cry at weddings. Tissue please! 🙂 Thanks for hosting the fun and have a good weekend, dear friend!

    1. I always cry at weddings too, tears of happiness. I hope you have a great week too. 🙂

  4. Fall is a great time for a wedding, and the silly, funny Halloween decorations are lots of fun. Happy Friday!

  5. Fall and Halloween is a fun time. We love seeing all the leaves changing colors. We like your Paper pumpkins. You all have a fun day.

  6. You and Millie make a fine pumpkin team! Those are so cool!

    Happy days and years to you & Hubby. It is so nice to see other couples maintain happy marriages. I believe in love and in marriage. HUGS to you both.

    Well, a spider anywhere cause me to freak out. *yikes* I would get even with you, one way or another. *wink*

    I agree with you on #4. My experiences are minimal, but I believe. I also think people need to be careful, as the evil side is sneaky.

    HUGS, my friend.

    1. Millie thanks you. And I thank you for the anniversary wishes.
      I think my niece got even with me many times over by suffering with her through her teen years 🙂 XO

  7. Your answers made me smile! I love Halloween, too. It and Christmas are also my favorite holidays. My parents’ anniversary is the 23rd of October, and this year it’s their 30th anniversary. Happy early 25th anniversary to you and your husband! Oh, and I love your pumpkin decorations, and Millie is a very handsome model.

  8. Good Morning!
    October is a perfect time to have a fire in the chimenea under the Oaks.
    Halloween goes without notice at our house. I’m not sure why.
    Every October, I start wanting to eat lots of comfort food.
    My experience with the supernatural is a no go. I would like to have had some experience with it especially to have had some contact with my Mom. I miss her very much.
    Your #3 made me laugh! Your #1… I had a winter wedding but a fall wedding would have been better because fall is my favorite season. I am going to tell you Happy Anniversary because it is very possible that I will forget… Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. A fire in the chimnea sounds wonderful on a cool Fall night. I hope your Mom contacts you somehow. I love watching Long Island Medium and seeing her bring messages of comfort to loved ones. Have a nice weekend! XO

  9. I’m totally with you on the second fill-in. The third cracked me up. As I mentioned on McGuffy’s Reader, I don’t dabble with anything involving psychic abilities. I’m not religious, but spiritual, and Biblical warnings against spiritualism like this kind of make me nervous. Call me silly but I am happy to say I’ve read the Good Book about three times with the help of ‘Bible in a Year’ guides, though I stalled out the last time. ~grin~ I should pick it up again. There’s a version of the Bible on my Kindle Fire. Be well!

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can understand your fears about spiritualism. I am impressed you have read the Bible several times. I read it once and have reread several passages through mass, teaching catechism, etc.

  10. Millie is a great pumpkin inspector. You have to have one you know.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  11. Your kitties are all so cute! 🙂

    I think the spider thing is funny. Thanks for the laugh. How does your niece react to it? We have a huge rubbery spider here along with rubber rats of various sizes. One of those rats startled me the other day as I reached into a box. haha I laid it out so that it could find its next victim. 🙂

    I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, Ellen!

    1. Thank you 🙂 She always screamed when she lived here and I assume she still does 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend too! XO

  12. Love the “traditional spider” trick…..tee hee…know how I’ve always remembered Millie is a boy-cat? I think of him as MILTON !!! Happy almost-versary!!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  13. Great fill-ins this week! We loved the fall-theme. We also celebrate a fall anniversary (11-23, on Thanksgiving day this year as it was originally 28 years ago). Happy Anniversary to you two!

  14. I’ve always wondered if Millie was male or female, hehehe…. He sure is handsome & very efficient as Pumpkin book inspector. I ADORE the pumpkins you made Ellen.
    October is a bittersweet month for me. Oct. 26th/74 was my 1st wedding anniversary; (lasted 5 yrs).
    Oct. 2nd/96 my beloved Nanna died.
    Oct. 3rd/96 she was buried.
    Oct. 3rd/99 I got married for 5th time (lasted 4 yrs & Kevin took his own life).
    I am so happy for you & hubby! 25 years is wonderful. Mazel Tov!
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen & *paw patsss* Siddhartha Henry x0x0

    1. I can see why that is a bad month for you. I am not a fan of September, I lost Phoebe and Lucy during that month and my Grandma died that month too back when I was 11.
      Thank you for the anniversary wishes. XO and love to you both. I hope Siddhartha’s new med helps him to feel better.

  15. Every October we all wish there were 11 more Octobers.

    Ha! That spider thing would not work with our mom–she checks the shower before she gets into it. (If she forgets, invariably there will be one in there and she will have no clothes on to put it outside. She does not like trying to shower with a spider.)

  16. A fall wedding is always lovely but a winter wedding is a slippery affair. mol Married for 25 years…excellent going Ellen. Mr. Millie is adorable and he is unique with a name like his.

    Shoko and Kali

  17. I knew Millie was a mancat, but I wondered how he got his name. He is a handsome cat.
    Congrats in advance to you and your husband.

  18. We love meeting and getting to know the rest of the 15andmeowing crew … but it’s not the same as your beautiful Phoebe. Of course, you know that already. I say this not as a criticism … but just to let you know that we miss her too.

    1. Thank you, it does comfort me to know everyone misses her. We miss her so much, our house feels so empty without her. XO

  19. Happy Anniversary early. Suzanne and I were married in November. As you can tell by Hamlet and Yorick, we are Halloween decorating fans. You can’t see him in the videos, but there is a bat skeleton that hangs from the top of the screen in some of the newer videos.

    I am not one with a supernatural flair, but, I have run into a ghost or two in my life.

    1. Thank you and happy early anniversary to you and Suzanne. I need to get caught up on Hammie’s videos 🙂

    1. Thank you, we used to have a cat we found in the barn named Barney too 🙂 The spider is just once a year. 🙂

  20. I was married in October too and am now mad at myself for neglecting to mention that. Our 30-year anniversary is the 10th. Your poor niece, LOL! I hate those plastic spiders but not as much as the real ones!

    I love Millie’s name! I never knew the meaning behind it.

    1. Happy30th Anniversary!!! I like most spiders except the really bog real ones 🙂 Glad you like Milie’s name.

  21. My #2 is exactly the same! Christmas is my favorite holiday, but Halloween decorations are my weakness…because cats! My parents celebrate 45 years on the 14th 🙂

  22. Great answers. The spider story is funny. TW used to use those little grey furry shmousie toys to scare people. She heard a lady scream from across the office once and the guy upstairs started hitting it with a brood … and he had a cat too who obviously didn’t have toys.

  23. Congratulations on your anniversary! We celebrated 28 years today. Millie is a good-looking cat regardless of gender. 🙂

  24. Happy Anniversary for later this month – what a lovely time of the year to get married. I absolutely hate spiders so I feel really sorry for your niece but I do enjoy the fact that you’ve kept that up like a family tradition. Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. My niece didn’t get scared this time 🙁 I hope you had a nice day too.

  25. Petcretary;s younger brother and his wife celebrated 31 years of married life on Oct 11th. They must like fall weddings too..and petcretary parents had an early September wedding…and yesterday a coworker got married!

    1. October is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor acivitiies. Usually the weather is nice and the temps are not too hot. Petcretary spent hours outside doing yard chores today.
    2. Halloween is petcretary’s least enjoyed day of the year….actually she hates it,MOL!
    3. Every October, I get ready to make my yarly trek to visit my aunt in Canada for her birthday. I have to be organized, leaving the fur kids in the care of pawppy…but this year I am taking Dalton with me…at least for now that is the plan:) .

    4. My experience with the supernatural world is : It is not allowed, according to Biblical statutes…but God does have His Angels here doing His bidding and helping to take care of us. An Angel kept me in my seat once when I had a very bad car accident… all I had were bumps and bruises but two cars were totalled. .

    1. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. Happy Belated Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful trip to Canada. I am glad your Guardian Angels were with you. XO

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