Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! Not sure you remember me, I am not on the blog often, but that is about to change. Phoebe chose me as the next leader and one of those duties includes writing. I hope it doesn ‘t cut into my nap time and my torture Daddy time. I love my Daddy the most, he doesn’t even get mad when I knock all the stuff off the table by his chair. I do that about 5 times a day.

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful for getting to spend almost 13 years as Phoebe’s sister. We used to play fight to get our folks to give out snacks, but we always were friends.

Now, here is my very first poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day, featuring the letter Q.

Phoebe named me the next Queen
because I am the most serene.
She told Emmy to help me out,
she has more clout
always smacking Joanie and Sam with her paw
she has lots of chutzpah.
I am going to be the poet
I hope I don’t blow it.

Phoebe left me her crown. She said we can all wear her clothes except her yellow polka dot bikini and her harness dress, those are to never be worn by anyone again. She also left us her pole dancing money and said we should buy another water fountain with it because water is so important for our kidneys.We all miss her very, very much.

Phoebe’s Purrince is not doing well, he has some health problems and is not eating so please purr and pray for him.To visit him, click here.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday. Mom came u with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. October is the perfect time to ____________________________.

2. Halloween _________________________.

3. Every October, I                               .

4. My experience with the supernatural world is                                   .
Thank you for reading this!



  1. Prancie, we know you will do a fantastic job. Phoebe will be with you and guiding you. You’ve already proven yourself a poet, Prancie, for this poem is purrfect!

  2. That is a big responsibility, Prancie, I but I know you can handle it! I was just a kitten when I had to take over Summer’s blog, and I didn’t even have that much help from Binga and Boodie! In fact, I think sometimes Binga made it harder. Just because she could.

    I loved the poem.

  3. Prancie, we know you will do an excellent job on the blog. We will be looking forward to your posts. You all have a fabulous day.

  4. We know you will do a super job!! You have a great start with that fabulous poem.

    Thank you for your kind words when our Daddy went to heaven. The support of our blogging friends has been a big help to us.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. That was a great first peom!
    Will you learn to pole dance ?
    Prayers and purrs for Purrince

    1. Thank you. I have never been a fan of poles, I prefer to conduct gravity tests. Thanks for praying for the purrince. XO

  6. Welcome the new Queen Prancie! We look forward to hearing your royal proclamations. PS: just get your subjects to do the stuff you don’t want to do, so you won’t miss any impawtant Daddy time.

  7. Hey, littlle queenie! Welcome to blogging Prancie! BTW your poem is superb! You’re already getting the hang of it. Yes, a new water fountain is definitely in order. Have to respect your kidneys at all times.
    We are purring and praying for Purrince.
    Luvies and bonkies,
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. Awww…thank you. I will do my best. And thanks for praying for Phoebe’s purrince. XO

  8. Love the the poem and the new poem writer. I’m sure you won’t blow it.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  9. Dear Ms Prancie,…er Queen Prancie, I, Marvelous believe you will become a great leader in your own right! Ms Phoebe taught you well!
    Today, I am thankful today for the wonderful toys I received from you guys last night. My Mommy came back from the mail with an envelope and in it was 2 chick-hen legs, a green fish and a pumpkin and a kicker! I PLAYED with my toys all night! I was hoping to get a thankful Thursday post up, but Mommy did not…But we will!
    In the meantime…THANK YOU!!!!

    1. Thank you, I won’t ever be as good of a writer as Phoebe, but I will do my best. XO

  10. Well done, Prancie! You look so pretty, too. I am sure you all miss Phoebe. But, with your help, we will be able to heal. Furkids help us all feel better. Thank you. ❤

  11. Hi doll. You must be so very proud that Phoebe chose to pass her crown on to you. That was a very sweet thing that she did. And I’m sure you will wear it well. I bet she is smiling right now as she watches over & protects all of you ’cause she knows you are all so very loved. Hugs.

  12. Prancie I think Phoebe chose her successor wisely. You look great in the crown, and no doubt you will rule with an iron paw (well……a SOFT iron paw anyway!). We love your poem too – I’d say you’re definitely a poetic Queen!

    Love and Hugs, Teddy

    1. Thank you Teddy, you are a sweet boy and so handsome ( a ginger like me). Emmy will be the enforcer and I will stay sweet. XO and love to you and your Mom too.

  13. prancie; we thinz ewe will due a sooooooper grate job at bloggin…afturr all
    ewe lurned ffrum de best ….phoebe…N way kewl how ya can knock stuffz off dadz tay bull !! 🙂 awesum 🙂 ♥♥

  14. Deer Prancie you did furabuluss on yur ferst poe-em!!! You ROCKED IT!
    An sweet Phoebe was all ways such a kind an carin kittygurl. Mee iss happy shee named you as thee next Queen an shared her pole dancin $money$ with all of youss’ an most of her outfitss!
    Sum day mee hopess thee Travellin sunglassess get here….butt it will bee bittersweet without mee sweet buttercup beein here to see me wear them.
    Mee iss eatin more as long as LadyMum bringss mee thee food. Mee still beein syringed water. An mee startss new meddysin tomorrow. Mee iss still berry icky sicky….
    Sinseerlee, Siddhartha Henry **sniffullsss** *snortsss* *sighsss*

    1. Thank you , you are a sweet boy. The sunglasses still have 3 places in the USA and then they go to you .We are all praying for you sweet boy. XO

      1. I have to be here to wear thee sunglasses Prancie!
        An fankss fur thee compleemint….you sorta sounded like Phoebe fur a seckond there….
        Sorry mee just missess her so much. Mee iss glad you tooked over thee bloggie! Yur a kewl kittygurl 😉

        1. Thank you. I know Phoebe loved you very much, she was always napping next to your photo. XO

          1. Purrincess Phoebe was mee soulkitty Prancie…. mee feelss emptee without her. mee can onlee emagin how all of youss’ feel there. An mee napss with Phoebe’ss fotoss all thee time, mew mew mew…. 😉

  15. Congratulations Prancie ! I know Phoebe chose well and you will do her proud as the heiress to the Throne !

  16. Prancie you will do a great job and I know you will appreciate a little help from Emmy… right? I love that you seem to have a similar sense of humor as Phoebe and I love that you love your Daddy… 🙂 I am sorry I have been missing but I am doing jury stuff. You look very Queenly in your crown.

  17. Welcome to the spotlight! I went over to the Purrince’s site and started following him. Maybe he’s just suffering a broken heart over Sophie.

  18. Welcome to the blogging world, Prancie. 🙂

    I am so sorry that Purrince is having health problems. I hope that he is going to be okay. He’s in my prayers.

    Have a purrfect weekend!

  19. Oh heck! I really must apologise as I AM unfashionably late to greet you Prancie and say hello to dearest Phoebe’s heir. I hope everything goes well for you in your new role, and should you need any pointers on all things cream and mouse related please do not hesitate to call around.
    Have a great week…

  20. hello prancie its dennis the vizsla dog hay welkum to the kweenship i no yoo wil do an ekselent job kerrying on in the tradishun of phoebe!!! i wood offer yoo a bow but sinse i am a dog that wood mayk it a play bow and then we wood hav to play and i am afrayd i am too old for that!!! ok bye

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