Friendly Fill-Ins Week 70

Hi everyone time for The Friendly Fill-Ins.Remember to leave your link at McGuffy’s Reader and you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate.

1. September bucket list: 1. _________________ 2. ________________…………..………………………

2. If I came with a warning label, it would say ___________________________________________.

3. Truth be told,                         .

4. I would rather                      than                           .

My answers:

  1. September bucket list: 1. declutter 2. start craft projects that will be Christmas gifts 3. make an apple pie ( or 2 or 3 ).
  2. If I came with a warning label, it would say MUST HAVE COFFEE TO FUNCTION.
  3. Truth be told, I don’t like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anything like that. I think it is not very personal and I can’t keep up with them all. I prefer to just blog and read blogs. I also like to email.
  4. I would rather be home with my cats than be anywhere else.

We are also joining Feline Friday hosted by Comedy Plus

  This is one of my niece’s cats, Nellie.



  1. What’s this, we’re first to comment….do we win something Phoebe….maybe the booby prize…hehe

    I say Nellie is a good lookin gal….how old is she? She looks pretty young to me.


  2. Mom totally agrees with #s 3 and 4. She does she is supposed to promote our blog on sites like Twitter and Instagram, but she also just wants to blog. Thanks for continuing to have this hop. We always enjoy seeing how everyone competes the sentences. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. It is too bad to get any paid posts you need to have a large following on all the social medias. Thank you for participating, we always enjoy your answers. XO

  3. Cats do make the best company. And dogs. Decluttering sounds like a good goal to have this time of year. 🙂 I hope you do achieve your bucket list goals! Have a great weekend, Ellen!

  4. Nellie is a pretty kitty!

    1. September bucket list: 1. Do Nothing for as long as I feel like it (Wow, that would be hard to accomplish)… 2. Keep on working but make sure all the residents are not sick, just needing help, 3 Find a food the dog will eat consistently, 4. Visit my Aunt for her 98th birthday; 5. Convince hubby that we need a snow removal & lawn care service…um…nope that is pie in the sky! – maybe a housecleaning lady? More pie in the sky…I shall have to eat pie. 6. Loose about ten punds while hubby tries to get off about 30, since though we ‘eat right’ we have put on some pounage over the past 2.5 years…

    2. If I came with a warning label, it would say this lady has a short fuse, beware of sudden ignition. (Though my fuse igniter is often hidden esp at work where I need to practice a lot of patience…towards both staff and residents.)

    3. Truth be told, I can be gullible, and sometimes peeps take advantage of me for that and play jokes…MOL! .
    4. I would rather clean up the house than cook; but I would rather bake than cook a meal. However to add to the truth be told some days I would rather not do any of those, Tee-hee!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Doing nothing would be nice for a while, but you would get bored 🙂 That is nice that you will go see your Aunt for her 98th birthday. You don’t look like you need to lose wright in your photos.
      I can’t imagine you having a short fuse, you are too sweet.
      Have a nice weekend! XO

  5. I like your list! I am de-cluttering my basement. *augh* I like your apple pie idea! I want to make Bill one. I never made an apple pie. But, I will!

    That warning label is definitely something I can relate to! I always tell Bill that is all I need in the morning. He asks what I what for breakfast. I say,”Coffee.” He asks what I want with it, I say, “More coffee.”

    YES! I agree with you about “social” media. It should be called anti-social media. The arguing and meanness is ridiculous. And, there are too many outlets for it. I like blogging or emails, too. Thank you!

    Nellie is cute! HUGS, my friend!

    1. Good luck on the basement. We did ours a few months ago and it is already messy again and in need of more decluttering.
      I bet Bill would love an apple pie. I use store bought crust.
      FB is especially mean spirited.
      Nellie is a sweetie and so good with my great-niece.
      Have an ice weekend. XO

  6. Ellen,

    I think I need to add your warning label underneath mine. I definitely need my coffee to function, especially at the start of the day. Talk about major brain fog! Hey, let me know when that apple pie is ready and I’ll bring the coffee. Yum, does that EVER sound good!

    Thanks for hosting the Friday fun, my friend and have a good weekend!

  7. We’re liking your fill-ins Miss Ellen…….my Mom is with you on the morning coffee thing – even though she’s only allowed one cup that cup gets her brain functioning (as well as it ever functions anyway…hahaha) and doing important things like cleaning my litterbox from overnight visits…….As for Facebook (which is the only one my Mom messes around with) it’s the only way she can keep in touch with some folks but she’d RATHER her friends lived next door than in cyberspace!!! Happy Friday!

    Love, Teddy

    1. I would not function with only one cup. I keep Facebook because I can only reach some that way too, but I don’t like it. XO and love to you both.

  8. I so agree with you about the blogging. I just enjoy the blogging and seeing all the different cats and dogs all over the world. Hi Nellie, you are so pretty. You all have a great day.

  9. Declutter. Bah. Our humans favorite word. We make sure to confuse her as much as we can. Just when we haven’t used a spot or toy for some months and she starts thinking about getting it away, we start using it! Tessa and Kajsa

  10. Good Fill-ins! Apple pie… Yay! I am with you on #3… I hang on to The Book of Face because it gets me to a lot of fun kitties and the things they do but reading blogs and comments is my favorite! I understand your #4!
    Nice to meet you, Nellie!

    1. Thank you. I have Facebook, but I get frustrated that I never see everyone’s new posts unless I go directly to a page. It is good for updates, but I prefer email for more personal connections. Nellie is a cutie. She is so good with my great niece.

  11. Your fill-ins are always so wonderful to read. I’m working on decluttering, too, so I should have put that on my bucket list for this month. Our #4 is pretty much identical. Time spent with kitties is never wasted!

  12. I don’t like Facebook either. It is a family and homewrecker site, social media that sucks people into it to the exclusion of those there with them. I hate it. Twitter is okay, except that the 140 character limit complicates things sometimes. Mostly, I just use it to share our blog links. Instagram, I love, but still don’t use it daily like many folks do. I’ve met some really friendly folks there that I have things in common with, like love of photography. I don’t agree with the idea that, in order to be successful, we have to be on absolutely every social media out there. Who really has time for all that? Blogs are great for a multitude of reasons, like meeting nice people like you. You can post pictures on them and you aren’t limited (as far as I know) to how many characters/words you can use. And, you can comment back and forth with other folks. Blogging is the best of all the other social media all rolled into one. 🙂

    I think apple pies would be great! Have you ever had a bear claw? They are supposedly shaped like a bear’s hand, but the ones our donut shop makes look like little kid hands to me. They have an apple filling in them and they are absolutely delicious. I don’t know if all bear claws have fruit in them or not, but I’m glad we found these.

    What is your favorite kind of coffee?

    I think being able to be home with your kitties is great and I know it must make them so happy, too. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. I would like Instagram if I had a way to post photos. I have an account, but no way to get photos on it because the laptop app doesn’t allow that.
      I have never had a bear claw, but I have seen them. Not sure if they had apple in those though.
      I like plain old coffee from home like Maxwell House or Folgers, the lighter side, I don;t go for the strong dark kinds. What about you?
      Have a blessed weekend too. XO

  13. You have no idea how close our replies would have been if I’d filled out the questions! The only thing we disagree on is coffee – love the smell, but it upsets my stomach, so I generally just sniff my husband’s cup in appreciation.

    1. Sorry it upsets your stomach. Whole Foods has a light roast that is low in acid and only $3.99 a can, it says cinnamon roast, but it isn’t flavored, it is just the name of it. That would be easy on your stomach.

  14. Thanks for helping host the challenge! Sounds like your September will be busy. I’ll wish you a happy weekend! 🙂

  15. Mee-you Cuss-inn Nellie iss cute as a button!!! A Callyco button!! Mew mew mew….
    An LadyMum says shee iss ALOT like you Lady Ellen: shee purrferss blogging an emailin to FB an wee not on any other sitess. Thee onlee good fing with FB iss wee can leave status messagess so efurryone knowss if wee OK or not!
    Emailss are thee best! Iss like goin to a ackshual mailbox an checkin fur mail….
    Pleeze give Purrincess Phoebe all mee LUV an ***paw kissesss***
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. I have the exactly same answer for #4! I also don’t function without coffee and I like just blog 🙂
    Have a great weekend!

  17. You are so right about there being too much social media to keep up with it all. Best to choose a favorite and stick with it.

    Enjoy those pies!

  18. To-do list is always: do your chores! Which I mostly ignore, and spend time outside with Mother Nature. Maybe if I didn’t want to go outside, I’d do my chores! LOL! Have a good weekend, and let’s hope Florida doesn’t get what they are predicting.

  19. fryday flounder waves two ewe cuzin nellie; ewe iz one gorgeouz gal !! N we wood like fishin wermz in R buckit…… 🙂 ♥♥

  20. I don’t Facebook. Twitter is too limiting. I use both of them, but just for re-posting. I do love me some YouTube. We will get back to YouTubing in a few weeks. I have an Instagram, but that is just for when companies that send products for review ask for us to Instagram it. Most just want a blog post or Amazon review. Some actually ask for a video. I love to do those. We prefer to stay home, too.

    I am a people person. We run into people at the Walmart and HEB all the time. We will spend a lot of time in the store just “Jawin’ “. Believe it or not, I have been known to jaw for hours at a time.

    1. I have an Instagram account, but I have no way to post photos because I don’t have a smart phone.
      I am the opposite of people person, my mom and I drive 30 minutes away to go to that Walmart so we don’t have to talk to people. I am very introverted.

    2. I have an Instagram account, but can’t post photos because I don’t have a smart phone. I have the app on my laptop, but it doesn’t let you post photos, only look at them.

  21. Hi Nellie! Nice to meet you. TW is trying to declutter too. She should just call those guys who run the ads on the radio “just point and your junk will disappear.” Truth be told, I’d be happy with blogging and Twitter like the old days.

    1. That is right, you have a big Twitter following. There are too many social media outlets now and I find it impossible to be on them all. Nellie says hi. Good luck to TW with decluttering, the trouble with calling those places is you don’t get to go through all your stuff and decide what you want.XO

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