Friendly Fill-Ins Week 126

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section.

1. I have _______________ for  ____________.

2. _________________ make me _____________________.
3. I’m surprised that _________.

4. To make a long story short, ________

My answers:
1. I have an endless supply of love for all cats.
2. Cats make me happy.
3. I’m surprised that it was so hot and humid today. I though fall had arrived, but summer snuck back in.
4. To make a long story short, KaTwo needs prayers.*
* This is the long version-KaTwo could use some purrs and prayers. About a month ago , I took her to the vet because she was losing weight and drinking a lot of water. I though she was diabetic, but she is hyperthyroid. Her liver was inflamed because of this, I never realized that could happen. I got her an antibiotic shot just in case the inflammation was caused by infection. She quickly recovered and has been doing fine. She is tough to examine and requires Gabapentin just to get her into the carrier. That day the vet was unable to fully examine her after drawing blood. We went back for a thyroid recheck and I asked the vet to examine her this time because I could see blue around one of her nipples and felt a lump. The vet told me in 90% of cases it is malignant and the prognosis is poor.  I am praying for that 10%, she will be seeing a surgeon as soon as I can get her an appointment. The vet did say she felt 2 lumps, but they were small.I always worry about this with my females because I adopt them as adults and most have not been spayed until they were older which is a cause of cancer. Has anyone ever had a cat with this? If so, how long did they survive?
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

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  1. Awww I’m sorry to hear that KaTwo is having upsetting health issues. We are praying for her and for you. {{{Hugs}}}

    It was hot here today, too, but way cooler than it was yesterday. It got to 97° here yesterday, but only in the 80s today.

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. I am glad it didn’t get that hot here. I hope you have a blessed weekend too. XO

  2. 1. I have yearned for this cooler weather.

    2. Good friends make me contented and happy.
    3. I’m surprised that we have had so much rain since fall started.

    4. To make a long story short, I love my family!

    Sending lots of purrs and pawyers along with POTP for KaTwo. That sure does sound so worrisome.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I have been looking forward to this cold weather. I love your answer to #4. XO

  3. We will be sending a whole lot of POTP for sweet KaTwo. So sorry she has the tumors – perhaps she will be in that 10% and we’ll pray for that.

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Oh, my dear. I feel for you. Sad to say, our Luna passed away from breast cancer. As you mentioned, she came to us after bearing a litter of kittens. Apparently by the time I got her spayed in 1999, she already had a death sentence, however blessedly delayed.

    It started with me finding a tiny lump in the spring of 2014. After the diagnosis my husband couldn’t bare to see me lose her. As a result we put her through extraordinary measures, spending thousands of dollars on chemotherapy and a full one-side mastectomy! Even I wasn’t planning to put her through such radical surgery and rather wish I’d argued against it, though she seemed grateful for the extra time those efforts brought us. To our sorrow, her little body started shutting down before summer ended.

    We had her put to sleep on August 5, 2014. I wish you the best of luck and will pray for you.

  5. I’m so sorry about KaTwo. I hate it when they get sick. Prayers in progress. I hope she’s in the 10% too.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  6. So sorry to hear about the health trouble KaTwo has been having.
    I hope you get good news regarding the lumps.

  7. Sending healing purrz to KaTwo. My Twitter furrend Jessie Janey was a breast cancer survivor and she was doing quite well. I wish I could put you in touch but her human died suddenly a few years ago.

  8. Oh no! I’m very sorry. I have a friend who adopted an adult female who’d had kittens and was spayed as an adult. She too developed two small lumps. She quickly had the surgery and had a few good months, but the cancer is aggressive and she didn’t last much longer when it came back. I sure hope this isn’t the case with your girl but I felt you should know. Are you getting a biopsy?

    1. Thank you. I am praying this does not happen. I would not put her through surgery unless she gets a better prognosis. We see the surgeon on the 22nd and I am thinking he will do a biopsy.

  9. ka two….we R sorree ya getted sum knot sew good nooze N haz asked
    R total lee awesum pal st francis ta send all hiz best two ewe….we hope thiz iz knot de bass terd C werd. N sorree yur mom hurd thiz nooze; de vet shulda may bee knot said that…ore eggs planed it a bit less harsh….leest we think… until sum thin waz pawsitive …… ???? ~~~~~~~ ♥♥

  10. Sending purrs and hugs for KaTwo’s diagnosis to be a good one! Hope you can get an appointment soon; the waiting is too hard on us pet parents.

  11. We have a very cold and wet day here. We don’t miss the hot and humid, but we wish we could get a dryer spell for a bit.

    All paws crossed for Ka Two to be OK. We hope you are right about the 10% for her.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Sending prayers, hugs, and tons of hope that KaTwo is in the 10% ♥

    We are below 90 degrees today… shock. And humidity is down. Maybe we are going to start seeing some less hot days and nights… fingers crossed.

    I have had one too many hurricane scares for the last 5 months.
    Geckos on the front porch ceiling make me scream like a little girl It’s those eyes.
    I’m surprised that it is already October.
    To make a long story short, I can’t stick to short!

    1. Thank you for the prayers and hope. Yes, you have had a lot of hurricane scares, I am glad you are safe. Geckos would make me scream too. I am surprised it is October already too. Have a nice weekend! XO

  13. Purrayers and POTP for sweet KaTwo and her family and the vets who will be caring for her.

  14. Oh awnty Ellen, we’re so sorry to hear this. Of course we’re sendin’ logs of hugs and purrayers. And yes, we know a kitty that had mammary cancer. She had surgery to remove the lumps and her mammary glands and is still alive 7 years later. She’s had to have a couple of surgeries as it did spread, but she’s still purrin’ and happy. Pawsitive thoughts help a lot. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you. I was hoping to hear something like this. I appreciate the hope you just gave me. XO

  15. Sending POTP,purrs and prayers to KaTwo. We pray that things are not as bad as they appear right now. Hugs to mom Ellen

  16. I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of hugs and healing thoughts your way. I hope everything turns out well. xo

  17. Prayers from me and purrs from Teddy and Jack for KaTwo’s health. Hopefully, she is just a lumpy cat. Jack sends head bumps, too.

  18. Oh no. I’m sad to hear this news about KaTwo. Poor sweetheart. Aside from the lumps, I also wonder if she’s now on thyroid medication. I will definitely pray for her. I hope the surgeon has better news.

  19. First and foremost, we are sending many, many, many purrs and prayers to KaTwo! We are hoping beyond hope that she is in the 10%.

    It was hot and humid here just two days ago, with temperatures nearing 90°F. Then, today, it snowed. I am seasonally confused.

  20. We are hopelessly ;ate coming by to send our love and prayers for Ka-Two. You dearly hope that you are the 10%. whatever happens, we are here you need us. Just holler.

  21. Your fill-ins are fabulishious!
    Mom agrees with your #2 (so does my human brother Alex)
    We are purraying for Ka-Two!


  22. Oh no….we are so sorry to hear this. We are sending warm thoughts, prayers, and POTP for KaTwo. We hope she has still been feeling OK at this time though, and the lumps aren’t bothering her?

  23. Ellen, we are sending you and KaTwo lots of love. We have all our paws and toes and tails crossed that she falls into the 10 percentile. We will be on the lookout for an update. xx

    Sophie and the critters in the cottage xo

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